Tarot Weekly Horoscope From 06th-12th October, 2024

Tarot Weekly Horoscope From 06th-12th October, 2024

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 1st week of October 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 1st week of October 2024. 

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October Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Queen of Wands

Finance: Nine of Pentacles (Reversed)

Career: The Hermit

Health: Page of Swords

Dear Aries, This card depicts an independent individual who exudes confidence, is gregarious, pleasant, and extroverted. So, your partner is definitely going to be their outgoing self this week and they are proud of you as a partner. They approach relationships and love with a refreshing sense of self-assuredness but can be a little demanding.

Nine of Pentacles (Reversed) perhaps asks you to check your balance to make sure you really have the money before making that impulsive buy? Are you simply buying things without thinking because it’s something to do and provides a brief dopamine rush? Go without it if you truly can’t afford it. 

The Hermit in your career suggests that you are likely feeling trapped in your current business due to a hostile work culture or a lack of career options. Be careful not to let unfavorable feelings consume you. Everything will come together soon.

Page of Swords in the health context may indicate allergies, flu, cold, etc taking a toll on your health this week. Take proper precautions and do not try to ignore your health or take things lightly.

Lucky Number: 4


Love: The High Priestess

Finance: King of Wands

Career: Knight of Swords

Health: Page of Swords

Heya Taurus, The High Priestess can act as a reminder to stay loyal to yourself and your loved ones and to listen to your intuition when it comes to emotional decisions. It may also imply that you can strengthen your bonds with the people you care about by following your instincts and accepting the High Priest’s knowledge, to understand the path ahead.

The King of Wands is a lucky card when it comes to money. Your desire to reach your financial objectives will come from your excitement, energy, and experience. This card shows that you possess the leadership abilities needed to be successful in your business or profession.

The Knight of Swords card can stand for aspiration, tenacity, and resolve in a professional capacity. It may also signal the need for concentrated effort and the necessity of pursuing objectives with firm resolve. The card can imply that you will succeed in your professional activities if you take strategic risks and are forceful.

The Tarot card of the Page of Swords may offer insights into your health and wellbeing and may suggest that you place a higher priority on communication, mental clarity, and self-care.

Lucky Number: 6


Love: The Emperor

Finance: Six of Cups

Career: Page of Wands

Health: Seven of Swords

The Emperor in love is a positive card and may stand for dedication, stability, and the necessity of making wise judgments in interpersonal relationships. It can serve as a reminder to be open and truthful, accept responsibility for your actions, and think through the effects of your choices. The Emperor card may also suggest that a person is somewhat emotionally aloof or they prefer to hide their true feelings.

Geminis, It could mean you have enough money to split with someone in need or gift to a worthy charity. It can also mean that you’ll soon inherit anything or that a family member will gift you money.

In a tarot reading for careers, the Page of Wands card might suggest a period of fresh ideas and prospects, and it can boost confidence and optimism when embarking on a new endeavor. This card is urging you to take the step towards new things.

The Seven of Swords may suggest that you should heed cautionary advices you may have previously disregarded. It might also imply that you ought to get medical help and treat any health issues.

Lucky Number: 3

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Love: King of Wands

Finance: Two of Wands

Career: Ten of Pentacles

Health: Three of Swords

In a romantic connection, the King of Wands suggests that although your spouse seems tough and self-assured on the outside, he is really very much in love with you. He is a self-assured individual who can effectively perform his job and look after you. You could even pretend to be these people. 

Cancers, In a financial reading, the two Wands represent fresh revenue sources. This card also suggests that you could make money on social media. Undoubtedly, your pay will increase significantly—much more than you had anticipated. It is possible for business owners to make good earnings all week long.

In a job reading, the Ten of Pentacles portends promotions and business chances for you this week. This could also mean that you’re establishing yourself solidly and successfully and that you’re making the move from a standard job or employment to your own business. 

Three of Swords in a health spread indicates ill health and you need to be extremely careful for it.  If you have been suffering from a physical injury for a long time, then you will continue to suffer for some more time.

Lucky Number: 11


Love: The Hierophant

Finance: Six of Cups

Career: Ace of Wands

Health: Ten of Wands

Dear Leos, In a love reading, the Hierophant suggests that everything in your partnership is happy and comfortable for you. You want the relationship to be as traditional as possible because you appreciate it. You have a longer term commitment to this partnership. People who are single, will want a traditional and honest companion.

In a financial reading, the Six of Cups suggest that you might get money assistance this week. It’s possible that your loan application will be approved, or you might seek assistance from friends or relatives. With this much-needed assistance, your finances will stabilize. 

In a career reading, the Ace of Wands is among the most auspicious cards you can imagine. It means that you are eligible for promotions this week. Additionally, it suggests that those in the economic world will have prosperous endeavors and have a good possibility of becoming well-known at this time.

Ten of Wands in a health spread indicates mental and physical fatigue. You have been really straining your body and mind more than you should. Either you’re working out more than required or you are worrying about work and other things too much resulting in mental fatigue. 

Lucky Number: 01


Love: Six of Wands

Finance: Seven of Cups

Career: The Hanged Man (Reversed)

Health: King of Pentacles

Six of Wands in a love reading indicates that this week there could be chances of your marriage getting fixed. Singles may finally say yes to marriage and the ones who are married could be attending a family function with your spouse and other members. This is a time for family get togethers, spreading love and happiness along the way.

Virgos, Seven of Cups in a financial reading shows that this week you may generate multiple sources of income or may be thinking of ways to generate multiple incomes. This is a card which also warns you to not feed your greed to earn money in a wrong way or you will repent later.

The Hanged Man (Reversed) in a career reading shows that this week things will start moving forward as far as your career is concerned. If you were unable to receive new opportunities then you will now find new opportunities and offers or new and exciting projects may now start coming up at your workplace and keep you hooked.

King of Pentacles in health points towards good health this week. Make sure to stick to a strict diet and exercise regime. This week you may feel energized and in the best of health after a long time.

Lucky Number: 15

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Love: Page of Swords

Finance: Five of Cups (Reversed)

Career: Three of Cups

Health: The Star

When it comes to love, the Page of Swords indicates immaturity on your part, Libras, or immaturity in your relationship. This card implies that there may be mental games or emotional manipulation going on in your relationship. It is possible for one or both partners to use words as weapons, act dishonestly, or manipulate power dynamics. Miscommunication, emotional turmoil, and a lack of trust could come from this. 

If you have been experiencing losses or financial issues, the inverted five of cups can be a comforting sign that this phase is about to finish. It’s possible that you’re recovering from your losses and finding new paths to financial stability. Be proud of what you’ve accomplished.

In a career reading, the Three of Cups suggests that you will have many opportunities this week at work to celebrate your accomplishments. You might be approaching many milestones and accomplishments, which will keep you inspired and invigorated.

In terms of health, the Star guarantees incredibly high levels of vitality and health. You’ll feel strong and make every effort to stick to your healthy regime.  

Lucky Number: 7


Love: Knight of Swords

Finance: Wheel of Fortune

Career: The Emperor

Health: Five of Cups

Knight of Swords in a love reading indicates that you and your partner will have frequent and serious arguments this week, so hold your tongue if you want the relationship to continue peacefully. This card can represent bickering over lost possibilities, laziness, or being uncontrollably inclined towards domination in a relationship.

The Wheel of Fortune shows profits in money. This card may be a sign of upcoming changes to your financial situation. It implies that you manage your finances intelligently and keep unanticipated expenses in mind. If your finances have been stable up until now, these alterations can motivate you to raise your savings for the future.

The Emperor card suggests that improving one’s profession and creating new structures or ways for more effective interaction both call for perseverance, efficiency, and discipline.

In terms of health, the Five of Cups suggests that you could be affected with a deadly accident this week or a long-term illness that prevents you from achieving your social and professional goals. It is best to visit a physician.

Lucky Number: 12


Love: The Sun

Finance: Three of Swords (Reversed)

Career: Knight of Wands 

Health: King of Swords

Dear Sagis, The Sun in a love reading indicates that you are enjoying the perfect family time anyone can imagine. This is your best life. You will spend some unforgettable moments with family. This card can also signal the arrival of a child in your family or you and your spouse may also become new parents.

In case you’ve been facing financial difficulties, the three of Swords in reverse could indicate that things are about to improve. It’s possible that you’re adding to your funds or realizing that things are safer and better financially than they were.

Knight of Wands in a career reading indicates that you could be looking for a quick success and you may get some success quickly this week but it won’t last if you don’t back it up with skill and hard work. Remember, nothing beats hard work, so do not look for a shorter route to success.

King of Swords in a health spread talks about allergies and flu taking hold of you. You may find yourself visiting the doctor more often than usual. You must take care this week.

Lucky Number: 9

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Love: Five of Cups (Reversed)

Finance: The Magician

Career: Nine of Wands

Health: Queen of Swords (Reversed)

Five of Cups reversed in a love reading indicates that you have now come out of a breakup and are finally ready to look forward to a new life where you will focus on yourself and prioritizing your needs. You are now learning to live life on your own terms and not hand your happiness in someone else’s hands.

Heya Capricorns, The Magician in a financial reading indicates that this week you may get a salary hike or you will discover new sources of earning money which will make you financially stronger. 

Nine of Wands in a career reading indicates new promotions and more independent roles coming up for you. It could be possible that you’re being considered for senior level roles and new responsibilities are coming up because you are strong enough to take them up.

Queen of Swords (Reversed)  in a health spread talks about you finally getting back up from a prolonged illness. However, the root cause of your illness has not yet been discovered so, there are high chances it might return

Lucky Number: 8

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Love: Four of Pentacles

Finance: Queen of Pentacles

Career: Six of Swords

Health: Five of Pentacles

The Four of Pentacles card can cause jealousy and possessiveness in relationships, which can gradually destroy even the most blissful of loves. Before they push their spouse away, lovers may need to take some time to work through any insecurities or fears that may be present. If you’re single, you probably still harbor bitterness, resentment, or fantasies about your ex coming back into your life.

Aquarians, The Queen of Pentacles is a potent symbol of wealth, prosperity, good luck, and stability in one’s finances. Investments and money should be doing well when she arrives. 

Six of Swords indicates that now your career will now find stability and the difficult days and times are over now. You may have faced difficulties in establishing your career but it is now a thing of the past. This week will bring happy news and good luck towards you.

Five of Pentacles in a health spread talks about you not keeping well this week and a fight with a loved one or your family may keep you mentally disturbed even though everything is working in your favor. Go and sort things out to be in good health.

Lucky Number: 21


Love:  Eight of Wands

Finance: The World

Career: King of Wands

Health: Six of Wands

The Eight of Wands is merely advising you to fully grasp who you are, go into your soul, and know what you desire before committing to a partnership. Essentially, put yourself first before considering dating someone.

With The World, your financial situation would be extremely steady and sound. The world demonstrates to you, dear Pisces, that you have put in a great deal of effort and have followed every path to reach this financial position. Now is the time to enjoy the rewards of your labor.

The King of Wands portends a steady career throughout the week. Your reputation will increase, you’ll get the well-earned chances to advance in your job, and your standing at work will improve. You are undoubtedly skilled at your craft!

The Six of Wands is a very good card to receive in a health reading, much like every other part of life. It indicates that you will have a healthy life and experience good health for the entire week.

Lucky Number: 19

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the most important factors needed for Tarot reading?

Artistic imagery and a strong psychic or intuition ability.

2. Can a tarot reading be done over a phone call or does it only work in person?

A tarot reading can happen over a phone call or a video recording as easily as it can be done in person.

3. Is it necessary to start the tarot reading as a newbie by using a Rider Waite deck only?

It is not necessary, you can choose to start reading and learning through any deck.It is that Rider Waite is easy to understand, hence recommended.