September Tarot Weekly Horoscope(1st-7th) Taps Into The Zodiacal Energies!

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot is an ancient deck of cards, a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life-changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 Cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 1st week of September 2024 let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of the Tarot dates back to the 1400s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft, bore the backlash of superstition, and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune-telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as a main tool for divination in India and across the globe and deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 1st week of September 2024. 

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September Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2024: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Six of Cups

Finance: Justice

Career: Knight of Cups

Health: The Hanged Man (Reversed)

Six of Cups in love indicates that dear Aries, may represent a time of healing after wounds, and comfort may be important to you now. If you and your partner have had a stressful period in your relationship, looking backwards at the great times can bring you great comfort. Let the past nourish your future; they are lessons to show you what you want to remain in your life, and what you wouldn’t.

Justice in a financial reading tells you to be honest with your finances when it appears upright. Don’t cheat or lie about money matters. If you’re fair and honest, your financial future will be better.

Knight of Cups in a career reading indicates that new offers may come your way. If you are eagerly waiting for a promotion, then this week it could come your way. New roles and responsibilities are also coming your way. 

The Hanged Man (Reversed) ensures good health for Aries individuals. It suggests that resisting the current health situation is a source of frustration. Instead, it encourages an adaptive approach to health, living in the present moment and letting go of idealized expectations regarding health conditions.

Suitable Rudraksha: 3 Mukhi Rudraksha


Love: Temperance

Finance: Knight of Wands

Career: King of Pentacles

Health: Queen of Pentacles

Heya Taurus! Temperance indicates that you need to maintain balance between your relationship and the other aspects of your life. Do not get lost in your relationship only or be so obscured with it that you stop prioritizing yourself or others. 

Knight of Wands in a financial reading suggests that this week you will be a little too careless with your money, spending recklessly.  However, you need to be careful while spending and spend wisely. You must learn to value money.

King of Pentacles indicates that you feel happy and content at work and may want to continue working at the same place. Your current workplace has a lot of opportunities where you can learn various new things related to your work and grow as an individual. 

Queen of Pentacles in a health reading points towards good health and the fact that you will have your mother or a motherly figure around you to care for you. This week you may feel nurtured like a child and have a great time relaxing.

Suitable Rudraksha: 6 Mukhi Rudraksha


Love: Ten of Cups

Finance: King of Cups

Career: Page of Swords

Health: Knight of Swords

Heya Geminis, you will have a great week as far as your personal life is concerned. You will have a good time with your partner and get to share some lovely moments with her or him. You will find enough space to deepen your emotional bond with family too.

The King of Cups has enough money to live tension free. You will be modest with managing your finances this week and will make a budget to make things easy for yourself. The week will be comfortable financially. 

No matter how negative the Page of Swords may sound, it is actually a positive card to receive in a career reading. This week you may gain clarity and perspective in terms of career. This week will be full of new learnings and responsibilities. 

Knight of Swords indicates a week which could be layered with fevers, cold allergy, dry cough, etc. This week can be a little rough on your health. Do take care.

Suitable Rudraksha: 4 Mukhi Rudraksha

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Love: Ace of Wands

Finance: Seven of Pentacles

Career: The Magician

Health: The World

Ace of Wands in a love reading states that this week you will find new love walking into your life and a new relationship budding which will make you extremely happy and secure Cancers. For the ones who are already in a relationship, you will spend some quality time with your spouse or partner and rekindle the old spark. 

Seven of Pentacles indicates you will rather be calculative with your money and watch your finances carefully. You may even be weighing your employment opportunities depending upon the monetary value it would add to your future. This will be a week of careful considerations. 

The Magician in a career reading indicates that your career will grow at a good pace and new career opportunities may creep up for you indicating an enhancement in your public image at work and personally too. Promotions and salary hikes will help you have a stable and secure financial state. The Magician is an indication that this week you will easily achieve all your goals.

The World in a health reading is an indicator of good immunity and health. You will be in great mental and physical health this week.

Suitable Rudraksha: 2 Mukhi Rudraksha


Love: Ten of Cups

Finance: Eight of Pentacles

Career: The Sun

Health: Strength

Ten of Cups in a love reading is a good card to receive dear Leos and it shows that this week you and your partner would bond and come closer emotionally. You will understand each other’s importance and if there had been any fights or arguments between you two then they would now solve.

Eight of Pentacles in a financial reading indicates that you are in a very stable and secure state financially currently and this week you may decide to spend your money on travels and trips with your loved ones. It is time you finally enjoy the fruit of hard work and enjoy all the luxuries you have brought together over a long period of working day and night.

The Sun in career is again one of the best cards and an indicator of positive energy and vitality. This week you may crack a very important deal for your organization and get promoted or rewarded for your work. If you’re a business owner then this deal would help your business grow manifold and take you on the path of success. If you put your heart in something then you will definitely achieve it. 

Strength card in a health reading talks about the confident state of mind you will be in. It shows that psychologically you will be in a very good state of mind and your physical health will support you too. 

Suitable Rudraksha: 12 Mukhi Rudraksha


Love: The Devil

Finance: King of Cups

Career: King of Pentacles (Reversed)

Health: Two of Swords

The Devil in love is not at all a welcome card, Virgos.  The Devil card in an upright position might indicate that your or your partner’s bad habits and addictions are ruining a potential relationship. For individuals in a new relationship, it suggests potential deceit or hidden truths in new relationships.

King of Cups  is typically financially comfortable and steady in a financial setting because of his wisdom, but he can lack motivation when it comes to material prosperity. You will lead a tension-free life this week at least. 

Did you feel that you were passed over for the promotion you had anticipated receiving? The King of Pentacles (reversed) in this case is perhaps a sign of instability or of opportunities lost. It’s possible that you’re not feeling satisfied with your work and that you’re afraid of losing your job because of subpar work.  

Two of Swords that blocked unexpressed emotions may be at the center of any health issues or physical discomfort you are in. Almost all health issues stem from stress and the same is with you. Please seek medical help.

Suitable Rudraksha: 4 Mukhi Rudraksha

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Love: Six of Wands

Finance: The Emperor

Career: Justice

Health: Ten of Wands

In a love reading, the Six of Wands suggests that you might enjoy your partnership with your spouse, Libras, this week. This is a celebratory card, meaning that you can have lots of chances this week to rejoice with your significant other, travel, or just spend time together. 

The Emperor in a financial reading is a good card to receive as it suggests that this week you will definitely gain control of your finances and this week will sail through without a worry related to finances. You are very particular and careful when it comes to money.

In your job or career, Justice reminds you to balance your work life with your personal life when it appears upright. It’s important to work hard, but it’s also essential to spend time with loved ones. If you’ve been fair and honest at work, good things will come your way.

Ten of Wands in a health spread indicates that fatigue and pain in the joints may not keep you feeling very well this week but you must put in the work to keep going and improve your health.

Suitable Rudraksha: 13 Mukhi Rudraksha


Love: Three of Swords

Finance: Knight of Wands

Career: Four of Cups

Health: Knight of Swords

Ouch Scorpios! Three of Swords indicates that this week you may have to go through a lot of ups and downs in your personal life and romantic relationships. You’re still recovering from a breakup or a bad phase in your personal life and are still not over it. The ghost of bad times keeps haunting you.

Knight of Wands in a financial reading points towards the need to save and manage your finances well. Money may come in for you this week but, this is also a signal that it will go out with equal force. You need to cut down on your expenditure.

Four of Cups in a career reading suggests that your job or career may make you feel uninspired or give you a sense of unfulfillment this week. You could be neglecting the good aspects of your work life because you are jealous of the successes, lives, and accomplishments of others. 

Knight of Swords in a health spread talks about you catching cold or any infectious, viral disease that would keep you down for a long time. Let’s say about a week or so. This week may not be the best week health wise. You must keep your anger in control.

Suitable Rudraksha: 3 Mukhi Rudraksha

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Love: Ten of Wands (Reversed)

Finance: Five of Swords

Career: Four of Cups

Health: Five of Pentacles

Dear Sagis, Ten of Wands (Reversed) indicates you and your partner are meant to weather the burdens of life together, but one of you may still find it difficult to be vulnerable. Instead of working as a team, one person may be taking all the responsibilities, perhaps with the best of intentions, or worse, not trusting the other person to be able to help.

You may be facing conflicts when it comes to money right now; whether it is with your partner, your family, or your friends. You’ll need to be extra cautious with your finances right now, especially when it comes to trusting others. There may be people who could attempt to cheat on you.

The Four of Cups portends a feeling of monotony or discontentment with your work or financial circumstances right now. You might continuously compare yourself to other people and be envious of their accomplishments, feeling unfulfilled and stuck.

Five of Pentacles in a health spread means that this week you may be dealing with health issues even after being successful in your profession. Some deep emotional issues may resurface. There are chances of getting a fracture too. Be careful.

Suitable Rudraksha: 5 Mukhi Rudraksha


Love: The Hierophant

Finance: Eight of Wands

Career: Three of Cups

Health: Four of Swords

Capricorns, this week would be fantastic for your romantic life. It might also imply that you might take a vacation. You simply enjoy being in a stable and contented relationship. The Hierophant represents a traditional, yet happy partnership with longevity guaranteed. 

Eight of Wands in a financial reading states that this week you will surely get good financial gains in ways such as a salary increment for corporate employees and huge profits for business owners. Financially this week may be very rewarding but your money will trickle out with the same pace as it comes in.

Three of Cups in a career reading states that this week your colleagues, peers and professional networks will be very helpful to you and you may climb the ladder of success with their support. You may spend most of the week celebrating your professional success  and achievements this week.

Four of Swords emphasizes the importance of rest and relaxation for you this week. You must take some time off and prioritize your well being. 

Suitable Rudraksha: 7 Mukhi Rudraksha

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Love: Nine of Pentacles

Finance: King of Cups

Career: Four of Swords

Health: Eight of Cups

Dear Aquarians, Nine of Pentacles in a love reading indicates that you are not in a mental state to be in a relationship. You have had a lot of experience personally and now you want to spend some time alone. You are your own master. Singles are enjoying themselves and do not wish to be in a relationship as yet. 

King of Cups in a financial reading indicates that this week you will have to apply your brains and be logical in your spendings. You may fall short of finances for important stuff, so it is better to plan things well.

Four of Swords may indicate a sabbatical in career that you may have to take owing to bad health. It may also indicate the fact that you may be feeling stagnant in your career with no growth or no major changes happening, resulting in a lack of motivation to do better. 

Eight of Cups in a health spread indicates multiple health issues creeping up for you or your family  members and this may get you a little worried. Don’t worry it will all be fine after a while.

Suitable Rudraksha: 7 Mukhi Rudraksha


Love: The Fool

Finance: Knight of Wands

Career: The Moon

Health: The Empress

The Fool in love is a risk taker and the one who believes, yet is immature. Dear Pisces, this card shows that this week you may take the risk of approaching the person you like and propose to them. You’re not worried about rejection but voicing out your feelings to the one you love is more important to you.

Knight of Wands in a financial reading cautions you against reckless and impulsive financial decisions. Do not look for shortcuts to earn money as you may end up losing a big chunk and have a hard time recovering from the losses. Be wise when dealing with money this week. 

The Moon in career points towards office politics disturbing your mental peace and creating a stressful environment at work. This week may bring up the darker side of working in a corporation or doing business in a competitive environment but with perseverance you will overcome this negative situation.

The Empress in a health reading indicates good health overall. Your immune system will become stronger and for those who are married, this may indicate a pregnancy or the start of a family soon.

Suitable Rudraksha: 5 Mukhi Rudraksha

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is formal training required to learn Tarot?

It is always best to take professional training if you want to take tarot reading as a profession.

2. Explain The Fool card?

The Fool card represents a young carefree energy who is ready for any adventure coming his way and is not scared to explore new things and areas. However, caution is needed.

4. Is Tarot reading similar to Astrology?

No, they’re both different, Tarot is majorly based on intuition and cards and astrology is based on the celestial bodies impacting our lives individually. 


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