Saturn Transit In Shatbhisha Nakshatra In March 2023: 6 Zodiacs Will Benefit!

Saturn Transit In Shatbhisha Nakshatra: Shatabhisha Nakshatra is the 24th out of 27 Nakshatras, a powerful and significant lunar mansion in Vedic astrology. It is ruled by the planet Rahu and is located in the sign of Aquarius. According to Vedic astrology, those born under this Nakshatra possess unique qualities and characteristics influenced by the energies of Rahu. The name Shatabhisha means “a hundred medicines” in Sanskrit. This Nakshatra is associated with healing and rejuvenation, and those born under this Nakshatra are said to have a natural inclination towards medicine and healing. They are also said to possess a deep knowledge of the medicinal properties of plants and herbs. 

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With Saturn transiting into the Shatabhisha Nakshatra, every zodiac will be influenced by it. However, there are a few signs that will get special blessings from the planet of justice, Saturn. Hence, AstroSage has brought this special blog to clear all your doubts about this transit, the nakshatra, and the zodiac signs that will get lucky this March 2023! So let us start digging in!

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Date & Time Of Saturn Transit into Shatabhisha Nakshatra

Saturn will be transiting into the first Pada of the Shatabhisha Nakshatra at 11:40 am on March 15th, 2023. Additionally, Saturn will be in this Nakshatra till 1:37 pm on October 17th, 2023. This Nakshatra has four Padas, where the first one is dominated by Jupiter and falls under Sagittarius Navamsa. So let us move ahead and see which of the twelve zodiac signs will have their luck shining brighter than the glitters!

These Zodiacs Will Get Blessed During The Saturn Transit in Shatabhisha Nakshatra


The natives of Aries who wish to start a new business are going to get great opportunities to do so. Business owners will witness their ventures grow and expand into new branches. Since Saturn will be present in its own Mool Trikona sign and the Shatabhisha Nakshatra, the natives of Aries will find unexpected monetary gains and success in all sectors. 

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Saturn will transit into the ninth house of the Gemini natives, indicating traveling abroad due to business or job, along with an opportunity for students to pursue higher studies overseas. However, the students will also be greeted by a few challenges produced by Saturn. So they are advised to work hard to achieve their goals.


For the natives of Leo, Saturn will present in the seventh house, indicating success and promotion in their career, along with job transfers. Those who were looking for a new job will be able to land the one they wanted. The natives who own a business will find growth and desired profit during this transit. 


With Saturn entering the Shatabhisha Nakshatra, the natives of Libra will have new opportunities and promotions in their jobs and businesses. The business owners will get fresh prospects for growth and gain a good amount of profit during this time. However, there will be a temptation to earn money through shortcuts, which must be avoided at all costs. Students will find this transit very favorable in terms of academics.

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Saturn’s transit in March 2023 will be very favorable for the natives of Sagittarius in terms of every aspect of life. There will be opportunities for growth and promotions in their current jobs, while people looking for employment will find their desired jobs. Students will be able to achieve success in terms of academics. People involved in business will be able to expand their companies as well.


Saturn will be occupying the second house of Capricorn natives, indicating a favorable time for those who own a business. There will be lots of expansion of their business into new endeavors, and they are very likely to be successful in them.
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