Saturn’s Third Aspect On Mars, Will Disrupt Lives Of 5 Zodiacs!

Saturn’s Third Aspect On Mars, Will Disrupt Lives Of 5 Zodiacs!

We are all aware of the planet Saturn. This is a kind of planet which if placed auspiciously in someone’s birth chart, can make them a king from a servant. On the contrary, if Saturn is placed inauspiciously in the birth chart of a person, then it can snatch everything from them and make them a poor person even if they were a king before. Nevertheless, Saturn offers the results and blessings, based on the karmas of a person and that’s why, it is known as the Giver of Karma (Karmphal Daataa.) Along with this, Saturn also offers Moksha to a person and it also has a great impact on the age of the person. Wherever Saturn is placed in the horoscope of a person, it aspects the three houses from there. 

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So, on the 1st day of June, the commander of planets, Mars had a transit to Aries and changed its zodiac. This Mars transit will last till 12th July 2024. Meanwhile, Saturn, situated in Aquarius, will continue to have its third aspect on Mars. Although the third aspect of Saturn on Mars will affect the people of all 12 zodiacs, there will be five zodiacs that may have to go through inauspicious consequences during this period. So, without any delay, let’s move ahead and know about those five zodiacs, who will have to be careful during this period. 

The Saturn’s Aspect 

According to Vedic Astrology, Saturn aspects the three houses of a birth chart. Saturn aspects the three houses from the third, seventh, and tenth aspects. Like – if Saturn is placed in the first house then it will aspect the third, seventh, and tenth houses. On the other hand, when Saturn is placed in the second house then it will aspect fourth, eighth, and eleventh houses. 

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Saturn’s Third Aspect On Mars Negatively Affecting These Zodiacs 


The Cancer natives may have to suffer from the negative effects of Mars and Saturn in June. As a result, there will be uncertainties in the lives of these people. The natives running their own businesses may face a business loss. And, they are likely to be unsuccessful in making money. Not just this, there is going to be tough competition in their field of work. The natives’ respect and honor may also decrease in the market during this period, they will be disappointed regarding this and there are chances that they may also not achieve satisfactory results in this period. 

The natives are unlikely to witness success in their careers and may also have to face several problems. Also, they need to be careful about their financial life because there are going to be several problems in attaining financial stability. 

There are going to be uncertainties in their relationship during this aspect because there are chances of arguments and disputes between them and their life partners. It is advised that the natives should ignore the irrelevant things because these small problems can change into big ones in no time which can worsen the situation and relations even further. This time is bad for the natives’ health too. The problems like headaches and high blood pressure can trouble them. The employed people may have to face trouble in their office, that’s why, they are advised to keep control over their words and speech. 

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The negative influence of Mars and Saturn can capture several aspects of the life of Virgo natives and that’s why, you need to think wisely before making a big decision because you may have to bear a loss. You will have to work hard at your workplace and even after working hard, you may not be able to attain great results which will make you upset and disappointed. You need to be aware of your colleagues at your workplace because they can try to harm you behind your back. 

There are also chances of loss in financial matters. As the unnecessary expenses can increase you may have to take out loans or borrow money to fulfill them. If you have invested your money in the share market or some other place, there are chances that you may have to bear losses there as well.  If you are running your own business, then you may not achieve your expected profits. Due to ego and arrogance, you may grow distant from your partner, and can ruin your relationship with them. Due to work pressure, you may not be able to give enough time to your partner. If we talk about your health, there can be throat infections and nervous-related problems that can trouble you. 

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Due to the Saturn aspect, this period is filled with challenges for Libra natives. There are chances of being unsuccessful in personal relationships and family matters. There can be fights regarding property in the family. If there are talks regarding your marriage in the family, then it would be better to postpone it. If you want to invest your money somewhere, then you must stop here because there are chances of loss in this period. Tough times await you in your career. The work pressure is likely to be high on you which can make you think about changing your job. In these circumstances, you are advised to stop if you are looking for another job because this period is unfavorable for you. 

You may lose something precious or invaluable in this period. Also, you may have to take out a loan or borrow money to fulfill the responsibilities of the family. It will be hard for you to maintain coordination with your life partner. The arguments and fights can weaken your relationship with your partner. You are advised to work with patience and keep control over your words. In matters related to health, you need to be careful because problems like leg pain can trouble you, which can increase your stress as well. 

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Saturn and Mars are going to negatively impact the Scorpio natives. There is going to be a problem at every step of your life. If you are looking for a good job then there are chances that you will only get disappointment. The employed natives can get into an argument with their seniors and promotion can stop as well. There will be work pressure because of a strict schedule at work. The business natives are going to face trouble in making profits in their business. 

There will be problems in earning the expected amount of money which can ruin your financial situation. There are speculations that due to an increase in expenses, you may have to take out a loan or borrow money. This month will keep you busy and because of not giving enough time to family, there can be fights in the family. There can be a reduction in love and enthusiasm in the relationship with your life partner. There are chances of problems in health as well and you may have to spend money on the health of your mother. 

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The negative impacts of Saturn and Mars are going to reduce the happiness and prosperity of the Capricorn natives and this can significantly reduce the pace of progress. If you are running your own business, then you need to be cautious. This time, the employed natives will get average results in their workplace and there will also be work pressure on them. Their seniors may get upset with them due to their work and there are chances that due to these, there can be problems in the promotion as well. Your colleagues will go against you as well. 

Due to some family problems, there can be some arguments between you and your partner. The natives running their business may happen to encounter uncertainties in the same. If we talk about your love life, then you need to be cautious about it because, during this period, your distorted conversation can cause tension and disputes in your relationship. In terms of health, you may fall ill due to your weak immune system. Your expenses will increase due to the ill health of a family member. 

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Frequently Asked Questions 

In which house is Saturn auspicious? 

If Saturn is placed in the sixth house of the birth chart, then it indicates great financial benefits. According to Vedic Astrology, Saturn’s placement in this house turns a pauper into the king.

What happens if Saturn aspects Mars? 

The aspect relationship between Saturn and Mars creates a destructive environment. 

How will we know if Saturn is auspicious or not?

If you suddenly start gaining money and start getting respect in society, then it can be believed that Lord Saturn has blessed you.

In which zodiac is Saturn currently placed? 

Saturn is currently positioned in Aquarius. 

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