Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination
Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility.

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world.
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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 3rd week of September 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come.
It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 3rd week of September 2024.
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September Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions
Love: Ten of Cups (Reversed)
Finance: Two of Pentacles (Reversed)
Career: Knight of Pentacles
Health: Page of Cups
Aries, Ten of Cups (Reversed) may signify a lack of harmony and fulfillment in your relationships. There could be arguments, severed family relationships, or hopelessness within. It acts as a reminder to address any lingering issues and make an effort to foster a more comfortable environment.
Money may be limited, and it could seem like you’ll never be able to find a way to cover all of your expenses. Sadly, this is not an unusual circumstance. Examine your budget carefully, or make one if you haven’t already, to see what you can eliminate. Seek a raise or take on a side project that brings in a little money.
Knight of Pentacles is a very good card to have in a career reading for you. It means that you are going to get an offer from someone who is heading toward being an extremely successful businessman. And he/she will assist you in building yours.
Page of Cups is always happy news dear Aries. If you have been waiting for any medical report or any diagnosis, then it will come out in your favor. It is a positive card indicating healing and good health.
Lucky Flower This Week: Asiatic Lily
Love: The Star
Finance: Four of Wands
Career: Knight of Swords (Reversed)
Health: Wheel of Fortune (Reversed)
The Star in love shows that dear Taurus, you hold great importance in the eyes of your partner. If you’re single then there are a lot of people who wish to approach you this week. This card indicates a solid partnership and a long lasting partnership.
The Four of Wands portends favorable news regarding finances. It represents security of finances and stability. You can now savor the results of your effort because your carefully planned and diligent work has paid off. Now you may unwind by sitting back. Savor your financial freedom.
Knight of Swords (Reversed) can indicate missed opportunities, being stagnant, or feeling out of control. This card suggests the need to slow down and reevaluate your actions and decisions.
Wheel of Fortune (Reversed) The card with the reversed image suggests possible disturbances with regard to health. It serves as a helpful reminder to put self-care first and make constructive changes even when things are difficult.
Lucky Flower This Week: Dahlia
Love: Temperance
Finance: King of Cups
Career: Page of Swords
Health: Five of Swords
Hello, Geminis! This week will be fantastic in terms of your personal life. You will enjoy yourself and your partner’s company and get to spend some wonderful moments together. You’ll have plenty of room to strengthen your emotional connection. Respect for one another will increase correspondingly.
The King of Cups has sufficient wealth to cover your expenses and have a comfortable lifestyle of your choice. This week, you’ll manage your money modestly and create a budget to make things simpler for yourself. We’ll have a comfortable financial week.
In a career reading, the Page of Swords is actually a favorable card, despite how bad it sounds. You might acquire perspective and clarity on your career this week. There will be a ton of new duties and lessons to master this week.
Five of Swords suggests that your health is probably feeling battle-weary right now. Your energy has been depleted by the difficulties you have faced or are presently facing, whether they are related to stress, anxiety, or a recent illness.
Lucky Flower This Week: Balloon Flower
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Love: Ten of Swords
Finance: Justice
Career: Judgment
Health: Two of Swords
Oh dear Cancers, It seems like you’ve just come out of a toxic relationship or trying to get out of one. You must be in a dark phase right now but remember there’s morning after each night. Good days are just on the horizon. You will be just fine.
Justice serves as a gentle reminder to treat your money and finances with respect this week. Only make large purchases when absolutely necessary. Focus on saving your money and do not spend unnecessarily.
Judgment in Career, suggests that you may be awaiting a promotion of appraisal this week and you will get it as desired and it will be a well deserved reward. Things on the career front will go well during this period.
Two of Swords, on the health front, are signaling towards some mental stress issues. You must pay attention to your mental health and get treatment as soon as possible.
Lucky Flower This Week: Morning Glory
Love: The Chariot
Finance: The Moon
Career: The Hierophant
Health: Six of Cups
Leos, It’s time to take charge and make sure you know exactly what kind of romance and love you want in your life. The Chariot tarot love meaning compels you to act after you’ve determined your path. Success is attainable with guts, drive, and confidence.
The Moon cautions against making rash financial decisions or investments. Prior to making any financial decisions, use caution and acquire all relevant information. It indicates that impulsive actions may result in losses and people around you may try to steal your money. Trust none.
The Hierophant in a career context is a card showing stability and comfort. It shows that you are fine with your work environment and content with how things are moving. You do not want to change jobs or look for something new as of now.
Six of Cups in a health context indicates that any old injury or disease may resurface, indicating health issues and concerns for you. Seek medical help as soon as the symptoms start to show.
Lucky Flower This Week: Dragon Flower
Love: King of Wands
Finance: Ten of Wands
Career: Ten of Swords (Reversed)
Health: Eight of Cups
Heya Virgos, The King of Wands indicates that you are in a relationship with someone who possesses the traits of a visionary leader when it comes to love and relationships. This individual exudes strength, charisma, and confidence. He/she will take a firm stand and protect their relationships at all costs.
Ten of Wands in finances indicates you are carrying a heavy financial load. There are various ways to do this. It’s possible that you’re behind on your debt payments or that you have other unpaid bills to take care of. It could be that there’s a big price that needs to be paid for right now, like a company loan or schooling.
Ten of Swords (Reversed) indicates you are on your path to healing from past stresses. You may have changed jobs recently, or left a job that was creating lots of frustration, anger and resentment for you. Whatever had happened, the worst of it is now over. You can breathe a sigh of relief that what is ahead will be easier to deal with.
Eight of Cups in the health context says that you may be going through some psychological or emotional stresses and this may lead to a lot of new health issues if not addressed on time. Seek professional help in a timely manner.
Lucky Flower This Week: Marigold
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Love: Page of Swords
Finance: Five of Cups (Reversed)
Career: Three of Cups
Health: The Star
Page of Swords in love shows immaturity on your part Libras, or your partner may behave immaturely. This card suggests that your relationship involves emotional manipulation or mental games. It’s possible for one or both partners to act dishonestly, manipulate power relationships, or use words as weapons. This may result in miscommunication, emotional upheaval, and a lack of trust.
In case you have been going through financial difficulties or losses, the inverted five of cups can indicate that this phase is coming to an end and provide comfort. You might be overcoming your losses and discovering new routes to financial security. Take pride in your accomplishments.
Three of Cups in a career reading indicates that you will encounter a lot of occasions this week at work where you will be able to celebrate your success. A lot of achievements and milestones may be coming your way keeping you motivated and energized.
The Star in a health context ensures extremely good health and vitality. You will feel powerful and will try your best to maintain your health routine.
Lucky Flower This Week: Aster
Love: Knight of Swords (Reversed)
Finance: Wheel of Fortune
Career: The Emperor
Health: Five of Pentacles
Knight of Swords (Reversed) in a love reading indicates that you and your partner will have less arguments this week. This card can represent lost possibilities, feeling unmotivated, or being uncontrollably inclined. It could also be a sign of inattentiveness or lack of attention.
Wheel of Fortune indicates financial gains. This card can indicate impending adjustments to your financial circumstances. It suggests that you handle your money sensibly and be prepared for unforeseen bills. These adjustments may encourage you to increase your savings for the future if you have been financially secure.
The Emperor card reflects that establishing new methods or structures to interact more efficiently, as well as developing one’s career, require discipline, efficiency, and persistence.
Five of Pentacles in the health context points at long term diseases gripping you this week or a fatal injury that may keep you away from pursuing your social and professional life. It is best to see a doctor.
Lucky Flower This Week: Poppy
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Love: Strength
Finance: Knight of Cups
Career: Seven of Pentacles
Health: Seven of Wands
Heya Sagis, When you pull the Strength card in a love tarot reading, you can find yourself in the middle of an intense and furious romance. This card’s powerful emotions can point to a strong connection as well as one that may be vulnerable to outbursts of jealousy, rage, or other strong emotions.
In the financial context this card may also imply that you may need to think outside the box to find solutions. But once you are able to think beyond the box, chances are you will be able to solve your challenges.
Seven of Pentacles in a career reading indicates that things are moving forward. Though it may take time, your efforts are rewarded every day even if you may not notice as of now. Examining your accomplishments more closely and determining what is and is not working can be beneficial at this point.
Seven of Wands in a health reading indicates that with proper medication and treatment and the efforts of your loved ones, your health will improve. It also indicates the importance of making your own effort towards improving your health.
Lucky Flower This Week: Orchid
Love: Four of Pentacles
Finance: The Tower (Reversed)
Career: Queen of Wands
Health: Ace of Cups
Dear Capricorns, Four of Pentacles in a love reading indicates that your spouse may be overly attached and even oppressive to an extent. This card can cause jealousy and possessiveness in relationships, which can gradually destroy even the most blissful relationships. Try and talk things out with your partner.
The Tower card in reverse indicates that you should not fight essential changes in your financial situation. It implies that facing financial difficulties head-on is frequently a wiser course of action than attempting to postpone the inevitable.
The Queen of Wands denotes a time of great vitality and output. You have the motivation, efficiency, and dexterity to manage several things at once. Your capacity for self-direction and organization makes you successful in your career aspirations.
Ace of Cups in a health reading is a positive sign and signals either the end of a sickness. There are two types of problems: internal and external. It’s time to recharge your batteries after a protracted period of hardship.
Lucky Flower This Week: Iris
Love: The Hermit
Finance: Four of Swords
Career: Five of Wands
Health: Ace of Swords
Dear Aquarius, The Hermit tarot love interpretation can suggest that before establishing a committed romantic relationship with someone else, we might need some alone time to gain some self-awareness, even though it may feel a little lonely. You two might wish to undertake this soul-searching jointly if you’re already in a relationship.
Do you find yourself obsessing over what’s in your money account? It may seem natural to you to worry about your finances if you’re not accustomed to handling financial hardship. Frequently, thinking around a problem won’t help it, therefore the greatest thing we can do for our minds is to refrain from allowing negative thoughts to control you.
The Five of Wands forewarns of possible strife and rivalry in the workplace when it comes to careers. It’s possible that you work in a cutthroat setting where ego and personality conflicts impede advancement. Effective collaboration and navigating past people’s egos are necessary for success.
Ace of Swords signifies a period of motivation and mental clarity. It motivates you to take charge of your health and implement healthy lifestyle choices. Make wise selections by evaluating your behaviors with your enhanced mental clarity.
Lucky Flower This Week: Rose
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Love: The Magician
Finance: Eight of Wands
Career: Queen of Swords
Health: Ten of Wands
Dear Pisces, The Magician card in a love reading indicates that you have the ability to bring your likes and desires in terms of a partner to life. This card advises you to follow through on your feelings and trust your intuition, even if you just have a crush on someone.
Eight of Wands signifies the flow of money inwards and outwards at the same speed. It could appear as though money leaves your possession as soon as it does. Neither good nor harmful is intrinsic to this inclination. Right now, your capacity to remember how much money came in and how much went out will determine how successful you are.
Queen of Swords in a financial context may indicate you or a more senior person. This individual is intelligent, trustworthy, and could offer helpful critique. They can provide insightful guidance on how to advance in your profession. If this card is a representation of you, you might be going through a phase in your life where you can command a lot of respect from your peers.
Ten of Wands in health context indicates being overburdened and your body being extremely tired. Tiredness could lead to muscle aches and strains. Give your body some rest.
Lucky Flower This Week: African Daisy
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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, if the question asked is vague and not specific, then Tarot may not be able to answer it properly.
The cards are never wrong, it’s only the reader who may sometimes interpret the cards wrongly.
Try asking a question only once with proper clarity as asking the same question differently will only end up confusing the cards and the reader.