Sun Transit In Aquarius: Know What Happens When Sun-Saturn Meet In Aquarius!

Sun Transit In Aquarius: The Sun is the biggest star in our solar system and the main source of life and light on earth. The planet Sun is revered as the “Sun God” in Hinduism. It offers life, force, and energy, which in astrology refers to a planet that stands for our “Soul.” Every day, people offer prayers to the Sun. It symbolizes our high regard. On Sundays, people perform “Surya Namaskar” to regain their strength and vision.

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Strong Sun refers to the Sun’s position in a favorable sign in an individual’s horoscope, which promotes positive outcomes and strong resolve to complete any work. You would approach life with a positive outlook and delight in a pleasant life filled with luck. The Sun is the planet that gives you the ability to succeed in life and gain respect from others. It bestows on the individual a magnetic quality and ambition.

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Benefits of a strong and well placed Sun include ambition, boldness, brilliance, the ability to command others, dignity, energy, faith, grace, generosity, health, hope, happiness, and joy. It also brings warmth, loyalty, nobility, and a kingly appearance.

AstroSage tries to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the mystical world. Sun Transit In Aquarius will take place on 13 February, 2023 at 9:21 AM. 

In addition to this, we know that when the Sun enters a zodiac sign, that day is called the Sankranti of that zodiac. In this regard, 13 February will also be celebrated as Kumbh Sankranti.

Saturn is already in Aquarius so it’ll be interesting to see what this Sun-Saturn conjunction would present the world with as we all know that Sun and Saturn are enemy planets. But first, let’s see what Sun and Saturn in Aquarius look like for the individuals.

Impact Of Sun In Aquarius

The fixed, airy sign of Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, which, as was already mentioned, is hostile to the Sun. The fiery Sun’s energy is fanned by the energy of airy Aquarius, therefore the Sun can be irritable here. Nevertheless, despite its odd tendencies the Sun manages to sustain peacefully in Aquarius.

Sun in Aquarius makes an individual emotional and prioritize helping others over their own needs. Instead of the individual, they emphasize the society. Sun here exhibits great leadership skills in the natives and they work well in teams. If given the chance, this compassionate Sun can help individuals develop into outstanding leaders. They are also fairly open-minded and sincere. Such individuals appreciate friendship highly. Despite their humility and compassion, they tend to avoid being emotionally involved or attached. They take an impersonal approach and seldom express their feelings out loud.

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Impact Of Saturn In Aquarius

It is brimming with limitless suggestions for how to make other people’s lives better and how teamwork may make the world a better place. The 11th house of social network and gains is ruled by Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac. Visionaries, inventors, and creators are here at play and when practical and grounded Saturn enters Aquarius, the two inspire one another in incredibly profound ways.

Sun-Saturn Conjunction in Aquarius: Global Impacts

  • The Sun and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius show that during this transit of the Sun in Aquarius the medical system of our country would improve.
  • The government could come up with new schemes where medical help or care would be provided at affordable prices or free of cost to even the lowermost strata of the society or could make changes in existing schemes.
  • There could be new medical inventions or new medical technology coming to the forefront as a ray of hope to many. Medical research will gain momentum all around the world.
  • Trade of medical equipment/tools may be more free flowing during this transit.
  • Businesspersons involved in manufacturing of wooden products such as furniture, dealership of raw wood, etc may benefit during Sun Transit In Aquarius.
  • Gold prices may stabilize to a certain extent.
  • Some new viruses, infections, allergies or different kinds of fevers might disturb people in different parts of the world.
  • This is a good time for people involved in professions of Social activists, scientists, artists, environmental engineering, etc.
  • Trade and export of wool or woolen products or knitwear may increase.
  • Agriculture based activities will gain popularity.

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Remedies For A Beneficial Impact Of Sun & Saturn

  • Offer water in a copper vessel to the Lord Sun every morning.
  • Chant Aditya Stotram every Sunday.
  • Donate red or ruby colored clothes to the poor.
  • Donate Urad Dal to the poor.
  • Serve the underprivileged.

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