Tarot Horoscope: The Chariot Sets The Tone This Week For These 3 Zodiacs In Love!

AstroSage brings to you this blog based on the Tarot energies for today based on single card that we randomly pull out. It is advised you take what resonates and leave the rest. These random cards that we pull out and send it out for you to read would help you prepare for the basic energies surrounding that particular day and guide you to carry out your daily tasks and plans in a more confident manner. Hope this helps. In case you want to read a more detailed version for the whole week that involves a detailed zodiac wise tarot reading based on major aspects of life then read through the Tarot Weekly Horoscope 16th-22nd July. In this blog we will focus on the love life of few zodiacs based on the moon signs. To know your Moonsign click here. 

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Tarot Weekly 16th-22nd July: Card Of The Week

The Chariot (Upright)

If we look at the Chariot card and closely analyze it we will see an authoritative figure on a chariot being driven by two black and white sphinxes. The whole card has a bit of a mythological influence; The blue canopy covering the figure is adorned with white stars. A crescent moon sits on his shoulder which shows that he is spiritually guided. The crown on his head symbolizes he is enlightened and moves forward with a pure heart. On his chest a square is emblazoned, denoting the element of earth and of the material world, which grounds him and his actions.

The sphinxes, colored Black & White show or depict the opposing forces within and around us that we as the charioteer of our life must learn to control. Here they seem calm but often get into a tussle as they both want to move in opposite directions and overpower the other. The charioteer’s task however is to guide these sphinxes towards a defined destination, one that is laid out by the cosmic forces.

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The Upright Chariot Card Meaning

The Chariot is a card of determination, overcoming challenges and gaining control of the situation or your surroundings. The message is clear, you need to make proper use of the strength and the willpower and the key to the message is to maintain, focus, confidence and determination passing or riding through a process or path full of twists and turns challenging you at every step. You must work hard to keep negativity at a bare minimum and move forward with confidence. Your boldness and the confidence you exude will ensure that you achieve your goal ultimately.

Also Read: July Horoscope

The Chariot in love will also always guide you to be honest, open, understanding as a partner and strike a balance to move your relationship forward with confidence. You are being asked to maintain balance by not feeding the negatives you encounter in your relationship and feed the positives to make the process and the path easier and lighter for both the partners involved. 

Tarot Weekly 16th-22nd July: These Zodiacs Will Experience Positive Energies 


Your sign itself stands for Balance Libras, and true to your nature you will be able to maintain great balance in your relationships this week. If you make logical decisions and do not completely depend on the emotional energy alone it would be beneficial for you and your partner and you will be able to move forward together with ease. Make sure to let go of the small fights.

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Hey Capricorns, this week you will have a clear understanding of what you want in a relationship. Once you figure out what is right for you, the Chariot urges you to take action once you unclutter your head and feel ready to move forward in the direction you feel is best for you. Whatever you undertake must be taken up with full confidence and you will for sure be victorious.  


Aquarius, this week your relationship will become calmer and things will seem clearer. If you feel stuck within the relationship things will definitely move forward and it will now move in the right direction. For the ones heading for a breakup, this move will be in your best interest and present you with the closure and the need for accepting the situation as it is for you to be able to look forward to a better future. 

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