Tarot Weekly Horoscope (14-20 April): Tarot Foretells The Future In Style!

Tarot Weekly Horoscope (14-20 April): Tarot Foretells The Future In Style!

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is definitely not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

To Get a Tarot Reading 2024, Talk To The Best Tarot Readers!

Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 2nd week of April, 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of Tarot dates back to the 1400’s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were actually put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; as to how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft and bore the backlash of superstition and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is definitely basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as main tool for divination in India and across the globe and definitely deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 2nd week of April, 2024. 

Also Read: Also Read: Tarot Reading 2024- Annual Prediction

April Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Justice

Finance: Four of Wands

Career: Five of Wands

Health: Two of Swords

Dear Aries natives, the Justice card in a reading emphasizes that this week you will learn a lot of life lessons through different experiences in your love life that will assist in reaching a higher level of understanding between you and your partner. It encourages individuals to remain true to themselves and to strive for balance and fairness within romantic partnerships.

Four of Wands in a financial reading  signifies stability and financial security. This week your hard work and careful planning will be paid off, allowing you to enjoy the fruits of your labor. This is a time to indulge in treating your loved ones and sharing your wealth with them. 

Behold Aries! The Five of Wands warns of potential conflict and competition in the workplace. You may find yourself in a competitive environment where clashes of personality and ego hinder progress. Success requires navigating through the egos of others and finding ways to collaborate effectively.

Two of Swords in a health reading indicates some psychological health issues that you could be going through or feeling the need to reach out for medical help. You could also be looking for closure this week for something that may be mentally troubling you.  

Lucky Color: Coral Red


Love: Two of Wands

Finance: The Empress

Career: The Hanged Man (Reverse)

Health: Two of Pentacles

Heya Taurians, When the Two of Wands appears in a love Tarot reading, it suggests that there may be a lack of contentment or restlessness within the relationship. It could indicate a choice between staying in the relationship or exploring new romantic opportunities.

The Empress always signifies growth in whichever reading she appears as a card. You can rejoice as the Empress does signify that your finances will get better this week. There is a high chance that you might get a good salary hike or new sources of income may open up for you. 

The Hanged Man (Reversed) calls for taking control of one’s career. It encourages active participation in shaping one’s professional path and setting clear career goals. It reminds individuals that they are not passive passengers in their careers but active decision-makers. You will be pushed to gain clarity in your career this week through circumstances. 

Two of Pentacles as a health card indicates that you may be pushing yourself too far in other spheres of your life, which might be harmful to your health. Trying to juggle too many things at once might make you extremely stressed out and anxious, which may show up as a physical disease or injury.

Lucky Color: Light Pink


Love: Nine of Swords

Finance: Strength

Career: The Tower (Reversed)

Health: Temperance (Reversed)

Nine of Swords in a love reading is definitely bad news Geminis. It indicates that this week there may be challenges and negative emotions present in your relationship. Secrets, infidelity, or deception may be causing distress and guilt. It’s crucial to address these issues openly and honestly to find resolution and rebuild trust. Try to open lines of communication with your partner.

Strength in a financial reading Geminis advises caution in spending and making wise financial decisions. It suggests the potential for professional growth and rewards but reminds you to remain emotionally balanced and self-assured.

The Tower in a reversed position in career suggests a resistance to personal transformation. It signifies a reluctance to embrace change willingly. Instead of accepting the need for change, you might be holding on to old beliefs, even when you know they no longer serve you.

You might be overworking or underperforming, leading to conflicts with colleagues. There may be a lack of attention as your health may not be supporting you. Take a step back, assess the situation, and work on rebalancing your energy and approach. Problems at work could lead to health problems and disrupt your success. Don’t let this happen.

Lucky Color: Light Green


Love: Three of Pentacles

Finance: The High Priestess

Career: Ace of Cups

Health: Four of Swords

Howdy Cancers! There is a high possibility that you might be getting married this week and wedding preparations will be in full swing. There is also a possibility that someone in your family is getting married and you could be gearing up for their wedding. Three of Pentacles can also suggest that the bonding between you and your partner is definitely becoming better this week. 

The High Priestess in a financial reading urges you to earn through clean and the right sources and in the right manner. This card cautions you to spend wisely and not spend too much on unnecessary things. This card also urges you to plan your finances well and logically.

Ace of Cups in a career reading is one amazing card to receive. It shows that your career is going in the right direction and everything is happening the way it should. You are at the top of your professional ladder and your career is providing you with name recognition, fame, financial stability and everything else.

The Four of Swords highlights the need for you to take rest before head diving into any other thing. This week has been extremely busy. Therefore, there is a great need for you to take proper rest and rejuvenate yourself to be able to take on what’s coming up next.

Lucky Color: Pearl White

Read about your career prospects in 2024 by clicking here: Career Horoscope 2024


Love: Four of Swords

Finance: Three of Wands

Career: Three of Cups

Health: Five of Wands

Four of Swords in love states that dear Leo’s, this week you may feel the need to spend some alone time so that you can retrospect on what you want and where the relationship is headed. If you’re single this card could indicate the need to shift your focus on improving yourself and becoming the best version of yourself before entering a new relationship.

Three of Wands in a financial reading is a good omen. This shows that new sources of income will soon open up for you. You might be contemplating starting a new business or switching your job in search of a better financial prospect. 

Three of Cups in a career reading states that this week would definitely be able to come out of a sticky spot in your professional life and experience relief finally. You are now finally in a comfortable position in your career and leaving all your worries behind. You’re moving towards stability and security. 

Five of Wands in a health spread means that this week you may find yourself dealing with a lot of stress and as a result your health may go downhill. Caution is advised.

Lucky Color: Bright Orange


Love: King of Cups

Finance: Six of Pentacles

Career: Ace of Pentacles

Health: Three of Swords

King of Cups points towards the fact that your spouse or partner would be very nurturing towards you this week. They will be sensitive towards you and may show their emotional side which may help bring you two closer. Singles are now ready to get into a relationship. 

Six of Pentacles in a financial reading indicates that you will completely be focused on building your finances and becoming stable and secure. You have made a solid plan to achieve the financial security you wish to achieve. You will execute your plan perfectly and reach the stature you have in your mind.

Ace of Pentacles in a career reading indicates that new achievements are coming your way. Something new is headed your way in your professional life, whether that’s a new job, a new responsibility within your current role, or even a new business partner or connection. This new change will lead you on the path of success.

Three of Swords in a health spread is not a good indicator at all. You must surely visit a doctor if you experience even slight discomfort. Some of you may have to deal with heart related issues.

Lucky Color: Muddy Green

Read about your love life in the year 2024 by clicking here: Love Horoscope 2024


Love: Four of Pentacles

Finance: Six of Pentacles

Career: Nine of Pentacles

Health: King of Cups

Four of Pentacles in a love reading indicates that you’re inclined towards keeping your relationship private and happy to be away from the public eye. You like to spend quality time with your partner away from all responsibilities and work. 

Six of Pentacles will definitely get you the assistance you need this week and it confirms the fact that you will receive all the assistance you need in either managing your finances or receiving loans, etc for your work. 

Nine of Pentacles is a positive card to receive in a career setting. You may find yourself enjoying what you’re doing. The current phase of your career may be a dream come true and you’re definitely enjoying living your dream. You’ve worked hard without support from anyone and you deserve every bit of success.

King of Cups points at good health and no major illness or injury may trouble you this week. You may be able to lead a healthy life with no ups and downs really. You’re completely in control of your physical health.

Lucky Color: Silver/White


Love: King of Swords

Finance: Ace of Pentacles

Career: King of Wands

Health: Justice

Woah! These are some solid sets of cards. King of Swords in a love reading shows that this week you will be happy spending time all by yourself. You’re strong and independent in yourself and do not need a partner at all. 

Ace of Pentacles in a financial reading indicates that you will find stable grounds financially this week. Your new business ventures would all be successful and will help you earn high profits this week. There is a high possibility of good increments in salary coming for you Scorpios.

King of Wands in a career reading indicates that you’re well in control of your career and you are probably at a high position in your organization or you are a business owner who has full control over the working of your firm or company.

Justice in a health spread indicates that you will spend a rather healthy week and will enjoy life to the fullest. In case you’re not keeping well then know that healing is coming towards you. 

Lucky Color: Black


Love: Three of Wands

Finance: Two of Cups

Career: Seven of Pentacles

Health: The Tower

Three of Wands in a love reading indicates Sagis that this week may be testing times for your relationship. You both may encounter situations and circumstances this week which could put your patience and commitment to test. Make sure to coordinate well so that you can sail through easily.

Two of Cups in a financial reading is a welcome card for sure. This card indicates that your business partners or your family and friends would be very helpful towards you and provide the required financial assistance and support to you. If you run a business along with your partner, it’d do great this week.

Seven of Pentacles in a career reading is happy news for you this week  Sagis. There’s a promotion you have been waiting for a long time now and finally you will receive it. There are high chances that you will finally be able to see your efforts bearing fruits after a long and hard struggle.

The Tower in a health spread speaks trouble dear Sagis. It indicates physical illnesses and injuries bearing you down this week. You are advised to take precautions as this may result in you being able to avoid a lot of health issues which may otherwise trouble you.

Lucky Color: Mustard Yellow

Read your numerological predictions for the year 2024 by clicking here: Numerology Horoscope 2024


Love: The Chariot

Finance: Six of Pentacles

Career: Death

Health: Five of Swords

The Chariot in a love tarot reading can signal Capricorns that some unconscious changes are about to happen in your emotional state. The appearance of this card suggests that one needs patience, and trust their intuition to be able to work well on your relationship. 

 If you’ve had a dream to start a project or a business, then Six of Pentacles is an indication that you may find many people willing to help you make this a reality. Go out and ask, pitch your idea, create a kickstarter campaign, tell people what you want to build. Your passion is likely to inspire others to help in whatever way they can.

There can be a lot of stress right now when it comes to your career; Death card can signify a transformation like; a sudden job loss, or the attainment of a new position that creates chaos due to sudden increases in responsibility. 

The Five of Swords can indicate a period of illness and injury this week. You may have to deal with unwanted health issues either your own or of someone in the family. This can be a stressful period. 

Lucky Color: Dark Blue


Love: Ten of Cups

Finance: Nine of Cups

Career: The Empress 

Health: Temperance

Ten of Cups in a love reading indicates that you are in a blissful period of your relationship and enjoying your time with family and your partner. You will get the time to spend some quality time with your partner and you will want to soak in this blissful phase.

Nine of Cups in a financial reading indicates that your finances will be as you wish it to be. Your investments will pay you back extremely well and you will be very stable and secure this week. 

The Empress in career indicates growth and good times ahead this week. It signifies strength and sovereignty. The Empress is portrayed as a revolutionary leader who isn’t afraid to dismantle existing systems and build new ones from the ground up.

It’s time to reevaluate your lifestyle and make changes to regain your balance. You may be using unhealthy coping mechanisms to deal with stress.

Lucky Color: Gray


Love: Wheel of Fortune

Finance: Four of Swords

Career: Knight of Swords

Health: The World

Wheel of Fortune is a card signifying positive changes in your relationship Pisces. You and your partner will come closer together and bond on a deeper level. They may also take the relationship a step further towards commitment.

Four of Swords in a financial reading wants you to let go of thoughts that lead to nothing. The best thing we can do for our minds is think of something else. Avoid letting paranoid ideas and negative thinking consume you. 

Knight of Swords in a career reading indicates that you’re extremely sure to get what you want. Nothing quite scares you off, when it comes to your job. You’re likely to be excellent at what you do, going after your projects and completing them with almost ruthless efficiency. This may intimidate others sometimes, but this may not be a very big concern to you. 

The World in a health reading is a good card to receive dear Pisces. You will definitely spend a good week altogether and be in good health and be able to spend a rather healthy, happy week together. 

Lucky Color: Gold

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