Tarot Card Of The Week: These 3 Zodiacs Will Have A Blast This Week!

Tarot Card Of The Week: These 3 Zodiacs Will Have A Blast This Week!

Tarot Card Of The Week: AstroSage brings to you Tarot Card Of The Week, based on the Tarot energies for today based on a single card that we randomly pull out. It is advised you take what resonates and leave the rest. These random cards that we pull out and send out for you to read would help you prepare for the basic energies surrounding that particular day and guide you to carry out your daily tasks and plans more confidently. Hope this helps.

In case you want to read more detailed version for the whole week that involves a detailed zodiac-wise tarot reading based on major aspects of life then read through the Tarot Weekly Horoscope here. In this blog, we will focus on the professional life of a few zodiacs based on the moon signs. 

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Tarot Card Of The Week: 07th- 13th Jan

The Chariot: Description

The Chariot tarot card shows a male figure sitting inside a cart being driven by two black and white sphinxes. The card exudes a celestial or a comic energy; the figure sits underneath a blue canopy adorned by white stars. On his shoulders, he carries the sign of the crescent moon, representing the spiritual influence under which he is guided. On his head sits a crown, meaning that he is enlightened, and that his will is pure. On the figure’s chest is embossed a square, denoting the element of earth, of the material world, which grounds him and his actions. 

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The sphinxes are colored in black and white, a symbol of opposing forces that the charioteer must learn to control. Here they are calm, but they frequently get into scuffles as they seem to want to move in different directions. His task is to guide these sphinxes towards a destination, one that is marked by the cosmic forces that he represents.

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The Chariot: Meaning 

The Chariot tarot card ensures that an individual overcomes challenges and gains victory through maintaining control of your surroundings. This perfect control and confidence allows the charioteer to emerge victorious in any situation. The use of strength and willpower are critical in ensuring that you overcome the obstacles that lie in your path. The Chariot makes you stronger as you strive to achieve your goals.

Read: Horoscope 2024

The Chariot asks you to maintain focus, confidence, and determination through a process that will be full of winding turns and detours. If you have a plan or a project that you seem not to be sure about, the Chariot shows that you should pursue the plan with a structured and ordered approach. Your boldness will ensure that you achieve all that you should in this goal.

These Zodiac Signs Will Benefit This Week


Libra natives will gain clarity this new year as to what they want in terms of career and where they are headed to. You will be in total control of your job and your career. You know your job and you are a highly valued person in your organization. you are already in a position in your career where you are the leading role and authorizing many to work under you. The stagnant energy you were feeling in your profession will finally leave you as your career will gain direction and a purpose.

Read: Career Horoscope 2024


Capricorn natives will get what they want and finally will have their desires fulfilled in terms of career. If you were willing to get a promotion then you will have it this week. This week will give you many opportunities to celebrate and succeed in life. You could even reach a milestone in your career this week. 


The Chariot this week will encourage growth and self-development within yourself this week Aquarius and will drive yourself to do your best. You will be proud of your success and enjoy it. You will be overly competitive this week in all aspects of life and your confident best. All in all it will be a good week as far as your career is concerned. A promotion may be coming up for you.

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