Saturn Direct: Good Times Ahead for These Zodiacs Just Before Diwali!

Saturn Direct: According to Vedic astrology, Saturn is the slowest-moving planet. In astrology, we often refer Saturn as the lord of justice. Saturn is preparing to change its motion, bringing good news for some lucky zodiac signs. On November 4, 2023, Saturn will go direct, and until then, its influence will be particularly felt by three zodiac signs. 

In this blog by AstroSage, we will learn about the Saturn Direct in Aquarius, along with the lucky zodiac signs that will flourish right before Diwali 2023! So without any further ado, let us begin with our blog!

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Saturn As Per Vedic Astrology

In Vedic Astrology, Saturn, known as “Shani,” is a planet with profound significance. It symbolizes discipline, responsibility, and karma. Saturn’s influence is often like a strict teacher, guiding us through life’s lessons with an emphasis on personal growth and spiritual evolution.

Saturn’s placement in one’s birth chart can reveal important insights into their life’s challenges and lessons. Its influence encourages individuals to confront their limitations, work diligently, and overcome obstacles. Saturn’s energy is associated with patience and perseverance, teaching us that success comes through hard work and consistent effort.

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Known as the “Karmic Taskmaster,” Saturn’s role is to bring balance and order to our lives. Its influence is often in-link to past-life karma, where the challenges we face are a result of actions from previous lifetimes. While its lessons might feel tough, they ultimately lead to personal development and liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

The period of Saturn’s transit over certain positions in the birth chart, known as “Sade Sati” or “Saturn’s Return,” is very significant. It occurs approximately every 29.5 years and can bring transformative events, urging individuals to reevaluate their goals and paths. During this time, one might experience a shift in priorities and a deeper understanding of their life’s purpose.

Saturn is exalted in the zodiac sign of Libra and debilitated in Aries. Its aspects and conjunctions with other planets further shape its effects, often urging individuals to strike a balance between responsibilities and personal desires. Saturn’s influence can lead to a greater appreciation for structure, tradition, and the importance of fulfilling one’s duties.

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Saturn Direct in Aquarius: Date & Time

Presently situated in its unique domain of Aquarius, Saturn will continue to hold this position until the 4th of November. On this date, a Saturday in the year 2023, Saturn is scheduled to turn direct in the same zodiac sign. This shift is poised to deliver distinct advantages to particular astrological signs.

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Saturn Direct in Aquarius: Lucky Zodiacs Before Diwali 2023


For individuals born under the Taurus sign, this Saturn Direct could be especially auspicious. The direct impact of Saturn during this period might boost their self-confidence. The efforts they’ve been putting in might finally yield success. Their hard work could finally bear fruit, leading to significant gains in their business ventures. Moreover, those in jobs or seeking employment might also stumble upon favorable opportunities.


This Saturn Direct could also bring good fortune to Cancer zodiac individuals. During this time, they might receive increased support from friends and family. Success in both their educational and professional pursuits could be on the horizon. Those concerned about their jobs might experience more positive outcomes during this time.

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The time ahead could be promising for those belonging to the Virgo sign. They might receive increased support in their workplace, potentially leading to a more positive professional life. A boost in self-confidence could enhance their personal outlook. Financial improvements are also possible, bringing peace and contentment to their family life.

As Diwali approaches, these three zodiac signs have a celestial alignment in their favor. The blessings of Goddess Lakshmi could usher in a season of prosperity and positivity, allowing them to bask in the light of their efforts and accomplishments. This planetary movement is a reminder that times of transformation can bring about newfound success and happiness.

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