Mythological Beliefs & Facts Associated With Uttarayan

Uttarayan is the combination of two words i.e. Uttara and Ayan. Uttara is named after a direction (North) and Ayan means change. As per astrology, there are 2 Ayans in a year. It means that the Sun changes its position twice in a year. The Sun stays 6 months in Uttarayan i.e. North direction and next 6 months in Dakshinayan i.e. South direction. Let us know about the Uttarayan in the year of 2021. Also, know the significance of Uttarayan and Daskshinayan.    

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When will Uttaryan be in 2021?

January 14, 2021 i.e. Thursday 

Uttarayan Sankranti Time For New Delhi, India

              Sankranti Moment : 08:03:07

Click here to know the Uttarayan Muhurat of your city.

Uttarayan Kaal commences from January 14. It is the time when the Sun enters Capricorn zodiac sign. This festival is known as Makar Sankranti in North India. It is known by the name of Uttarayan in Gujarat and Maharashtra. Celebrating this festival is considered to be fruitful. This day is known as the day of deities and therefore, the beginning of any new work, performing rituals, observing fast, Mundan etc. is considered to be highly fruitful. In addition to this, taking a bath in Ganga, Yamuna or any other holy rivers hold immeasurable significance on the day of Uttarayan. People perform donations as per their financial ability on this very day. In Gujarat, kites are flown on the same day.       

Just for your information, the journey of the Sun from Capricorn to Gemini is known as Uttarayan. The duration of Uttarayan is 6 months. After this, the Sun transits in Sagittarius from Cancer and this duration is known as Dakshinayan. On one side, Dakshinayan is considered to be a period of negativity while on the other, Uttarayan is considered to be a period of positivity.        

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The days become longer and the nights become shorter during Uttarayan. It is the time of festivals and visiting pilgrimage sites.  There are 3 main seasons falling during Uttarayan i.e. winter, spring and summer. Dakshinayan is considered to be the night of deities. During this, the days become shorter and nights become longer. On one side, Uttarayan begins from January 14 while on the other, Dakshinayan is considered to commence from June 14. Auspicious activities like marriage, Mundan etc. are not allowed to take place during Dakshinayan. There are 3 main seasons falling during Dakshinayan i.e. autumn, monsoon, winter. This duration of Dakshinayan is considered to be important for Tamasik rituals.       

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Mythological Beliefs Concerning the Period of Uttarayan

  • Lord Shri Krishna himself mentioned the significance of Uttarayan period in Shrimad Bhagwat Gita. The 6 months of this period is considered to be highly auspicious and therefore, whosoever dies during this period, attains Moksha.   
  • For your information, Bhishma Pitamah also chose the same day to sacrifice his body during the Mahabharata period.   
  • Taking a bath in Ganga or any other holy river on the very first day of Uttarayan is considered to be highly significant. On this day, Ganga ji descended from heaven on the earth. Also, Maharaja Bhagirath performed Tarpan of ancestors on the day of Makar Sankranti and Ganga Ji flowed into the ocean by following him and passing through the Ashram of Kapil Muni. In this pretext, taking a bath in Ganga is considered to be highly significant on this very day.    

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Uttarayan in Hinduism

Uttarayan is considered to be a grand festival of devotion in Hinduism. During this, bathing, performing Tarpan of ancestors, donation etc. holds high significance. Grand fairs are also organised in parts of the country on the festival of Uttarayan. The devotees take a bath in Ganga or any other holy rivers, perform donation and do other religious activities on this very day. There is a mention of Uttarayan in Matsya Purana and Skanda Purana. As per mythological beliefs, the period of Uttarayan is considered to be highly fruitful for attaining the path of spirituality and worshipping God.    

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