May Tarot Monthly Horoscope: Authentic Divination Adventure For This Month!

Tarot Cards as a Tool of Divination

Tarot cards are an ancient deck of cards and a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition in the form of Tarot Spreads. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life changing questions with faith and humility. Tarot reading is definitely not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the month of May let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of Tarot dates back to the 1400’s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were actually put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; as to how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft and bore the backlash of superstition and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is definitely basking in this new found glory. Tarot reading is once more being used as a main tool for divination in India and across the globe and definitely deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the month of May, 2023. 

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May Tarot Weekly Horoscope 2023: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love: The Magician

Finance: Knight of Pentacles

Career: Ten of Wands

Health: Seven of Cups

The Magician in the context of a love Tarot reading is a positive card to receive Aries.  This card signifies moving to a new and deeper level where you can expect stronger commitment and happiness. If you are single, The Magician indicates that now is a great time to meet someone new.

Knight of Pentacles signifies a stable financial condition for the month of May. The Knight of Pentacles is a good omen indicating profits, building your financial security for the future and working hard to achieve your long term financial goals for the month of May.

Ten of Wands signifies that you have probably been working too long or too hard and it has now become a burden you can no longer carry on with. Take a break and relax for sometime. Your career should not feel like a burden, it should excite you. 

Seven of Cups indicates that your health is sure to go haywire in the month of May if you don’t prioritize yourself and take rest which your body so desperately needs. Please pay attention to the warning signals your body is giving you.

Affirmation: I am getting better and better everyday


Love: Two of Cups

Finance: Five of Pentacles

Career: Knight of Swords

Health: Queen of Pentacles

You could meet your soulmate with the Two of Cups this month Taurus. This card may also point towards reciprocation of admiration and peace in any relationship beyond even the romantic ones. The Two Cups represent the flow of love between two individuals, whether friends, family or romantic partners.

Five of Pentacles in a financial reading is a BIG warning sign as it does caution you of the impending financial crisis or bankruptcy you could face Taurus. You could get into deep financial trouble. Please start saving NOW and plan your finances very carefully.

Knight of Swords, this card resonates’ May the best person win’ and does imply that your focus is razor sharp in terms of your career goals and you’re out there to achieve them for sure. 

Queen of Pentacles suggests that you will be in the best of your health this month so that for sure is a relief. Please make sure you continue to work on your health and maintain it the same way. 

Affirmation: I am powerful, confident and wake up motivated


Love: Ace of Wands

Finance: Three of Swords

Career: Five of Cups

Health: Four of Swords

Ace of Wands is a good omen as far as love and relationships are concerned. You could start a new relationship this month after a phase of being single and lonely. It could be the start to a long term fun filled and passionate relationship. 

Three of Swords signifies a month of financial hiccups as you struggle through this month Geminis. You may have to deal with major financial setbacks this month and may worry about your finances but things can improve by making wise financial decisions and refrain from overspending. 

Five of Cups signifies that you probably feel unsatisfied with your career. You’re not happy with how your career has turned out to be. Things are not going your way. It’s time to introspect and redirect your career after careful consideration.

Four of Swords points towards the fact that you need to take a break. You need to spend some time alone and reconsider where your life is going and what you want out of life. All the problems you’re facing have been affecting your health negatively too. 

Affirmation: I am living a life of abundance

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Love: The World

Finance: Ace of Pentacles

Career: Temperance

Health: Ace of Swords

Whoa! Now those are some exceptional cards, Cancer. The World in a love reading points towards a stable relationship full of abundance. You feel at peace with your partner and they actually treat you as their world. 

Ace of Pentacles points towards a stable and a month full of financial abundance. This may be especially true if you’re a business owner. This card signifies amazing profits for the whole of may. 

Temperance in a career reading suggests that you’re putting efforts in the right direction and persevering to achieve your goals. This month would be full of motivation for you and you would be able to conquer all your ambitions.

Ace of Swords in a health reading suggests that you will be in good health for the major part of the month. If you’re recovering from an illness you will now recover fully at a fast pace. 

Affirmation: I am the best version of myself


Love: The Tower

Finance: Four of Pentacles

Career: Three of Cups

Health: Justice

Alas Leos, The Tower is bad news. It seems like your relationship has reached its breaking point. Every little fight escalates to a BIG argument within minutes and you spend more time thinking whether this relationship is right for you. It’s time to move on sweetheart. 

Four of Pentacles shows that at least the finances will not be an issue for you this month. You have worked very hard to reach where you are currently in terms of finances and you will now enjoy the fruits of your labor. 

Three of Cups definitely tells that your career is fun and gives you an opportunity to mingle with people from across the globe. You could come in touch with people amongst your network circle who can help you grow in your career. Job change is possible this month. 

Justice tells us that this month you will not be dealing with any major health issue. 

Affirmation: I am loved and will return the same love back to the universe and my surroundings

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Love: Judgment

Finance: The Devil

Career: The Emperor

Health: Two of Swords

Be honest with yourself this month and what you want from a relationship. Set your priorities right and be sure of what you want to settle for. Making a serious call is important so that you do not waste your time, energy and emotions on the wrong person.

The Devil is a signal from the universe trying to let you know that you need to stop spending aimlessly on things of less importance and need to plan your finances reasonably. Addictions and overspending may lead you in trouble Virgos

You probably have your own business or are at a high position if you are a regular job goer. You have inborn leadership qualities and are a good administrator. Make sure to deal with your peers and your subordinates carefully and with love and not let ego issues ruin things for you.

Two of Swords shows that there’s a lot of confusion in your mind and this week you may find yourself worrying too much about anything and everything. Please stay calm and be sure that everything will fall in place. Pay attention to your mental health.

Affirmation: Universe has my back and I am on the right path


Love: Two of Pentacles

Finance: Five of Swords

Career: Three of Pentacles

Health: King of Pentacles

You are weighing your options as far as your love life is concerned Libra. You may also be stressing yourself out trying to balance your career, family, and relationship. All of these things demand effort, and this month could be extra hard on you.

Five of Swords in a financial reading is asking you to be ethical and honorable when dealing with finances. It says that if you don’t watch your actions then your act will surely come back to haunt you. This could also be a sign to be wary of anyone who may take your money away unethically. Beware!

You will find yourself putting double efforts this month. Three of Pentacles is asking you to be ethical and committed to your work and you shall be rewarded similarly. You are being guided to use your experience and skills this May to take you to a level of higher learning and achievement. 

King of Pentacles in a health reading suggests that this month will fly by in a breeze as you feel so active, enthusiastic and good about your health. You will spend a lively month surrounded by family, friends and your loved ones.

Affirmation: I am independent and self sufficient

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Love: King of Cups

Finance: Eight of Wands

Career: Nine of Wands

Health: Queen of Wands

King of Cups in a love reading suggests that this month you will find peace and contentment in your relationship. Your partner will be extremely supportive of you and you will have a stable relationship throughout the month. 

Wands show speed and movement Scorpios and and keeping in tune with the wands energy, money will for sure come in from all directions but it will also find its way out of your hands just as fast. Make sure to save a considerable amount as security.

Nine of Wands in a career reading suggests that it’s been a long time since you have been feeling stagnant in your job or business. You have been waiting to find direction for too long now. This month you will get clarity as to how you should move forward as far as your career is concerned. Be quick to spot opportunities.

Queen of Wands in a health reading suggests that this month you will be in the best of your health. The tarot energies are supportive throughout the month. At least that’s an area you don’t need to worry about.

Affirmation: I am intelligent and focused


Love: Seven of Swords

Finance: The High Priestess

Career: Six of Cups

Health: The Chariot

Ouch! Sagis, you’re dealing with a lot of lying, cheating, basically a whole lot of deceit in your relationship and our hearts go out to you. It is time you reconsider if you really want to stick around. Save your energies and leave this relationship as soon as possible. There’s something better out there. 

The High Priestess is here to warn you as well as teach you important financial lessons this month. The High Priestess warns you to not disclose your finances or your financial plans to anyone as you could be cheated. It also signifies that this month someone experienced and known may help you plan your finances and jot down the whole road map for you.

Six of Cups in a career reading is a sign of good fortune. You will be very creative with your ideas at work and your peers will be supportive of you. Instead of getting on individual projects you will be seen excelling at group projects or team work. 

Chariot represents movement and if you’re trying to heal from an injury or some illness then for sure recovery is on its way. You will soon be nursed back to health in no time with proper care.

Affirmation: I am driven by my future


Love: The Lovers

Finance: Nine of Swords

Career: The Empress

Health: Two of Wands

Hey Capricorns! The Lovers could be a sign that you have either found your soulmate or may find one in this month. The Lovers shows deep emotional connections and an unconditional love that is hard to find. You may even consider making your relationship official this May.

Nine of Swords denotes that your financial concerns are giving you extreme tension, anxiety and sleepless nights. In reality you may be making a mountain out of a molehill. You need to stop thinking negatively and examine your finances with reality. 

The Empress in a career reading suggests that you are in a stable career. You may be more creative and passionate than usual, and put all your ideas to work in your projects. It may also suggest that you’re feeling particularly nurturing and generous when it comes to your career for this month.

Two of Wands represents a healthy and new phase as far as health is concerned in the month of May. You will be able to enjoy a happy, healthy month overall.

Affirmation: I am more grateful each day


Love: Page of Wands

Finance: Ten of Cups

Career: Wheel of Fortune

Health: King of Swords

Page of Wands in a love reading represents a new energy. It can be possible that either you will meet someone new, start a new relationship or rekindle a spark in your existing relationship. 

Ten of Cups in finances tells us that this month your finances will be smooth and stable and you will be surrounded by a feeling of content and abundance. Finances will come in with great speed. You will be able to provide everything to your family as far as material luxury and abundance is concerned.

The Wheels are churning and turning and luck is definitely favoring you at work this month Aquarius. This month you will be presented with amazing opportunities at work which will turn out to be what you were actually looking for and this will set your career in motion. 

Kind of Swords directly points towards healing from an injury or an accident, if so then be sure that this month you will heal and get back on your feet soon enough. You will also understand your body better now. 

Affirmation: I am focused and driven to achieve my goals


Love: Four of Wands

Finance: Seven of Pentacles

Career: Eight of Pentacles

Health: King of Wands

This month may bring in lots of positive changes in your love life Pisces. You may get married or it may also be possible that you end up meeting ‘The One’ while attending a family function or a wedding in your family. It is a month of celebration.

Seven of Pentacles in a financial reading states that you have been saving up money for a long while and working very hard to do so. You have made logical financial investments and now the wait is finally over. You will now be paid n hefty amounts through your investments. Your worries are now over.

Eight of Pentacles is a sure shot signal that your main focus and priority is work. You have certain set goals in mind regarding your career and you are too focused on achieving those goals at the moment. This month you will be rewarded for your dedication and hardwork.

King of Wands shows that you will spend a healthy month. No major problems that we can really warn you of but prioritize your health anyway. 

Affirmation: Happiness is a choice and I choose to be happy

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