Last Solar Eclipse Of 2024: Worldwide Impacts & On A Few Zodiacs!

Last Solar Eclipse Of 2024: Worldwide Impacts & On A Few Zodiacs!

Lunar Eclipse 2024: This blog by AstroSage is dedicated to reveal the worldwide impacts and the negative impacts of the Solar Eclipse on zodiac signs, which is set to occur on the 2nd of October, 2024. 

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking all or part of the Sun’s light. Eclipses can be spectacular sight, but it’s crucial to never look directly at the Sun without proper eye protection, as it can cause serious eye damage. Special eclipse glasses or indirect viewing methods are necessary to safely watch the event. 

To Know More about The Solar Eclipse, Talk To The Best Astrologers!

We read about the solar eclipse astronomically but now let us understand the eclipse from an astrological perspective. In astrology, a solar eclipse is considered a powerful and significant event, often associated with change and transformation. Here’s a general overview of how solar eclipses are interpreted in astrology:

  1. New Beginnings: Solar eclipses typically occur during a New Moon, which is associated with new beginnings and setting intentions. Astrologically, this is a potent time for starting new projects, setting goals, or making significant changes in your life.
  2. Revelations and Insights: Eclipses can bring hidden or subconscious issues to the surface. They might reveal something that has been previously obscured or highlight areas in your life that need attention or adjustment.
  3. Endings and Closures: Just as they signal new beginnings, eclipses can also mark the end of a cycle. They might bring about the conclusion of certain phases or situations in your life, making way for new opportunities.
  4. Intensity and Transformation: Eclipses are often seen as times of intense energy. They can act as catalysts for major shifts or transformations, urging you to reevaluate and make necessary changes.
  5. House and Sign Influences: The impact of a solar eclipse can vary depending on which house (area of life) and sign (zodiacal influence) it falls in within your personal astrological chart. For example, an eclipse in your career sector might prompt changes in your professional life, while an eclipse in your relationship sector might signal shifts in your personal relationships.
  6. Collective Effects: Beyond individual charts, solar eclipses are also believed to influence broader societal or global events, reflecting shifts in collective consciousness or societal trends.

Overall, while solar eclipses can be powerful and transformative, their effects are typically seen as opportunities for growth rather than purely disruptive events.

Last Solar Eclipse Of 2024: These Zodiac Signs Will Be Negatively Impacted


Sun rules the 2nd house for a Cancer native and will be placed with Ketu in the 3rd house of younger siblings, courage and skills. The Sun and Ketu conjunction in the 3rd house of the horoscope will create circumstances where your relationship with your younger siblings will turn sour and definitely suffer. If you’re already facing issues with them then it may escalate and they could drag you to the court as well.

The person will possess a great deal of bravery. In order to succeed, those with Ketu and the Sun in the 3rd house will need to put in a lot of effort in achieving anything resulting in frustrations and failures initially. Financial losses and sufferings could also be seen.


The Sun will be positioned in the 2nd house of family, riches, and speech as it conjuncts with Ketu. The Sun is the ruler of the 1st house, or the Lagna for Leo natives. When the Sun and Ketu are in conjunction in the 2nd house of the horoscope during solar eclipse 2024, the person may find it difficult to interact with those around them.

If the person receives some money that has been delayed, their financial situation can get better and get better over this period of time. However, the individual may fall unwell and exhibit severe materialistic greed. They’ll be seen seeking out financial luxuries. 


For Libra natives, the Sun moves from the 11th to the 12th house, where it will be joined by Ketu. When the Sun and Ketu connect in the horoscope’s 12th house, the individual’s costs will increase. During this combo, a friend may attempt to fool the person.

There may be complications with business. The individual may have mild ocular difficulties. A dreadful incident may occur to the person. Traveling abroad may present some obstacles. 


For Sagittarius natives, the Sun moves into the 9th house and is paired with Ketu to form the 10th house. The person’s career will be most impacted by the Sun and Ketu’s conjunction in the horoscope’s 10th house. Even with a great deal of effort, the individual may not get the desired results at work.

During this period, they may run into fresh challenges. Astrology suggests that during this combo, the individual should pay extra attention to their health. They may also experience financial difficulties. If you have borrowed money from someone, you might find it challenging to repay them at this time. 

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The Sun does not function well in Capricorn; as the lord of the 8th house and the 9th house, it will undoubtedly cause delays, lags, difficulties, and frustrations in your work. The conjunction of the Sun and Ketu in the 9th house of the horoscope may be the cause of the person’s conceit.

The individual may be worried about a drop in business income. They could encounter legal issues. The individual can be feeling more pampered and opulent. They may be experiencing significant health problems, which could be stressful for them. Your father may have health problems, so you need to look after his well being as well.

Last Solar Eclipse Of 2024: Remedies

  • Recite the Aditya Hridaya Stotram. 
  • Donate wheat and jaggery to the poor
  • Do the Ketu Shanti Puja: This puja is done to please Ketu and ask for good fortune.
  • On Tuesday, practice charity by donating to the less fortunate or endorsing worthy causes.
  • Pay attention to your physical and mental well-being by eating a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and controlling your stress.  
  • Say “Om Kem Ketave Namah” 108 times a day to recite the Ketu mantra.
  • Wear a  Lehsunia (catseye) stone to appease Ketu, only if suitable as per horoscope. 

Last Solar Eclipse Of 2024: Worldwide Impacts

  • The natives ruled by Hasta Nakshatra may be negatively impacted, feel low on energy, and sense negative energies affecting them more than on previous days because both the Sun and Ketu will be in this sign during the Solar Eclipse.
  • Since the Sun is the karaka of the eyes and Hasta nakshatra is in the sign of Virgo, those who are Virgo natives in particular may have eye problems during the eclipse.
  • Since Moon rules the Hasta nakshatra, those with skin allergies or other disorders relating to the skin or muscles may see a flare-up in their condition. 

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  • Sun being in Moon’s nakshatra may also give rise to psychological issues.
  • The short term impacts of solar eclipse 2024 might be seen and felt only in places where it is visible that the world may suffer from slow long- term impacts for almost 3-5 years to come.
  • Countries may witness water and air related disasters.
  • Sudden terror attacks and violence against women and children could increase in certain parts of the world.
  • Many countries may witness an abrupt and sudden fall and replacement of the government.
  • As a result of the solar eclipse, India may face harsher and cold, wet winters which will be extended throughFebruary, March 2025. 
  • Precious metals such as gold may rise in prices further and metals like brass may also witness a price hike. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Do solar eclipses really impact pregnant women negatively?

There is no scientific data or evidence to back this notion but pregnant women are extra cautious worldover during the eclipse. 

2. Why shouldn’t one view the eclipse directly?

The Sun’s rays are harmful for the eyes and must not be viewed with naked eyes. 

3. Who is the ruler of Hasta Nakshatra?

The Moon