Saturn Transit In 2025 Brings Ups & Downs In The Lives Of People – Stay Cautious!

Saturn Transit In 2025 Brings Ups & Downs In The Lives Of People - Stay Cautious!

In Vedic Astrology, Saturn, the god of justice, provides results to people as per their deeds. In the current period, Saturn will be located in the Trikon zodiac sign Aquarius. Saturn is also considered the lord of Capricorn and Aquarius zodiac sign. Also, Saturn will be present in the exalted position in the Libra sign. Therefore, the planet Saturn provides auspicious results to the Libra natives. As per astrology, Saturn is considered one of the slowest among all the planets and it changes its zodiac sign in two and half years. In 2025, Saturn will move out of the Aquarius zodiac and transit into the Pisces sign. As Saturn changes its position, it affects all the 12 zodiac signs in some way or the other. 

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Saturn takes 30 years to return to a zodiac sign. Saturn will stay in Aquarius throughout the year 2024 and its journey ends on 29 March 2025. After ending its journey on its zodiac sign and Moola Trikon sign Aquarius, it will enter Pisces, the sign of Devguru Jupiter. As Saturn changes its zodiac sign, Shani Sade Sati will end in some zodiac signs. This also marks the start of Shani Sade Sati on some zodiacs that will increase troubles in the lives of people. So, let us move forward and learn about the zodiac signs whose natives can experience hiccups in their lives due to Saturn transit in the Aries sign. 

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Saturn Transit In Pisces – List Of Zodiac Signs That Need To Stay Careful 


On 29 March 2025, Saturn transits into Pisces sign, and it marks the beginning of Shani Sade Sati in the lives of Aries natives. In such a situation, the Saturn transit in Aries will prove unfavorable for the natives. Your problems can increase and your income will decrease in this period. They need to work very hard to get successful outcomes in their professional lives. They will find it hard to maintain the right balance between income & expenditure. The natives may face financial losses during this period and there are chances of losing valuable items. The travels will prove auspicious for the natives, or else you might lose something valuable in life. 

Talking about the careers of Aries people, the period will be tough for them to get a breakthrough. Some might be forced to change their current job roles and this can make them dissatisfied. There are arguments with some family members and it can lead to stress & deterioration of health. Their rivals or enemies gain strength in this period. They might need to think multiple times before doing any sort of work. 

Read: Aries Weekly Horoscope


The Saturn transit 2025 will prove inauspicious for the Taurus natives. There will be ups & downs in the lives of people. Due to this, the natives will experience a lack of comforts & amenities. There will be a delay in receiving the due benefits. Due to a lack of understanding among both, there are chances of arguments or differences among the family members due to such a situation. The entire family environment will deteriorate because of it. There can be troubles or struggles in the family lives and thus they need to make the right adjustments to achieve the best results. 

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The Taurus natives may face job pressure due to different reasons during this period. Due to this, you might fail to make your place in the workplace. If we talk about the financial aspect of Taurus natives, there might be a rise in expenses and the family costs may also increase. Your needs also increase a lot in this period. Due to this, there might be a need for loans to meet the requirements. The scope for savings will remain average for the Taurus people. They may lag in earning good profits in this period and the competitors arriving in the business field can establish a stronghold in the market. If we talk about the health aspect of Taurus natives, they might face minor health issues like throat infection, blocked nose, etc. 

Read: Taurus Weekly Horoscope


The Saturn transit won’t be considered very good for the careers of Gemini natives. During this period, the natives may encounter different types of work pressure. There are chances of some mistakes at your work that can result in different types of troubles in your life. They might appear worried in such a situation. The business persons can lag in making profits during this period. There are chances of more expenses if we talk about the financial lives of natives. In such a situation, the chances of savings are very low. There are also chances of more spending for your child’s health. 

Talking about the love life of Gemini natives, they can face multiple difficulties in their love relationships. There are chances of arguments with your partner and there can be misunderstandings due to it. In such a situation, it will be vital to maintain coordination in the relationship. From a health point of view, the natives may face pains in their legs due to weak immunity levels. 

Read: Gemini Weekly Horoscope


The Saturn transit in 2025 won’t prove very favorable for the Cancer natives. There will be different kinds of work pressure at work, due to which you might not be interested in your work. The natives may suffer financial losses during this period and the financial condition becomes weak due to it. People preparing to travel abroad may face different types of challenges in their education. Other than that, they might face challenges in their job which they need to face boldly. They might need to take loans to fulfill their needs in this period. 

There will be higher income and expenses for Cancer natives due to this Saturn transit. To meet the expenses, they might be forced to take a loan, which can become a problem in the future. The natives won’t be able to save much during this period as it won’t be easy for them to earn a good amount of money. 

Read: Cancer Weekly Horoscope

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Q1. What is the date of Saturn transit in Pisces?

Ans. The Saturn transit in the Pisces sign will happen on 29 March 2025. 

Q2. How long will Shani Sade Sati last for Pisces?

Ans. One phase of Sade Sati lasts for two and a half years. Currently, the first phase of Sade Sati is going on in Pisces sign and lasts till 29 March 2025. 

Q3. How long will Saturn transit in Pisces last?

Ans. Saturn will stay in the Pisces sign till 03 June 2027.

Q4. Who is the lord of the Pisces zodiac?

Ans. The lord of Pisces sign in Devguru Jupiter.

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