Shani Jayanti 2024 Provides Inauspicious Outcomes In Careers & Love Life Of Zodiacs!

Shani Jayanti 2024 Provides Inauspicious Outcomes In Careers & Love Life Of Zodiacs!

Saturn or Shani Dev is referred to as the lord of justice and provides results to people as per their deeds. The planet also provides results for their work efforts. The natives get scared of the name of Shani Dev as the lord provides negative results in the lives of people. But, the day of Shani Jayanti is very auspicious to please Lord Shani, but the period is also inauspicious for different zodiac signs. This AstroSage blog contains accurate details of the inauspiciousness of Shani Jayanti for natives on some zodiac signs. Let us start with the details now. 

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Why Is Shani Jayanti 2024 Inauspicious For Some Zodiac Signs?

As per Hindu Panchang, Saturn or Shani Dev is born on the new moon day of Jyestha month. Thus, this day is referred to as Shani Jayanti. In the year 2024, the Shani Jayanti starts on 06 June 2024, Thursday. Let us also tell the readers that, in this Shani Jayanti, the conjunction of Rahu & Saturn results in the formation of Dwadash Yoga. 

On the same sequence, on 01 June 2024, Mars will transit in Aries and thus, the vision of Saturn or Shani will create adverse conditions for the natives. As a result, many different events will happen in the world and the lives of people. Thus, Shani Jayanti 2024 will prove very inauspicious for the natives of some zodiac signs. Let us check more details about the signs that face troubles due to it. 

Shani Jayanti 2024 – List Of Inauspicious Zodiac Signs In This Period 


Shanti Jayanti 2024 will prove very inauspicious for the Aries natives. In this period, they need to make careful decisions in their lives. Be especially careful in making financial decisions in business & family life. If possible, avoid making any big financial decisions in this period. Also, they need to be cautious in making good investments. If you’re planning for any operation during this period, try to postpone it for some time. There are chances of facing accidents in this period. The Aries natives need to avoid driving during this period. 

Read: Aries Weekly Horoscope

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The Shani Jayanti 2024 won’t prove very auspicious for the Cancer natives. It will be a very difficult period for them, but they can face health-related troubles. The minds of people will be filled with negative thoughts in this period due to the influence of Saturn. They might face difficulties in making any family-related decisions. Your mother’s health can be bad this Shani Jayanti and thus natives need to take her proper care. 

Read: Cancer Weekly Horoscope


The Shani Jayanti 2024 will prove very inauspicious for the Leo natives. If they’re thinking of starting a new business, they should delay the decision. There are greater chances of negative results in this period. Due to the ill effects of Shani Jayanti 2024, do not make any major decisions. The natives thinking of changing their jobs should avoid making decisions in that direction. In this period, there will be constant troubles in the family life and the health of the partner might remain vulnerable. They need to take proper care of their health and their partners. 

Read: Leo Weekly Horoscope

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Shani Dev won’t provide auspicious results to the Scorpio natives due to Shani Jayanti 2024. People should avoid investing money in this period and the financial condition will remain unstable. There are chances of visiting hospitals from a health point of view. The Scorpio natives shouldn’t avoid even small health troubles and then don’t ignore them even by mistake. It can prove very costly for the Scorpio natives. There can be differences in the family and it can make them unhappy. They should avoid stress during this period. 

Read: Scorpio Weekly Horoscope


Shani Jayanti 2024 will be inauspicious for the Pisces natives. The time will be unfavorable for people and won’t get the desired outcomes in their lives. They might also be struggling with mental troubles. The natives won’t be able to make the right decisions due to headaches, migraine, etc. Their minds will remain restless in this period. They need to control their anger & speech to avoid bad times across varied aspects of life. Only this will result in avoiding mistakes. In this period, it would be wise for the Pisces natives to avoid making any major decisions. 

Read: Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Measures To Be Taken On Shani Jayanti 2024 For The Blessings 

Feed bread to cows: On the day of Shani Jayanti 2024, please Shani Dev by feeding bread to cows. This results in the blessing of Shani dev on individuals & the family. 

Camphor will provide blessings: Inauspicious Saturn or Rahu in the horoscope should put camphor in the black cloth and hang it on the terrace door. Such measures will result in relief from the wealth of Shani Dev. 

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Q1. What is the date of Shani Jayanti 2024?

Ans. In 2024, Shani Jayanti will occur on 06 June 2024, Thursday. 

Q2. What not to do in Shani Jayanti?

Ans. Avoid abusing or insulting anyone on Shani Jayanti 2024 to avoid the wrath of Saturn. 

Q3. In which zodiac sign Saturn will be present in 2024?

Ans. At present, Saturn is present in its own zodiac sign Aquarius. 

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