Tarot Weekly Horoscope From 10 to 16 December- What’s In Store?

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot cards are an ancient deck of cards and a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is definitely not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 1st week of December let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of Tarot dates back to the 1400’s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were actually put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; as to how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft and bore the backlash of superstition and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is definitely basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as main tool for divination in India and across the globe and definitely deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 1st week of December, 2023. 

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Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2023: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Seven of Wands 

Finance: Eight of Wands

Career: Justice

Health: Queen of Pentacles

Dear Aries, Seven of Wands in a love reading indicates you might need to establish boundaries in your relationship. You might have to defend your relationship with your partner if you’re in a position like this. Other people could object to the two of you being together, including friends, family, etc. These are testing times.

Your money is moving at the same speed as the eight of wands in this situation. It could appear as though money leaves your possession as soon as it finds its way into your hands. You will end up spending money even when you decide not to. 

Justice advises you to maintain a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives when things seem right. Working hard is vital, but so is spending time with those you love. You’ll experience success if you’ve been fair and honest at work.

In a wellness Tarot reading, the Queen of Pentacles frequently stands for perfect health, which is a result of eating a balanced diet, exercising frequently, and having enough free time and relaxation.

Lucky Flower: Dragon Flower


Love: Seven of Cups

Finance: Five of Cups

Career: Four of Pentacles

Health: Queen of Swords

The Seven of Cups this week indicates a multitude of options and possible partners when it comes to love and relationships. This tarot card for singles suggests plenty of romantic opportunities. But be cautious while pursuing these opportunities—its not always, all that glitters is gold. 

In a financial tarot reading, the Five of Cups could represent a lack of resources. It’s possible that you’re suffering a large financial loss. You might need to keep an eye on your spending to make sure you are not wasting money in order to restore your financial stability during this trying time.

You will find stability in your career this week with the Four of Pentacles appearing in your work spread. If you’ve struggled in the past to find this stability, or if the job is new to you, it may be that you’re still a bit insecure about your role. This can make you guarded, uneasy and perhaps even paranoid.

In terms of health, the Queen of Swords represents any suppressed feelings you might be experiencing deep within. It would be wise for you to get the support and assistance you require in order to let go of these feelings and move on.

Lucky Flower: White Lily


Love: Eight of Cups

Finance: Six of Swords

Career: The High Priestess

Health: Two of Cups

The Eight of Cups for love suggests that you should frequently ask yourself if you are truly fulfilled in your relationship this week. Do you think you could live a lifetime with this person? Do they inspire you to put out your best effort? You will find yourself questioning a lot.

You might see an improvement in your financial status and a reduction in stress this week Geminis. As you attain material security, let past experiences serve as a reminder to you to keep an eye on your money balances. It is best to continue being responsible in order to keep issues from happening again.

The High Priestess may indicate a time of education or greater learning in relation to your work. You might be going back to school to get training. If you operate in a creative industry, this card may potentially portend fresh ideas for your projects.

The Two of Cups is a good omen if you have been having health problems; it suggests that things should be getting back to normal very soon. If you are expecting, the Two of Cups may occasionally indicate a healthy pregnancy; you may verify this by consulting the cards that come with the deck.

Lucky Flower: Lily


Love: The Fool

Finance: Ace of Cups

Career: The Empress

Health: Five of Wands

The Fool in love this week indicates that you may have to try new things before you can discover the romance you’re looking for. You might find love in the most unexpected locations if you’re prepared to take chances, be brave, and broaden your perspective on the world.

Your financial condition may also be impacted by the amiable and social nature of the Ace of Cups. People are more likely to grant you the requested financial support. Although it can also take the shape of assistance from friends and family, authorized loans or mortgages are the most common source of this support. 

The Empress tarot card portends wealth, success, and advancement in one’s professional and financial circumstances. It can represent the potential for monetary gain, the ability to create wealth, and the prospect of a rewarding job.

You would be fending against disease. It will lower the degree of stress, which is leading to many issues. If you enjoy sports, use caution as you could sustain an injury.

Lucky Flower: Orchid

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Love: Five of Cups

Finance: Queen of Wands

Career: Four of Wands

Health: King of Swords

Dear Leos! The Five of Cups shows that you are too focused on the one that got away. You are thinking about the past too much and wasting your time sulking. Its time to move on and not punish yourself. Get over it and look at the brighter prospects around. 

With the Queen of Wands you will be able to make smart financial decisions this week. You are finally putting in the experience you have gained over the years and making logical decisions when it comes to managing your finances. You now know the importance of financial management.

Four of Wands in a career reading suggests that you are well settled in your career and feel well respected and valued as an employee, as a team member or as a boss too. This week will come in with loads of achievements for you and you will soak in the glory of success.

King of Swords suggests that you may feel burdened by self doubts and you could even suffer from bouts of depression from time to time this week. It is better to talk it out with someone you trust and take care of yourself. 

Lucky Flower: Sun Flower


Love: Knight of Wands

Finance: Judgment

Career: Seven of Pentacles

Health: King of Cups

Oh dear Virgos, things don’t look very bright on the personal front. You or your partner, one of you is undoubtedly trying to run away from completely committing to the relationship, which can become a cause for a rift between the two. There could be a lack of emotional connection between you both.

The Judgment here cautions you and asks you to refrain from making rash decisions as far as finances are concerned. It is better for you to make all aspects clear before making any investments or a purchase to be sure of good returns.

Seven of Pentacles in a career reading suggests that you are in a very secure space in your career right now and making progress as planned. All your effort and the sweat, hard work, etc is now showing results and you are finally on your way towards success.

King of Cups is a positive card and says that you may enjoy a healthy week overall but you may have to face some difficult situations which are important for your emotional maturity and growth.

Lucky Flower: Marigold


Love: Five of Wands

Finance: Ten of Cups

Career: Temperance

Health: Three of Pentacles

Five of Wands indicates that someone has caught your eye and you want to pursue this person of your interest. This person however, is not very interested in you and if you want this to be a full fledged relationship then you have to take matters into your own hands.

This week your finances may be improving and the investments you have made in the past or will make in the future will give you good returns. This card is a good omen and indicates that your financial state will only become positive and better now. 

Temperance tells you that now is a great time to set goals this week as you have the patience and persistence to achieve what you want. Your hard work and dedication will be noticed at work and all your superiors will be in your support.

Three of Pentacles in a health spread is again a very positive card and indicates that you will do well as far as health is concerned this week. If you’re suffering from any issues then you will receive the right treatment and overcome that problem. 

Lucky Flower: Tulip


Love: Knight of Cups

Finance: Queen of Cups

Career: Judgment

Health: Three of Wands

Heya Scorpio’s, The Knight of Cups could indicate that you are about to be totally caught off guard if you are single. It also says that if you’re single and interested in someone, you should just ask them out. It is an obvious indication that you should heed the Page of Cups’ counsel and act on it straight away.

The Queen of Cups in a financial reading might be a sign that this week you feel driven to lend support to a friend, relative, or cause that is in need. Here, the queen often serves as a kind reminder that material prosperity is not everything. It is not something you should prioritize over other aspects of your life.

Judgment states that you may be competing for a promotion without even realizing it. You have your superiors watching you, so be mindful of how you present yourself when this card comes up in your reading. Now is the time to move more quickly on the projects you’ve been putting off so you don’t pass up an opportunity. 

In terms of health, Three of Wands significance represents getting well after a protracted sickness. This card indicates that you will eventually be free of a physical illness that has plagued you for a while.

Lucky Flower: Hibiscus

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Love: The Tower

Finance: Four of Wands

Career: Knight of Pentacles (Reversed)

Health: Page of Swords

The Tower in love cautions you this week that your world could crumble as there are chances that you may end up breaking up with your partner and this week would be too hard for you to handle and would show you the darker side of life.

Four of Wands in finances shows a time wherein this week you will find yourself celebrating your success and spending money on accumulating luxury. This week you may also have unexpected money coming in from unexpected sources.

The Knight of Pentacles (Reversed) indicates that you aren’t putting in enough effort to achieve your professional goals. On the other hand, you can be so consumed by your professional objectives that you will stop at nothing to reach them. 

Page of Swords in health shows that this week you will finally take action towards healing yourself and building your health. You may however fall prey to injuries.

Lucky Flower: Daisy


Love: The Hanged Man

Finance: Ten of Swords

Career: Ace of Wands

Health: Three of Swords

Dear Capricorns, The Hanged Man is asking you to stop and think for a while, analyze your relationship and come to a final conclusion. It’s time to introspect and do some soul searching. You are being asked to pay attention to your well being and spiritual growth.

With the Ten of Swords you will be challenged to discipline yourself up and make logical and rational decisions while trying to save money this week. Deal with your finances maturely and carefully as you could feel financially restricted and stuck. 

New opportunities are coming your way with Ace of Wands. If you have a job you’re headed for a promotion and if you’re a business owner, then you’re on your way to successfully expand your business. If you’re unemployed currently you will receive an excellent job offer soon. 

The Three of Swords is a signal to pay attention towards your health and pay attention to the warning signs your body has been giving you. If you keep ignoring these signs any longer the smaller issues may turn into something big and can be a roadblock on your way to success.

Lucky Flower: Petunia


Love: The Hierophant

Finance: Two of Wands

Career: Three of Cups

Health: Four of Swords

The Hierophant in love is good news Aquarius. It is possible that you could be getting married this week or your marriage could be fixed this week. If you’re looking for commitment from your partner, he will finally make it official and may introduce you to his/her family.

This week you will find yourself making long term financial plans with the Two of Wands. You have to make important decisions which will behave as stepping stones in your financial growth and in building a future of your dreams. Get on to work now.

Three of Cups is a great card to receive in a career setting. It signals new promotions and growth coming towards you. Your career will grow and the graph will only move upwards now. You may find yourself celebrating your success with your loved ones this week. 

Four of Swords points towards the need for you to take a break and rest. You must prioritize your well being over your career this week and pamper yourself so that you’re better prepared for what’s coming up next. 

Lucky Flower: Carnation


Love: Ten of Wands

Finance: Two of Swords

Career: Three of Swords

Health: Three of Pentacles

Oh dear Pisces, you’re in for a tough week in all aspects. Ten of Wands in love indicates that you and your partner are only dragging this relationship as it has become a baggage for the both of you with time and your relationship has lost the spark. Or else you are bringing past baggage in your present relationship and spoiling it.

Two of Swords in finances pertain to difficult decisions you may have to take in order to manage your finances. You may have two important events coming up and will have to decide and spend accordingly. It could be that you will end up spending more than your pocket allows so it is best to keep a check. 

With the Three of Swords you may end up having conflicts with your colleagues or may get fired from your job. It is best to keep a low profile and not get into a verbal spat with anyone at work or it could cost you dearly. This week will be tough on you.

Three of Pentacles in a health spread is good news as recovery from any illness or injury is on the way. You may find yourself becoming more in tune with yourself and embracing your spiritual journey within.  

Lucky Flower: Daffodils 

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