Six Planets Conjunction In Pisces- Start Of An Impeding Economic Disaster?

Six Planets Conjunction In Pisces- Start Of An Impeding Economic Disaster?Six Planets Conjunction In Pisces- Start Of An Impeding Economic Disaster?

Six Planets Conjunction In Pisces- Start Of An Impeding Economic Disaster?

AstroSage AI endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. After Saturn Transit In Pisces of March 2025 there will be six planets conjunction in Pisces including the Rahu-Ketu axis. The six planets including Rahu, Sun, Saturn, Venus, Moon and Mercury will all be very closely conjunct together which makes this a lethal combination. 2025 has already started on a rough note and does not cease to surprise us in most unwanted and negative ways. 

To Know More about The Six Planets Conjunction In Pisces 2025, Talk To The Best Astrologers!

As per classics, in vedic astrology, any house having 5-6 planets in conjunction makes the energy of that house very heavy and significant in granting positive or negative and sudden results to an individual. Till 14th April 2025 five planets will continue to be conjunct together in Pisces. This conjunction also involves the rare Saturn-Rahu conjunction in Pisces which was last seen in 1968. To amplify and make the results of this conjunction more prominent, there is also a partial Solar Eclipse on 29th March, 2025. 

Six Planets Conjunction In Pisces Gives Rise To An Economic Depression 

Now, surely you all remember COVID-19 right? The scare of the 2020 pandemic still haunts most of us around the globe. COVID-19 played a significant role in changing a significant part of our lives forever and our perspective towards life. It was surely an extraordinarily negative experience for most people. Here we have the horoscope showing the transit of planets on 29th December, 2019 at 19:20, New Delhi.

We can clearly see the 5 planets conjunction in the sixth house of diseases, debt and enemies in the zodiac sign of Sagittarius including the Rahu-Ketu axis. As we all know, during the pandemic people lost their loved ones to COVID-19, lost jobs, many succumbed to the burden of debt and there was chaos and uncertainty. 

In the same manner this year on the 30th March, 2025at 00:00 hrs, New Delhi, there will be a six planets conjunction in Pisces along with the Rahu-Ketu axis. 

The ascendant rising is Scorpio and the six planets conjunction in Pisces falls in the fifth house of trading, stocks, financial advisory, entrepreneurship, etc. Sun and Moon together along with Saturn and a debilitated Mercury all point towards a big turn around in the nation’s economic state as well as the geoeconomical state as well. Five out of these six planets will continue to be conjunct in Pisces till 14th April, 2025. Global economies and financial markets may experience instability as a result of the conjunction, with economic stability potentially threatened by recession. 

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Nonetheless, sectors centered on spirituality, technology, and creativity are expected to expand. All these planets directly aspect the 11th house of financial gains which point towards recession coming in for major economies of the world. There may even be a war like situation in many countries or the ongoing wars between a few countries may intensify. Let us break down the national and international scenario further.

It is stated in many astrology classics that a close Saturn-Rahu conjunction in Pisces or Sagittarius gives rise to ‘Durbhiksha’); modern interpretation of a ‘Recession’ and Saturn in Pisces brings doom to the farmers due to less rainfall and gives rise to natural calamities. 

Six Planets Conjunction In Pisces: Impacts On Indian Economy

This is India’s horoscope made as per the time when we gained Independence. The six planets conjunction for India will form in the 11th house. The 11th house is the house of gains, international relations, etc. India’s relations with foreign countries are expected to be strained for this period. It is also possible that India may face major setbacks in terms of foreign trade, export tariffs, etc. As Jupiter is the ‘Dhankarak’ in general, when Saturn, the significator of poverty transits to the signs of Jupiter, it creates an economic instability worldwide. 

Sudden fall of stocks, an economic slowdown and a major financial scandal coming to light could be the theme of the year for the Indian economy. Ketu aspecting the 11th house is a bad sign for India. But by year end the situation is expected to improve. This recession is expected to worsen when Saturn becomes retrograde in Pisces from 13th July, 2025 onwards.

Read Here: Horoscope 2025

Note, Saturn was in Sagittarius, Mooltrikona sign of Jupiter when Coronavirus struck. Jupiter too is ‘Atichaari’ (moving at a speed higher than usual) currently and will continue to be in the same state until 2026. The situation would become better as we enter 2026. During this period, we may experience drastic changes in climatic conditions with drought-like situations in some areas and famine in other parts of the country. This year could be further challenging for us as India is an agricultural based country and whether conditions could have a lasting impact on our economic growth whether positively or negatively. 

Political & Social Dynamics Worldwide

In certain regions of the world, the influence of Saturn transit in Pisces and the six planets conjunction can cause natural disasters like tornadoes, typhoons, rainstorms, and tsunamis. Strong emotions can support humanitarian causes and social movements. 

The global political scenario may change as new partnerships may arise  and old alliances are reassessed, causing a seismic shift in international affairs.  As we all know that Rahu always moves in a retrograde motion, so it will be at around 3 degrees and Saturn will be at 0 degrees. This is therefore a fairly close conjunction. This association of planets could particularly impact countries like the USA, India and other East-Asian countries rather negatively. 

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This conjunction and a shift in the planetary movement may even cause war situations to intensify such as the Russia-Ukraine war. The Russian economy will also be largely impacted and suffer a major slowdown which Russia may find difficult to come out of. The USA has been a major supporter of Ukraine and has been undergoing Rahu Mahadasha with Saturn Antardasha since 2023 and will continue to be under the same dasha till 2026. It is a tough period for the USA and it is surely expected to face certain losses. It is particularly expected to face a major economic slowdown in the period from July- October 2025, wherein the IT sector would be largely impacted with many losing jobs in the USA. 

Health and Welfare

Pertaining to the economic slowdown of major countries and the subsequent recession and loss of jobs and looming financial uncertainty may see an increase in the number of mental health cases increasing worldwide. The number of mental health issues will rise. Holistic health and alternative medicine may progress. To meet the difficulties that lie ahead, this change necessitates resilience and adaptation. Hopefully things will get better with time. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Which zodiac sign would have the six planets conjunction on March 30th, 2025?


2. Which six planets would be conjunct together on March 30th, 2025?

Moon, Sun, Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Rahu

3. How will it impact lives worldwide?

This could bring about an economic recession and a sudden downturn for the world’s biggest economies. 
