May Tarot Weekly Horoscope From 12th May To 18th May 2024!

May Tarot Weekly Horoscope From 12th May To 18th May 2024!

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 2nd week of May 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 2nd week of May 2024. 

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May Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: King of Pentacles

Finance: Knight of Wands

Career: Ten of Wands (Reversed)

Health: Five of Cups

Howdy Aries! King of Pentacles in a love reading indicates that this week your partner may be immersed in work leaving less to no time to give to you and you may feel neglected. However, providing for you and your family would be a priority for your partner and you must respect this decision of your partner.

Knight of Wands in a Financial reading suggests that you are reckless in handling your finances. You must keep in mind to not exhaust your savings as it may create financial troubles for you later on. It is best to start saving and managing your finances well.

Ten of Wands (reversed) indicates that your bad days at work are over and you feel happy, content, and nurtured at work and may want to continue working at the same place. Your current workplace has a lot of opportunities where you can learn various new things related to your work and grow as an individual. 

Five of Cups indicates unresolved emotional issues and problems that you could be facing due to a lack of communication in your personal or professional life which may lead to stress and other health problems.

Lucky Number: 10


Love: Two of Wands

Finance: King of Cups

Career: Page of Swords

Health: Knight of Swords

Heya Taurians, with the Two of Wands you will have a great week as far as your personal life is concerned. You will have a good time with your partner and get to share some lovely moments with her or him. You will find enough space to deepen your emotional bond.

The King of Cups has enough money to pay your bills and live your life comfortably. You will be modest with managing your finances this week and will make a budget to make things easy for yourself. The week will be comfortable financially. 

No matter how negative the Page of Swords may sound, it is actually a positive card to receive in a career reading. This week you may gain clarity and perspective in terms of your career. This week will be full of new learnings and responsibilities. 

Knight of Swords indicates a week that could be layered with fevers, cold allergies, dry cough, etc. This week can be a little rough on your health. Do take care.

Lucky Number: 6

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Love: Seven of Pentacles

Finance: Ace of Wands

Career: Ten of Wands (Reversed)

Health: Five of Pentacles (Reversed)

The Seven of Pentacles Tarot card is usually a suitable choice since it represents nurturing, perseverance, and cultivation, all essential for long-term relationship success. If you and your spouse have been putting much effort into your relationship, you should be seeing results or will soon.

Geminis! So, Ace of Wands here may indicate the end of financial difficulties. Any tensions that were present earlier are starting to lessen. If a particular source of debt has not caused you to worry, there may be other ways in which your finances can get better. You may get a bonus or gift. 

The Ten of Wands releases work pressure off you. You may have succeeded in achieving your goal by effectively assigning tasks to others. Maybe you’re getting rewarded for seeing that there was just too much for one person. Now that the majority of your prior worries have been more evenly distributed throughout the group, they are less detrimental to any one person and you may let up a little.

Five of Pentacles reversed is an indication that you are finally getting well again after a spell of illness probably. If you were going through some mental tensions, they will now sort themselves and you can breathe a sigh of relief. 

Lucky Number: 5


Love: Knight of Pentacles

Finance: Eight of Pentacles

Career: Ace of Cups

Health: Four of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles in a love reading states that The Knight of Pentacles is a favorable sign for a strong, steady, and dedicated partnership. If this were a person in the relationship, it would be a realistic, understanding, guardian, and shining example. He won’t be interested in playing the field or lying; instead, he will be obedient and faithful. 

Eight of Pentacles in a financial reading means that your financial struggles will soon end Cancers. Your sole focus is on uplifting your financial status, and you’re working hard towards achieving your goal. Your hard work will soon pay off and show desirable results. You might get a bonus or a pay rise soon.

The Ace of Cups indicates that you are about to embark on a new endeavor in your professional life. This could take the form of a new position within your existing employment, a new business partner, or perhaps something completely different. New and fresh opportunities are possible here. 

Four of the Pentacles in a health reading mostly indicate good health physically but mentally you may be holding on to negative thoughts and a lot of mental trauma which could ruin your mental health. Speak up and seek professional help.

Lucky Number: 2


Love: Six of Cups

Finance: Six of Pentacles

Career: Page of Pentacles

Health: The World

Leos, The love interpretation of the Six of Cups tarot card brings the past back to life. This card may indicate a return to the past and the associated nostalgia; you may be feeling more grateful for your partner’s familiarity, or even seeing an ex-partner again. The Six of Cups might also signify a period of recovery from injuries, during which comfort might be crucial. 

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Six of Pentacles indicates you will rather be calculative with your money and watch your finances carefully. You may even be weighing your employment opportunities depending upon the monetary value it would add to your future. This will be a week of careful consideration. An experienced person may help you.

Page of Pentacles in Career indicates that you are well in control of your career this week. You will get great opportunities this week and there are good chances that you will reach the heights of your profession with your effort and hard work. 

The World is good news in a health spread. It is a positive card and indicates that this week your health will be at its best and you may not encounter any major health issues or difficulty. 

Lucky Number: 1


Love: King of Swords

Finance: Knight of Wands

Career: The Sun

Health: Ten of Cups

Heya Virgos, great cards altogether, however, your personal life could suffer.  Queen of Swords is a clear indication of conflict between you and your partner. Your partner or you could be rather agitated and not feel in love or loved at all. This week will however give you clarity to understand where you stand in each other’s life and help you decide the future of your relationship.

Knight of Wands in a financial reading indicates that you are in great control of your finances and very protective of your money. You will prioritize financial security and stability over anything else this week. Your sole focus will be on improving your finances this week.

The Sun in a career reading states that you have a lot of good opportunities or promotions coming up this week. If you’re a business owner then it is very much possible that you will reach new heights this week. You will lead your organization with compassion, love, and faith and set a good example of leadership and confidence. 

Ten of Cups indicates that healing and good health are coming to you for sure. Be confident that you will get over any health issue you have been suffering from since some time ago. Good health is coming to you.

Lucky Number: 32


Love: King of Wands

Finance: Page of Swords

Career: Nine of Cups

Health: Page of Cups

The King of Wands can suggest that you are either exhibiting some of the traits mentioned in the previous section or that you are in a relationship with someone who possesses those traits. If this is your spouse, remember that nothing will make him dislike you more quickly than showing signs of neediness or clinging.

Page of Swords in a financial reading indicates that you’re naive when it comes to financial planning and you must start planning and learn how to manage your finances if you want to enjoy life in the future.

Nine of Cups in a career reading indicates wish fulfillment. You may land your dream job in the weeks to come or the desired position in your organization. Whatever it may be, you should know that the universe has your back and your career will progress to great heights just as you wish.

Page of Cups in a health reading indicates you are in good health overall. Being surrounded by your near and dear ones will keep you happy and healthy this week. 

Lucky Number: 33


Love: Three of Swords

Finance: Eight of Wands

Career: Four of Cups

Health: Two of Swords

Three of Swords indicates that this week you may have to go through a lot of ups and downs in your personal life and romantic relationships. You’re still recovering from a breakup or a bad phase in your personal life and are still not over it. The ghost of bad times keeps haunting you.

Eight of Wands in a financial reading points towards the need to save and manage your finances well. Money may come in for you this week but, this is also a signal that it will go out with equal force. You need to cut down on your expenditure.

Four of Cups in a Career reading suggests that your job or career may make you feel uninspired or give you a sense of unfulfillment this week. You could be neglecting the good aspects of your work life because you are jealous of the successes, lives, and accomplishments of others. 

Knight of Swords in a health spread talks about you catching a fever or any infectious, viral disease spread due to the hot summers or mosquitoes that would keep you down for a long time. Let’s say about a week or so. This week may not be the best week health-wise. You must keep your anger in control.

Lucky Number: 18

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Love: Ten of Pentacles

Finance: Five of Wands

Career:  The High Priestess

Health: Five of Pentacles

Dear Sagis! Ten of Pentacles tarot love meaning indicates abundance, affection, and luck coming your way. You likely have a strong foundation now for your family, should you choose to have one. You may be working on getting married to your partner, buying a house, or starting a family.

Right now, you can be dealing with financial conflicts with the Five of Wands, whether they are with your significant other, your family, or your friends. Right now, you’ll need to exercise extra caution when handling your money, especially when it comes to placing your trust in people. There can be individuals who try to deceive you.

The High Priestess in a career reading indicates that you are secure in your job and in a comfortable position. Your job is currently helping you to grow as an individual and as a professional too. This is a great phase in your career. Promotions, a good career, a high paying job, and a comfortable life, everything is coming to you.

Five of Pentacles in a Health Spread means that this week you may be dealing with health issues even after being successful in your profession. Some deep emotional issues may resurface. There are chances of getting a fracture too. Be careful.

Lucky Number: 3


Love: The World

Finance: Six of Wands

Career: The Fool

Health: Four of Wands

Dear Capricorns, your love life will go great this week. It could also mean that you could take time out to travel. You are just happy being in a secure and happy relationship. The World can also signify having a child or being on the verge of planning a family.

Six of Wands in a financial reading states that this week you will surely get good financial gains in ways such as a salary increment for corporate employees and huge profits for business owners. Financially this week may be very rewarding. Government employees may benefit too.

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The Fool indicates that this week you could be starting a new job or a new business venture and be experimentative. You want to take risks and try your luck while you still have the time to do so. There are high chances you’d be successful at it.

Four of Wands indicate good health and also symbolize that you’d be a part of many celebrations and family gatherings without having to worry about your health.

Lucky Number: 8


Love: Queen of Cups

Finance: Two of Cups

Career: Seven of Cups

Health: Nine of Swords

Woah Aquarius, you could be approached by the person you desire this week. Yes, you read that correctly, have you been considering someone recently? Then chances are that the person may approach you this week. Isn’t that exciting? You’re getting your wish fulfillment.

Two of Cups in a financial reading indicates that this week you will have to apply your brains and be logical in your spending. Your partner may help you gain better finances or manage your finances for you this month, pulling you out of any crisis.

Seven of Cups in a career reading indicates that you might have to face unpleasant situations at work, so much so that there may be a job termination or if you’re a business owner you may suffer losses in business. However, you will overcome this situation soon.

Nine of Wands in a health spread indicates multiple health issues creeping up for you or your family members and this may get you a little worried. Don’t worry it will all be fine after a while.

Lucky Number: 17


Love: Three of Wands

Finance: Ace of Wands

Career: The Chariot

Health: Two of Pentacles

Three of Wands is an indication Pisces, to let you know that you need to drop the baggage you have been carrying from your past relationships and you must be able to welcome the love coming your way wholeheartedly and with open arms. You have much more potential than meets the eye or more than you realize.

Ace of Wands indicates that this week you may be planning to start setting up your financial future. You could be putting together your retirement plan, building your savings, or even saving to set up a business. It indicates wealth coming from or through family. 

The Chariot in a Career Reading is a welcome card. This week your career will pick pace, whether you are a business owner or a regular job goer. This week you may get good opportunities. Abroad travel is possible as well. Good times are coming ahead.

Two of Pentacles in a health spread talk of some unknown health issues you could be suffering from. Do get a thorough checkup done.

Lucky Number: 12

Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. What will happen to Libra this week?

Ans. This week, Libra will experience mixed results.

Ques2. What’s happening for the Taurus zodiac sign this week?

Ans. This week will be quite fantastic for individuals born under the Taurus zodiac sign.

Ques3. What is the weekly horoscope for Leo?

Ans. During this period, you will focus on your career, and it will be a splendid time for you.

Ques4. When will the troubles for Leo end?

Ans. Leo zodiac sign will soon overcome all kinds of problems.

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