While India was preparing for its Independence Day, at the same time between 15 and 16 August, very disturbing news from Afghanistan shocked the world. There was about the infamous terrorist organization Taliban taking over Afghanistan once again. After this news, there was uproar in the world. To understand this more deeply, Acharya Raman, a well-known astrologer of AstroSage, has carried out an astrological analysis and shed light on the outcomes from the eyes of astrology.
In this special analysis, we will try to know what will be the effect of this act of the Taliban on India and the world? Also, know other important things related to this issue.
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Taliban’s Take Over Afghanistan: An Astrological Analysis
Here is the Kundli of India:
Between 15th to 16th August, the highly-criticised terrorist organization Taliban took over Afghanistan. Today on 18th August, I (Acharya Raman) am writing this prediction about the future of the Taliban and India. When this happened, the two major planets were in a retrograde motion, Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn was opposing the Sun and in Jupiter sub. Jupiter is in the Venus sub.
Will The Taliban Change?
As per the national and international media reports, the Taliban is trying to maintain a humanitarian approach. However, their motives will come into the open domain gradually after Jupiter and Saturn will turn direct gradually, and in 2022 when 4 major planets will change their signs, we will see the reality in totality.
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What Is There In Store For India?
India is running the Mahadasha of Moon till 2025. Mercury Antara is there till 16-10-2022. After Mercury, Ketu will come. 2023-2024 can be the year when the Taliban will cease to exist just like ISIS, Al Kaida etc. We may see the birth of a new terrorist organization in our country but all will most likely be neutralized by the army and the police BSF, ITBP, etc. Kindly mark my words, that India is going to play the most important role in diminishing the Taliban in the upcoming time. Not today or tomorrow but in the years to come, hopefully, and we will be there to witness it.
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Financial Loss to India
As the Taliban have promised they are not going to hamper the growth. India is not going to lose but as it said in our scriptures, “जाके प्रभु दारुन दुख दे ताकी बुद्धि पेहले हर लेई / jāke prabhu dāruna dukha de tākī buddhi pehale hara leī”, this will come to the fore in just a few months in 2022. India will have to remove the projects established there and suffer the loss after some time. Also, I am sure the government will do something very politically correct with the help of the Arab nations to make things fine and functioning.
Let’s see what the future unfolds for India, Afghanistan and the world.
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