Tarot Weekly Horoscope (01- 07 Oct): Big Surprises For 12 Zodiacs!

Tarot Cards As A Tool Of Divination 

Tarot cards are an ancient deck of cards and a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life changing questions with faith and humility. 

Tarot reading is definitely not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the 1st week of October let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of Tarot dates back to the 1400’s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were actually put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; as to how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft and bore the backlash of superstition and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot Reading was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is definitely basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as main tool for divination in India and across the globe and definitely deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the 1st week of October, 2023. 

Also Read: Tarot Reading 2023- Annual Prediction

October Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2023: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: Two of Wands

Finance: Six of Pentacles

Career: The World

Health: Two of Cups

Two of Wands in a love reading is a positive omen Aries which indicates that the romantic life is , and you are in the process of change in your love life. If you are already in a relationship, then this is the time to make some adjustments.

Six of Pentacles in a financial reading depicts that this week you will find just the right financial assistance you seek to help you out of a sticky spot and that help may come from someone older and a person who wants to see you grow in life.

The World in a career reading suggests that maybe a foreign trip or an opportunity from a foreign land is calling upon you and this opportunity or trip might prove to be a turning point in your professional life. This card is an indicator that your career is set to grow henceforth.

Two of Cups in a health reading suggests that this week you will be in excellent health. In case you’re recovering from an illness or an injury then through the love and support of your family you will be able to recover. 

Lucky Charm- Carnelian, to enhance your vitality and creativity.


Love: Six of Swords 

Finance: Queen of Cups

Career: Knight of Wands

Health: The Hermit

Six of Swords suggests that you’re coming out of a bad relationship Taurus. Walking away from unpleasant situations and choosing peace and calmness over chaos. Things are probably getting easier after a rough patch, like moving away from a fight and patching up. 

Queen of Cups in finances is a good card to receive as it suggests that you will be conserving money for the long run and will now spend wisely as with time you have come to value money. You have learned to spend wisely.

Knight of Wands in a career reading shows quick success and a new place. It is possible that you have recently joined a new workplace and your work may be getting appreciated there but do not let this get on to your head as a bad attitude may cost you dearly. Keep your head low and keep up the good work.

The Hermit is asking you to slow down and pay attention to your health. If you keep working and straining your body then you will definitely fall prey to some disease. You are advised to take rest.

Lucky Charm- Carry a jade crystal with you.


Love: Knight of Wands

Finance: Nine of Cups

Career: Ace of Cups

Health: Four of Swords

You and your partner may feel let down, agitated and aggressive towards each other with Knight of Wands. Not a good week for love and romance Geminis. Make sure to let go of small and trivial arguments so as to not escalate the situation and end up doing something you may regret later. There could be trust issues in the relationship as well.

Nine of Cups is a wish fulfillment card and says that this week you will have everything you may need to feel financially safe and sound. You will enjoy materialistic luxury this week and feel content and happy from within. Finally you have achieved what you wanted to.

Ace of Cups suggests that you will have an excellent start to the week as you may be welcomed with good news on the career front. Your life and heart will be full of happiness as you embark on a successful journey as far as your career is concerned. This week has amazing surprises in store for you. 

Four of Swords as a health card suggests that you take some time off from your busy schedule and rest for sometime to take on the bigger responsibilities that will come your way as the week progresses. 

Lucky Charm- Keep a crystal dice with you.

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Love: Ten of Cups

Finance: Ace of Swords

Career: Page of Wands

Health: Nine of Pentacles

Oh My. True to your nature, this is an emotional family card Cancer. Ten of Cups is an excellent card to receive this week. You will enjoy a great time with family and get time to bond with them and make memories. You will most probably have a good time and be at peace. 

Ace of Swords as Finances means you will have to think out of the box and be creative when it comes to saving money. Ace of Swords will require you to think very logically. Your heart and your intellect may have very different opinions when it comes to money. This card is advising you to follow your judgment. 

Page of Wands in a career reading suggests that there are some good new opportunities coming your way and this will pave a new path in your career and give you a new direction in life. 

Nine of Pentacles in a health reading is a positive card and shows that this week you will just sail through easily and be in the best of health throughout the week. This is a good time to indulge in self care and self love.

Lucky Charm- Moonstone


Love: Five of Swords

Finance: Ten of Pentacles

Career: The Magician

Health: The Tower

Howdy Leo’s! Oh Dear, we’re afraid Five of Swords is bad news. Your partner has someone else in mind and wants to leave you, so you may often find your partner bringing up petty issues and fighting with you and looking for reasons to end the relationship. That small feeling in your gut tells you that. 

Ten of Pentacles shows that you will be inheriting some money this week whether a small sum or a large amount but it will definitely bring in riches and inheritance. In some cases, it may also be inheriting ancestral property. 

The Magician is extremely good news in a career reading as it shows that you may be getting a promotion this week and could reach the top of the ladder. There could be new roles and responsibilities coming in that would push your limits further and push you out of your comfort zone to achieve further growth.

Health could be a cause of concern for you with The Tower. It shows that a sudden illness or an accident may brew trouble and bring your life to a standstill this week. Be careful and make your safety a priority.

Lucky Charm- Citrine Pendant


Love: The High Priestess

Finance: Two of Swords

Career: Five of Pentacles

Health: Seven of Cups

Oh My Virgos, The High Priestess in a love reading shows that even though you may seem completely calm on the surface, there are raging emotions underneath. You’re in a phase of complete transformation in terms of feelings and understanding.In a relationship, the High Priestess shows increasing intimacy and openness, making the relationship strong. 

Two of Swords in a financial reading indicates that difficult or unpleasant decisions as well as an inability or refusal to face reality. If you are currently having financial difficulties, you cannot allow yourself to remain unaware of them.

Five of Pentacles in a career reading indicates that  You may be going through a period of hardship at work, perhaps through losing a job, or feeling alone and abandoned at work by colleagues or bosses. Others may treat you like an outcast, and you may struggle with office politics and being social. If you’re a business owner, you may also be struggling.

Seven of Cups indicates that this week you are too busy taking the high road and thus messing up your health. The burden in leaving you run down and susceptible to illness or injury. It is advised to pay attention to your health. 

Lucky Charm- A fancy pen

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Love: Four of Swords

Finance: Queen of Wands

Career: Six of Cups

Health: Seven of Pentacles

Dear Libras, Four of Swords can indicate that you and your partner need to spend some time apart to relax, reflect, and rekindle your romance, like its said, absence makes the heart grow fonder. You and your partner are both experiencing the need for some quiet and some time away from each other due to anxiety, arguments and fights.

Queen of Wands in a reading suggests that you will be in total control of your finances. This week you will be financially secure and stable owing to the mature and responsible financial practices and tactics you have aced over the years.

Six of Cups in a career reading indicates that during this week it is a good idea to participate in collaborative or creative endeavors. It can also indicate that working with young people may push you out of your comfort zone and encourage you to work harder.

Seven of Pentacles in a health spread talks about how you will be able to find a cure or get medical treatment for any illness you’ve been suffering from. You are on the road to recovery. 

Lucky Charm- Rainbow colored Keyring


Love: Seven of Cups

 Finance: Three of Pentacles

Career: Ten of Cups

Health: Ten of Wands

If you want to stick with your current partner, know that this relationship would be hard work for sure. You’re thinking about a lot of things at the same time Scorpios and relationships are certainly not a priority as of now. Let your partner know and move on. 

You’re handling your finances well and with experience and are in a happy space with the Three of Cups. This week you may spend lavishly and celebrate some success you have achieved with your friends.

The Ten of Cups indicates that this week finally you will feel that your efforts are beginning to pay off and things are looking bright from the career’s perspective. You’re in a good space and things are moving forward as per your plans.

Ignoring your health could lead to serious issues. You’re advised to take precautions. Ten of Wands in a health spread is not done. 

Lucky Charm- Carry any object with a triangular shape

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Love: The Devil

Finances: Nine of Cups 

Career: Knight of Wands

Health: The Chariot

The appearance of The Devil is bad news in a relationship reading Sagis. It shows that your love relationships may not last and you could be stuck in a vicious cycle of toxic patterns which you need to break free from, and be open to let new people come into your life. 

Financially, your wishes are being granted and you are stable and content on the financial front, confirms the Nine of Cups. All your financial goals would be met with ease this week and you will be in a secure space. 

 This is an excellent time for you to start the project you have been planning to or grab new opportunities head on. Try not to look for shortcuts on the way towards success and end up ruining things on an impulse. Try not getting too excited with all those opportunities coming your way and choose wisely.

You have the drive and will take the initiative to improve your health this week onwards. If you’re suffering from any illness or injury, it will be cured. This week your health will certainly improve. 

Lucky Charm- A crystal trinket

Also Read: October Horoscope


Love: King of Cups

Finances: The Hermit

Career: Queen of Swords

Health: Five of Cups

Capricorn natives will have a ball this week as far as love related matters are concerned as your partner will fulfill all your wishes and you will find peace and commitment in your relationship. For Singles, you will be getting good and sincere offers. 

On the financial front, this will considerably be a better week for you as you are set out to seek financial advice from people you can rely on. Your focus will be finances this week as you feel you probably lack on the financial front and are rather sad with your current financial situation. Please keep in mind that things will definitely get better in the coming weeks.

Your career is going the way you had planned it with the Queen of Swords but there is a senior or someone at work who is rather being too hard on you, don’t get disheartened though, its their way to help you and push you to grow in life. This senior of yours will definitely help you on the way towards success. 

Five of Cups indicates that this week all the stress on the financial and the career front could take a toll on your health and ignoring your health issues can invite bigger troubles for you in the long run. Pay attention. 

Lucky Charm- A sparkly Silver Pendant


Love: Three of Wands

Finances: Five of Pentacles

Career: Eight of Pentacles

Health: Judgment

Aquarians are very likely thinking of taking their relationship to the next phase and if you are thinking of officially introducing your partner to your family then this is just the right time. Singles can receive unexpected love offers. 

There could be a brief period of financial troubles but things won’t go out of hand if you plan your finances well enough in advance. Five of Pentacles shows bankruptcy and you could face adverse situations related to money. Caution is advised.

With the Eight of Pentacles, the message is clear that this week your diligent efforts at work will fructify and pay off well. Your focus is your work and that is a priority for you as of now. All the hard work will soon give you desired results as far as your professional life is concerned.

 You are at your best healthwise and if you are facing some health issues soon you will feel whole and lively again. 

Lucky Charm- Keep a copper coin or a piece of copper in your wallet always. 


Love: Four of Wands

Finances: The Emperor

Career: The Sun

Health: Justice

This is going to be an amazing week for Pisces natives as things look lovely on all fronts with some amazing cards. Your relationship could culminate in marriage and there will be celebrations at home or in the family amongst your relatives.

You are in a position where you have an abundance of finances and you feel secure. This week you will be in full control of your finances and would rather stick to the planned expenses than to go out of your way and spend on something that does not seem important. Finances will not be a problem for you.

Your career will rise exponentially as promotion is indicated in the cards with the Sun coming up in a career reading. Your superiors will be in your favor or you could be promoted to an administrative or managerial position. Your career is ready to scale the heights this week.

You’re well in sync with your physical and mental health and doing your best in terms of what your body demands for you to lead a healthy life. Health is your utmost priority this week it seems. 

Lucky Charm- A star shaped trinket can bring good luck. 

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