Tarot Weekly Horoscope From 12th-18th Jan, 2025

Tarot Weekly Horoscope From 12th-18th Jan, 2025

Tarot As A Tool For Guidance & How It Can Help You

Many famous tarot readers and occultists across the globe firmly believe that the role of Tarot in an individual’s life is more of life coaching rather than fortune-telling. As the saying goes, “Tarot cards are a tool for self-care and self-discovery”. They draw attention to where you’ve been, affirm where you are right now, and give you a glimpse of what might be. It gives you a window into the energy environment and helps you make the greatest choices for your future. Like a dependable counselor who reflects you back to yourself, tarot offers the chance to speak with your soul.

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Perhaps you need some direction or assistance because you’re feeling lost. Either you were humbled by the accuracy of a tarot reading after earlier mocking it or you are an astrologer seeking another source of direction. Or perhaps you’re just attempting to take up a new pastime. The number of people looking to tarot cards for comfort has significantly increased due to these and other reasons. Tarot deck, as it is called, is a unique set of 78 cards that can help you gain guidance with the help of Tarot Spreads, a way of spreading the cards by learned tarot professionals when you need it. Tarot originated in the 15th century in Italy Europe as a game of cards for entertainment and less for spiritual guidance. It was much later that tarot got its due as an important tool of divination, helping people grow and understand their purpose in life and finding deeper meanings that the intricate drawings, these cards flaunted. 

Tarot, a tool used for psycho-spiritual progress, essentially means that we are connecting a small amount of spirituality—connecting with something a little higher than ourselves and discovering meaning in the wider world—with a small amount of psychology, or our inner experience of self-knowledge and self-improvement. Let us now dive into knowing what this 2nd week of January of the year 2025 has in store for all 12 zodiac signs

To Know More about What Tarot Has To Say For You, Talk To The Best Tarot Readers!

January Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2025: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Ten of Pentacles

Finance: King of Pentacles

Career: Four of Swords

Health: The Moon (Reversed)

Heya Aries, In a romantic connection, the tarot meaning of the Ten of Pentacles might signify luck, love, and plenty. The two of you are in a good position, both materially and emotionally. You probably have a solid basis now for a family, if you decide to have one. You may be considering moving in together, purchasing a home, or beginning a family, so that thought may be on your mind.

Since the King of Pentacles represents tenacity paying off, it is also a lucky charm. At the moment, financial matters should be going well. Having reached a stable and financially secure place in your life is not a coincidence; rather, it is the result of all of your hard work.

Perhaps lately, work has been extremely hectic or frustrating. It’s possible that you’ve been working hard for a while and that your physical or mental health is suffering as a result of ongoing stress. Take it easy and pay attention to your body.

Your general health will stabilize when The Moon is reversed. You will quickly understand what is causing your health concerns, whether you have been waiting for test results or for a diagnosis.

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: New Zealand


Love: The Star

Finance: Two of Swords

Career: Ace of Cups

Health: Eight of Swords

Taurus, The Star card in love and relationships signifies a developing romantic relationship. If you are single, it indicates that you are willing to let go of the baggage from previous relationships, which will allow you to have more opportunities and possibly meet new people.

When it comes to money, the Two of Swords stands for both an unwillingness or incapacity to face reality and tough or disagreeable choices. If you are experiencing financial issues right now, you cannot afford to ignore them.

The Ace of Cups represents new intuitive possibilities and good intentions. These insights can be used in many different ways during the course of your career. For job seekers, this card signifies a fresh start in their career. Perhaps you don’t search for work all the time.

A route to recovery, mental fortitude, and relief from anxiety might be indicated by the Eight of Swords in reverse. Moreover, it might serve as a reminder that you are capable of healing and building a healthy life. 

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: Italy

AstroSage AI Brihat Horoscope For All The Valuable Insights Into The Future!


Love: The Empress

Finance: Eight of Wands

Career: Page of Cups

Health: The Sun

Wow Geminis, excellent set of cards you’ve got there. The Empress card is linked to marriage, partnerships, and love. It may symbolize the start of a fresh partnership, the development of an already-existing one, or the possibility of a successful union. The Empress is frequently shown with a baby bump, which might stand for love, fertility, or maternal vigor.

In this position, the speed of the eight of wands applies to your money. Money may appear to be gone from your grasp as fast as it appeared. Watch out for impulsive spending if you see this card here, even though it is really enticing right now. 

The Page of Cups tarot card can portend good news and job chances, particularly for people who are thinking about changing careers. Additionally, it may indicate that you will be successful in applying for jobs or getting promoted.  

It stands for vitality, harmony, and general wellbeing. This card is meant to help you recover quickly and feel better than you did before you were ill. Additionally, it signifies spiritual and personal growth.

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: Tokyo


Love: Knight of Swords

Finance: Six of Cups

Career: The Emperor

Health: Eight of Cups

Dear Cancers, The Knight of Swords card might stand for an assertive, straightforward, and intellectually oriented companion or for you personally. It may also portend the coming of a brave and self-assured suitor or a passionate and daring romantic relationship. 

The Six of Cups can stand for charity or the giving and receiving of gifts. It might also signify getting an inheritance. The Six of Cups may also show up when you are considering or actually drafting a will. Returning to your parents’ house may allow you to save more money for yourself. On the opposite side of this, you can welcome family members back into your house and share resources.

You may be seeing success in your career as a result of your diligence, focus, and methodical approach. If your workplace or work process is currently a little disorganized or annoying, it could be beneficial for you to take charge and implement new frameworks that will enable you and your colleagues to work together more effectively. A senior coworker or supervisor who can offer you guidance and help in your career is also indicated.

Eight of Cups in health indicates that you could find yourself emotionally stressed and going for therapy or a meditation class may help you. Speak to your close friends or a family member if you feel talking things out would help. 

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: Ireland


Love: The Tower

Finance: The Chariot

Career: Page of Swords

Health: Five of Swords

Ouch Leo’s! The Tower portends significant, life-altering problems. Strong or deteriorating foundations will not support a relationship for very long and may even break down. New experiences are made possible by these, even when they are initially painful. These times may be difficult, but remember that they will pass. If you are single, it might not be a relationship that is being broken down, but rather your viewpoint and comprehension of what love means to you in general. 

The Chariot in finances shows that this week in particular you will gain a better perspective on how to save and grow your money and will start working in that direction. While you will be on your financial journey, negative thoughts are bound to come to you but you must be careful to not get disturbed by negative thoughts. 

With the Page of Swords, you can be bursting with ideas and enthusiasm for your work. The fact that this card is a page does indicate that you are in some kind of apprenticeship or new experience, which could indicate that you are in training, education, or the beginning of a new career path.

In a health reading, the tarot card of the Five of Swords may suggest that you need to take care of yourself because you are feeling exhausted from fighting. It’s possible that the difficulties you have encountered or are now confronting have sapped your energy. 

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: Los Angeles

Read Here: Horoscope 2025


Love: Knight of Swords

Finance: Two of Cups

Career: Three of Swords

Health: Three of Wands

Knight of Swords in love indicates that you will have to deal with a partner who is way more dominant for you and the personality difference will definitely create an imbalance within the relationship. You are sure to find it difficult to be in the relationship as your partner may become too demanding. Try talking things out with her/him. 

In terms of your financial life, the Two of Cups stands for fairness and balance. This shows that you are capable of managing your money and have sufficient funds to meet your obligations. 

For you right now, work can be a major cause of stress, annoyance, and despair. At worst, it may indicate an abrupt loss of employment or the demise of a business. More frequently, it may indicate a disagreement between coworkers and clients at work. Talk to your coworkers in an open and sincere manner while maintaining a courteous demeanor if you’re dealing with this. You can all probably learn a lot from each other. 

The tarot card of the Three of Wands may indicate that you should embrace foresight, venture beyond your comfort zone, and endure in the face of difficulties. It may also indicate that you should face the future with self-assurance, purpose, and faith. 

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: Kyoto


Love: Queen of Pentacles

Finance: Queen of Wands

Career: Ten of Wands

Health: The World

The Queen of Pentacles is a warm, sensible, giving, diligent, and worldly individual who has a knack for business and a passion for comfort and luxury. Expectations will probably be high, and you’ll look for someone who shares your level of ambition, passion, and dedication. If you are already in a relationship, then you are definitely living a secure, successful, and fruitful life together. Without a doubt, you can afford to pamper yourself and indulge a little.

Right now, you can make wise financial choices with the Queen of Wands Libras. Whatever decision you make is probably the consequence of considerable thought and preparation. Now that you can fairly assess stocks and other products, it could be a good time to broaden your financial horizons. However, you should trust your gut if something feels off. 

Ten of Wands in career shows exertion. It shows that you’re tired of putting in efforts but either not getting fruits at all or receiving very little benefit from the effort you’re putting in. But, just don’t give up now as you are very close to achieving it. 

The World in a health reading indicates good health and a strong vitality. You must maintain your daily routine of proper exercise with a healthy lifestyle. Your focus is on maintaining your health overall, which includes your physical, mental and emotional health. 

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: Paris

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Love: Nine of Wands

Finance: The Hanged Man

Career: King of Swords

Health: Wheel of Fortune

Dear Scorpios,  the Nine of Wands for love indicates that you understand that finding the love you desire will take a lot of effort, sacrifice, and self-improvement. This is actually the essence of all love. You are getting ready for this realization that is coming to you right now. It is probable that you are on the verge of making significant changes in your romantic life.

If you’re struggling financially, the Hanged Man is a warning that you need to shift your mindset. Because you are too preoccupied with your finances, or because your financial worry is driving them to manifest, you can be unaware of positive things that are happening for you in other areas.

In a profession, the King of Swords You can substitute tarot reading for an older, wiser man at work who will keep you to a high standard. He may be stern with you, but don’t be overly sensitive.

The Wheel of Fortune card in a tarot reading may suggest that your health may change throughout time. Because these cycles might affect your general well-being, it may also indicate that you should take care of your physical and mental health. 

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: Peru


Love: Nine of Cups

Finance: Judgment (Reversed)

Career: Four of Pentacles

Health: Death

Dear Sagis, When it comes to love, the Nine of Cups means that the couple’s emotional demands are being satisfied and that they can enjoy their relationship to the fullest. Deeper commitments like marriage, engagement, or the choice to start a family may be heralded by it.

You might be hard on yourself at the moment if you’ve recently had a financial setback. In order to stay motivated, it is vital to be kind to yourself in addition to learning your lessons about making responsible decisions. In contrast, the inverted judgment card indicates that you can discover that you are making the same financial choices. Understand which end of the spectrum you’re on.

The Four Pentacles that are currently appearing in your job spread suggest that you have at last found some stability in your career. If this is your first job or you have previously struggled to obtain this stability, you could still be a little nervous about your career.

In a health reading, the Death tarot card typically represents a required change in health rather than actual death. It may signify a period of spiritual development and rejuvenation as well as an opportunity to welcome the card’s transformational potential.

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: South America

Read: AstroSage Cogni Astro Career Counseling Report 


Love: Seven of Swords

Finance: Two of Wands (Reversed)

Career: The High Priestess

Health: Two of Pentacles

Dear Capricorns, In a love reading, the Seven of Swords tarot card may suggest that you or your significant other are struggling with feelings of deceit or adultery. Additionally, it may indicate that you should be wary of dishonest suitors.

Two of Wands (Reversed) may indicate unstable finances. This is more likely to result in overall disarray in your financial accounts than in significant gains or losses. Take a closer look at your figures and your long-term objectives instead of using this opportunity to make big purchases or investments. Aim for greater clarity.

If your line of employment involves creativity, this card may also portend fresh ideas for your career. According to the High Priestess, you should trust your intuition when making important decisions on your future initiatives or job. It probably has a wealth of knowledge that will help you. Sometimes, this card might also indicate the arrival of a mentor or advisor who can assist you advance in your career.

The tarot card of the Two of Pentacles can reveal information about a person’s spiritual and physical health. An upright card may show that a person is juggling various obligations with their need for self-care. The card can indicate that a person has disregarded their health in other aspects of their life when it is reversed.

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: Vietnam

Also Read: Today Lucky Colour!


Love: Page of Wands

Finance: Six of Wands

Career: Knight of Cups

Health: Page of Cups

Greetings Aquarius individuals, The page of wands is a very positive indication that romance is calling. Singles can celebrate. Take advantage of the numerous chances that are currently available to broaden your horizons. Those who are married or in a relationship will experience a week filled with affection and wonderful times spent with their spouse.

If this card is here, you are in good financial standing. You are currently enjoying a period of calm and financial security as a result of your commitment and tenacity during difficult times. Now is the time to cherish their rewards and acknowledge the hard work you have done. In moderation, feel free to enjoy, but avoid overconfidence. Being careless with your goods is never a good idea. Take note of this general caution and celebrate your accomplishments.

An excellent card to have in your professional reading is the Knight of Cups. It indicates that someone who is on the path to becoming a very successful businessman will make you an offer. And he or she will help you construct yours. 

Positive news and results are brought about by the Page of Cups in terms of health. It might also mean learning about a therapy or course of treatment that will help you feel better overall.

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: Berlin


Love: Page of Wands

Finance: Page of Pentacles

Career: King of Pentacles

Health: Seven of Cups 

Dear Pisces, The Page of Wands tarot love meaning opens up a world of possibilities. If you’re single, you’ll be eager to meet new individuals and venture into uncharted romantic and romantic territory. In your romantic life, you might also run into someone who exemplifies this page. 

Your financial situation is about to improve. As long as you take the time to prepare your future, the Page of Pentacles predicts wonderful results. You will notice that your efforts will have a significant impact on your material circumstances provided you conduct the necessary research and adhere to your spending plan.

The King of Pentacles is a powerful symbol for a prosperous firm or commercial empire in the context of a profession. He represents succeeding at work, rising to a prominent position in your chosen industry, or accomplishing your objectives.

In terms of health and wellness, the upright Seven of Cups cautions against taking on too much and using too much energy. It serves as a reminder to put self-care first and not overcommit oneself.

Zodiac-Wise Suitable Travel Destination: Bali

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. In tarot which two cards spell the most trouble?

Death and The Tower cards

2. Which tarot card shows opportunities?

There are many cards that show opportunities but Page of Wands and Page of Pentacles show opportunities.

3. Which card represents youthfulness in a tarot deck?

The Fool