Astro-Review: Will Ajay Devgn as Tanhaji Succeed In Overpowering The Box Office?

tanhaji movie reviewtanhaji movie review

Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior: Pointers As Per Astrology

  • Date of Release – 10 January 2020
  • Time of Release – 9:00 AM
  • Place – Mumbai (Mumbai is the base of Bollywood)

tanhaji kundlitanhaji kundli

Prashan Kundli for Tanhaji Movie (we have rotated the kundli to Destiny Number Rashi i.e 9 – Sagittarius)

Note – This prediction is the combined result of Vedic Jyotish and Ank Jyotish (Numerology)

  1. As per Name Numerology, the movie Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior has Destiny number 9.
  2. The number 9 is ruled by Mars in numerology. In Vedic Jyotish, it is the number of Sagittarius sign ruled by Jupiter. This means Jupiter, Mars and Sagittarius sign will act as the crucial factors in determining the success of this movie.
  3. Sagittarius is posited in the first house of the above prashan kundli, where five planets viz. Jupiter, Saturn, Ketu, Mars and Sun are present. The ruler of this sign Jupiter is placed with four planets, that are inimical to each other. For example, Sun is inimical to Saturn, Ketu is inimical to Sun, Saturn and Mercury. These enmities are represented as fights or war, which is the main plot of the movie. Hence the full name of the movie is compatible with the plot of the story.
  4. Jupiter, the ruler of this Sagittarius sign, is posited in the first house with being aspected by “Moon”. Here in this first house, Jupiter is creating the “Guru-Ketu Dosha”, which does not seem good for Jupiter. This will definitely hamper the success of the movie as first house shows overall success.
  5. Mars, the destiny lord, is placed in the twelfth house, of the prashan kundli. Here, it is placed in its own sign, and this makes the twelfth house very strong. Twelfth house is the house of expenditures, and Mars being the lord of fifth house (Gains) placed strongly in the expenditure house shows this movie will not earn much profit with its release.
  6. Mars is the planet which is known as the Warrior (Maratha) and sign Sagittarius is symbolised with a Horseman with bow-arrow, i.e. war or fight. Moreover, Rahu in the seventh house of war shows war with Muslims (because in astrology, Rahu depicts Muslim Race). This makes the name quite relevant.
  7. Special Note: This movie is all about recapturing the Kondana Fort. Fort/houses are seen from the fourth house. Fourth house lord is again Jupiter, which is indulged with the Rahu-Ketu axis. On the other hand, the Rahu-Ketu axis shows intercaste or inter-religion matters. Moreover, Mars is the natural karaka for houses (forts). This shows how well the name of the movie is deeply attached to the plot.
  8. For Astro Lovers – Mars, the destiny lord, is known as the warrior or commander-in-chief in the Royal Kingdom of the Sun (In Vedic Astrology, Sun is the King and Moon is the Queen). Tanhaji was a great military leader in the Maratha Empire.
  9. In a nutshell, the movie will be average and would be a one-time watch.

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We wish the cast and crew of the movie “Tanhaji” All The Best.
