Tarot Card Of The Week: Three Of Wands Point Towards Stable Foundation For 3 Zodiacs

Tarot Card Of The Week: AstroSage brings to you this blog based on the Tarot energies for today based on a single card that we randomly pull out. It is advised you take what resonates and leave the rest. These random cards that we pull out and send it out for you to read would help you prepare for the basic energies surrounding that particular day and guide you to carry out your daily tasks and plans in a more confident manner. Hope this helps.

In case you want to read more detailed version for the whole week that involves a detailed zodiac wise tarot reading based on major aspects of life then read through the Tarot Weekly Horoscope 30th July- 5th August. In this blog we will focus on the financial aspects of a few zodiacs based on the moon signs. 

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Tarot Weekly 30th July- 05th August: Card Of The Week

Three Of Wands(Upright)

The Three of Wands shows a man standing on the edge of a cliff, looking over the sea and the mountains, towards a new horizon. From the edge of the cliff, he looks over towards the future and all that lies ahead of him, an ocean of opportunities. He is holding onto one of the three wands that surround the man, rooted into the earth beneath. He seems to look forward and reflect on the opportunities that lie ahead of him, the plans and the commitment he has towards his plans and the execution of his plans to get them into action.

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Three Of Wands (Upright) Card Meaning

The Three of Wands hints at widened horizons coming up for you in the near future. This could mean that everything you planned and prayed for is running smoothly. As you have taken the time to plan your future, and are taking steps to turn plans into action. It suggests that the future is bringing in a more stable foundation for yourself.

The Three of Wands is symbolic of the fact that opportunities ahead will allow you to widen your spectrum of possibilities in any area of life, be it personal, professional, health wise or financial. It also is a signal to be more open to welcoming better opportunities that could open up to you in the near future. As you take steps towards achieving what you set out to do, you are also becoming more aware of opportunities that are coming your way, and this could take you out of your comfort zone. This urges individuals to embrace changes and look into settling in a long term commitment be it personal or professional. 

Tarot Weekly 30th July- 05th August: Zodiac Signs Who Will Experience Positive Energies 


Dear Taurus, The Three of Wands, this week points at a time for you when you can enjoy the profits of your hard work. Your hours of labor, blood and sweat will  be rewarded this week. It could be a business, a new venture, a project or any other thing that you had been tirelessly working on and it is finally paying you back. This means that salary increments, bonuses, etc could come your way this week. Some investment made in the past could give you good returns this week.

Also Read: August Horoscope


There are high chances that these individuals will get good gains in all ways possible this week. The authorities at work will be quite impressed and these individuals may find new opportunities coming their way to further excel their career. Gemini natives will be blessed with the courage their work requires and they will be seen taking bold steps to make their career work.

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Virgo natives will be able to gather courage for making some very bold decisions as far as finances are concerned. These individuals will most definitely benefit from all the new opportunities coming their way this week. It may also benefit the business owners as financial gains will most likely come in and sales will zoom up for sure to help them make themselves stronger and better financially.

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