Tarot Weekly Horoscope 10 -16 November: Zodiac- Wise Predictions In A Nutshell!

Tarot Weekly Horoscope 10 -16 November: Zodiac- Wise Predictions In A Nutshell!Tarot Weekly Horoscope 10 -16 November: Zodiac- Wise Predictions In A Nutshell!

Tarot Weekly Horoscope 10 -16 November: Zodiac- Wise Predictions In A Nutshell!

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 2nd week of November 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 2nd week of November 2024. 

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November Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: King of Pentacles

Finance: The Empress

Career: The Star

Health: Four of Pentacles

Dear Aries, The King of Pentacles represents a successful, giving, trustworthy, and guardian individual who makes an excellent spouse, parent, and provider. When you meet this person, you may see that they take love extremely seriously and need to fully understand you before moving forward. This is why they could be slow to commit.

In terms of a person’s professional and financial circumstances, the Empress tarot card can stand for strength, sovereignty, and abundance. It may also represent the possibility of generating wealth, achieving financial success, and having a prosperous career. 

The Star card in a tarot career reading can be a good omen for your job, suggesting that you can be in for some amazing possibilities. It might be encouraging for promotions or employment interviews. The Star card may also inspire you to strive toward your long-term financial objectives and to trust in the divine plan.

In a health related Tarot spread, the upright Four of Pentacles may indicate that you may be holding onto negative energy from past issues or experiences that are having a detrimental effect on your health. You might want to think about attempting Reiki or another form of energy therapy to help you let go of those energies.

Lucky Color: Saffron


Love: Four of Wands

Finance: The Hierophant

Career: Judgment

Health: Queen of Cups

Dear Taurus, it stands for a solid relationship based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding. A joyful and celebratory chapter of your partnership is about to begin. The Four of Wands indicates that love can be in the air for single people. It also stands for togetherness among families or communities, teamwork, and community spirit.

The Hierophant tarot card in finance may suggest a cautious approach to money management. The Hierophant advises staying away from riskier or non-traditional ways of generating money in favor of traditional financial organizations and practices. It may also indicate that you would rather save money than spend it carelessly and that you would rather earn money the honest way. 

Regardless of your position, one of the most important things you’re hired for in business is the ability to make cool decisions. While some have small-scale effects, others have significant ones. Taking effective decisions is a sought after skill that one must have, if in business. 

The Queen of Cups may stand for someone who supports or cares for your well-being. In certain cases, this can mean that you’ll require assistance managing your injuries or illness. It may also mean that you need to treat your body and yourself with more kindness.

Lucky Color: White


Love: The Hermit

Finance: Three of Wands

Career: Three of Swords

Health: Page of Wands

Dear Geminis, Though you could feel a little alone during this time, you’ll be headed in the correct direction to discover the love of your life. This soul-searching is something you two might want to undertake jointly if you’re already in a relationship. It might be a good idea for you both to consider your expectations from a relationship and possible sources of happiness. 

It denotes the necessity of making plans and choices that will result in both financial stability and career advancement. This card might also portend business collaborations, international expansion, or a change in vocation.

For you right now, Three of Swords indicates that work can be a major source of stress, annoyance, and depression. In the worst case scenario, it can indicate an unexpected layoff or business failure. More frequently, it may indicate a conflict between coworkers and clients at work. If you’re facing this, be sure to maintain a courteous demeanor while having candid and open discussions with your colleagues.

In order to achieve complete well-being, the Page of Wands encourages you to follow your passions and pay attention to your inner guidance. It also suggests that there might be some good news or advancements about your health in the near future.

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Lucky Color: Pastel Green


Love: Seven of Pentacles

Finance: The Emperor

Career: Nine of Pentacles

Health: The Magician (Reversed)

The Minor Arcana suit of the Tarot contains the card Seven of Pentacles, which represents endurance, patience, and the benefits of steady, committed work. If it represents a couple working toward a financial objective jointly, like purchasing a home or covering wedding expenses, you should soon reach your objectives. It may also be a sign of gestation or pregnancy. 

Dear Cancers, The upright Emperor’s effect as a finance card represents empowerment in the areas of economics and profession. It gives the respondent confidence that they have the abilities and willpower to accomplish their objectives.

This card implies that you have accomplished a lot in your work and are being rewarded appropriately; prosperity, abundance, and monetary gains are all things you have earned. Now that your diligence and professionalism have paid off, you may relax and celebrate your accomplishment. You might be able to live comfortably thanks to the revenues from your thriving firm.

When the Magician card is in reverse, it suggests being cautious about small stress-related issues and avoiding overdoing it. Positive change can be fostered and a healthier, more balanced life can be led by following the guidance of the Magician card and continuing to be aware of our mental and physical health.

Lucky Color: Pearl White

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Love: Six of Swords

Finance: Three of Cups

Career: The World

Health: Ace of Wands

Dear Leo’s, You’ve moved past your past hurts and are now prepared to make room in your life for a happy and healthy relationship. The Six of Swords, for people who have been in abusive relationships, denotes a time of empowerment and healing following the brave decision to escape a poisonous circumstance.

Throughout an economic period, the Three of Cups stands for strong sales. Your efforts will soon pay off on an initiative or project you’ve been working on, even if others will need to assist. You don’t need to worry; all of your money issues will be taken care of right away.

The World in a career reading indicates that you will excel at work this week. Your organization may be sending you on an abroad trip for work or you may make international connections when it comes to your business. This will be a good week for you overall in terms of career.

The upright Ace of Wands is a favorable sign for health. It implies that you possess the will and vigor to start a fresh adventure toward fitness and wellness. It may also signify the arrival of a child or a time of enhanced fertility.

Lucky Color: Shades of Orange/ Red


Love: Four of Swords

Finance: Two of Cups

Career: Knight of Swords

Health: Seven of Wands

Dear Virgos, In a love Tarot reading, the upright Four of Swords indicates that you and your significant other can benefit from some alone time to recuperate, contemplate, and rekindle your relationship. It’s possible that life’s stresses made you both feel disengaged and overwhelmed.

Two of Cups in a financial reading indicates that right now, things ought to be balanced financially. Even though you won’t have much money, you’ll have enough to get by and not worry about bills. 

This card implies that success in your career will come from assertiveness and taking measured risks. It may also be a sign of a new career path or an opportunity to assume a leadership position. However, you must understand that taking short cuts will draw you away from success so choose the correct path towards success. 

Any long illness or injury could disturb you this week with the Seven of Wands and it implies that you must take calculated measures towards healing yourself. It is important to take things seriously and seek medical help.

Lucky Color: Light Green

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Love: The Fool

Finance: Three of Wands

Career: Ace of Cups

Health: Four of Pentacles

Hey Libras! with The Fool, there’s a sense of innocence and positivity in your relationship this week.  Be willing to take risks, be bold and expand your vision of the world and you may end up finding love for sure. Surprises are in store for you. This card is also asking you to keep trying new things to spice up your relationship from time to time. 

Three of Wands in a financial reading indicates that there are new sources of income opening up for you this week. Your finances will now increase and you’re finally coming out of the dull phase that you had been facing for a while maybe. The source of earning could also come from foreign lands or far away lands such as landing a job overseas probably or fixing a business deal abroad. 

Here, the Ace of Cups suggests that you have finally discovered your calling and that your career is on the rise. You have a strong work ethic and are certain to achieve in anything that you attempt. It might be a new career, role, or business endeavor. You will now be the one succeeding. 

If you are physically sick or not keeping well emotionally then you need to change your perspective and get in the frame of mind where you can heal yourself. The Four of Pentacles is asking you to let go of the negative energies and nurse yourself back to health. 

Lucky Color: Silver

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Love: Ace of Wands

Finance: Three of Swords

Career: Five of Cups

Health: Four of Swords

Scorpios, Ace of Wands is a good omen as far as love and relationships are concerned. You could start a new relationship this week after a phase of being single and lonely. It could be the start to a long term fun filled and passionate relationship. 

Three of Swords signifies a present of financial hiccups as you struggle through this  week Sagis. You may have to deal with major financial setbacks  and may worry about your finances but things can improve by making wise financial decisions and refraining from overspending. 

Five of Cups signifies that you probably feel unsatisfied with your career. You’re not happy with how your career has turned out to be. Things are not going your way. It’s time to introspect and redirect your career after careful consideration.

Four of Swords points towards the fact that you need to take a break. You need to spend some time alone and reconsider where your life is going and what you want out of life. All the problems you’re facing have been affecting your health negatively too. 

Lucky Color: Coral Red


Love: Seven of Swords

Finance: The High Priestess

Career: Six of Cups

Health: The Chariot

 Sagis, you’re dealing with a lot of lying, cheating, basically a whole lot of deceit in your relationship and our hearts go out for you. Things seem to be quite the same as last week. It is time you reconsider if you really want to stick around. Save your energies and leave this relationship as soon as possible. There’s something better out there. 

The High Priestess is here to warn you as well as teach you important financial lessons this month. The High Priestess warns you to not disclose your finances or your financial plans to anyone as you could be cheated. It also signifies that this week someone experienced and known, also someone older than yourself may help you plan your finances and jot down the whole road map for you.

The Six of Cups in a career reading is a sign of good fortune. You will be very creative with your ideas at work and your peers will be supportive of you. Instead of getting on individual projects you will be seen excelling at group projects or team work. 

Chariot represents movement and if you’re trying to heal from an injury or some illness then for sure recovery is on its way. You will soon be nursed back to health in no time with proper care.

Lucky Color: Yellow

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Love: Ace of Cups

Finance: Five of Swords

Career: Queen of Swords

Health: Ten of Pentacles

The tarot card Ace of Cups can stand for deeper emotions, love, closeness, and compassion. It could signal the beginning of a brand-new friendship or a closer bond with an already-existing one. It heralds a fresh chapter full of immense potential in this sphere of existence.

With the Five of Swords as a financial card, it indicates that you could be dragged into a finance related conflict with your family or friends. Make sure you are not a part of the issue by considering how you have contributed to the conflict. Prioritize ethical and lawful financial activities and exercise caution when engaging in any dishonest financial transactions.

Dear Capricorns, your coworkers respect you because of your honesty and integrity. Possessing eloquent talking skills may open up financial chances. When making financial judgments, the Queen of Swords advises us to weigh all the factors involved.

This card typically indicates good health and may imply that people who are close to you will support you through any health issues. You may be experiencing fulfillment and happiness throughout your life, according to the Ten of Pentacles.

Lucky Color: Black


Love: The Devil

Finance: Seven of Cups

Career: Queen of Pentacles

Health:  Knight of Pentacles

Aquarius, The Devil is not a positive omen for a love reading at all. It demonstrates the bond’s energy and intensity. It is an intense yearning to pursue close relationships and take risks. It depicts the lust-fueled blossoming of love on the periphery of things. Rather than satisfying the desire for genuine love, the connection is made for financial gain. 

The upright Seven of Cups represents a wealth of prospects for growth in both profession and finances. It implies that we have options for other routes, but we need to be wise and cautious. It is essential to carefully consider each choice and, if necessary, seek professional help.

The Queen of Pentacles in  career is a powerful omen of slow but very very steady growth. It is an indication that you may slowly transition into a business from a regular job very easily. It is clear that you may soon own a business or are already running one. The nature of your work could be creative and you will excel in whatever you do. 

The Knight of Pentacles represents a holistic approach to health issues that stresses the significance of consistency and balance. This knight is aware that having a sound mind and spirit is just as important to overall wellness as staying physically fit.

Lucky Color: Purple


Love: Four of Wands

Finance: Seven of Pentacles

Career: Eight of Pentacles

Health: King of Wands

Dear Pisces, This week will bring in lots of positive changes in your love life Pisces. You may get married or it may also be possible that you end up meeting ‘The One’ while attending a family function or a wedding in your family. It could be a week full of celebration.

Seven of Pentacles in a financial reading states that you have been saving up money for a long while and working very hard to do so. You have made logical financial investments and now the wait is finally over. You will now be paid in hefty amounts through your investments. Your worries are now over.

Eight of Pentacles is a sure shot signal that your main focus and priority is work. You have certain set goals in mind regarding your career and you are too focused on achieving those goals at the moment. This week you could be rewarded for your dedication and hardwork.

King of Wands shows that you will spend a healthy week overall as we enter the month of November. No major problems that we can really warn you of but prioritize your health anyway. 

Lucky Color: Shades of Yellow/ Gold

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the numerical number in the magician card?

Number 1 as the Magician indicates that everything is possible for this card and signifies growth as well.

2. Where did tarot card originate?

Around 1400 BC in Europe

3. When did Tarot gain recognition in India?

Tarot gained recognition in India just a decade ago. 
