Sun Transit In Cancer: The ‘King’ Showers Its Blessings On These 4 Zodiac Signs!

AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Sun will Transit in the sign of Cancer on 17th of July, 2023 at 4:59 AM. Let’s find out what impact Sun Transit in Cancer will have on these 4 zodiac signs. These calculations are based on Ascendant signs. In case you want to know more about your rising sign, click on the Ascendant Calculator by AstroSage. 

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Sun Transit In Cancer: These Zodiacs Will Benefit


The Sun rules the 5th house for the Aries natives and this Sun transit in Cancer in the 4th house is expected to bring good news for their career and finances as well.  This time may be additionally fruitful for the people engaged in government sectors and the ones who are at administrative posts. The Individuals working in the private sector could experience improvements in their work environments and even get promotions or higher positions. 

They will also be full of confidence and notice positive changes in their personalities. In addition, this period also guarantees success in their respective careers.  Aries people involved in businesses could also make a name for themselves during this time. The financial condition of Aries individuals will definitely improve during this phase and you may feel secure enough to invest in buying a new house or other luxury items for your own comfort. Finances may definitely become better during this period. 

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The Sun rules the 4th house for Taurus natives and will now transit to the 3rd house. This may bring about changes in your professional and personal life and is your financial status as well. Specifically, the Sun transit in Cancer indicates a period that may favor job change and may bring about better opportunities for you. If you have been considering changing jobs, this is a favorable time to do so and you may find success. This transit may also result in a job transfer for those whose jobs are transferable. Those who were looking for a transfer will now be granted their wish.

Additionally, this transit may bring positive changes for those in business. Starting new business ventures or investing in a new deal would be a good idea. You may now be able to take bigger risks as Sun comes to the 3rd house of courage and make bolder decisions which will prove to be beneficial for your business in the long run.  It is a favorable time to implement new marketing and sales strategies which can lead to an increase in business and your reputation in the market. Your financial and social status will rise in society . Short journeys may prove to be beneficial financially and professionally as well. 

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The Sun rules the 11th house for Libra natives and will now transit to the 10th house. This is a good placement in terms of career. Their social status would rise in the society and they would earn respect. People engaged in the hospitality business or in a restaurant business would earn very well during this transit. The more you throw yourself amongst the public and increase your visibility in public the better it is going to be.

 People running NGOs or animal shelters would benefit a lot during this period as well. The one working in private sectors would benefit a lot from their social networks and may get good opportunities through others’ references. Libra natives may be able to gain financial security during this period in the form of salary increments or bonuses. Investing in stock market may be beneficial as well. 

Also Read: July Horoscope


For Scrpio natives Sun becomes the 10th house lord and will transit through the 9th house. The Sun transit in Cancer will lead to an increase in social status and recognition in society, and the natives will also actively participate in spiritual and religious activities. The transit may also introduce them to a new group of people, leading to a positive reputation and earning praise from others and may get full support of the father or other mentors or father figures in their life. 

In terms of career, this will be a rewarding phase where people working in the government sector may specifically benefit. People engaged in private sectors will definitely experience a rise in their career graph no matter how small it is. This is a good time for the Scorpio natives to make changes in their job as their efforts may lead to success. In the business sector, transit will bring favorable results, especially in the real estate and travel industry. Finances will improve too for these individuals and they may be able to fend well for themselves through their own efforts. 

Sun Transit In Cancer: Impactful Remedies

  • Donate Jaggery, wheat and copper on Sundays.
  • Water the Tulsi plant everyday, except on Sundays.
  • Recite the Aditya Hridaya Stotram everyday.
  • Wear the color red and orange often.
  • Offer Arghya to the Sun everyday by taking water in a copper vessel and add red rose petals in it. 

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