Pitru Paksha 2024: Check Out The Shraadh Dates & More!

Pitru Paksha 2024: Check Out The Shraadh Dates & More!

Pitru Paksha 2024 is a period devoted to honoring ancestors, during which followers of Hinduism conduct special rituals, prayers, and ceremonies to ensure the peace of their ancestors’ souls. In Hinduism, the importance of Shraadh Paksha is highlighted by the belief that during this time, our ancestors visit the Earth. Regularly performing Shraadh and Pind Daan is thought to bring peace to their souls, help them achieve Moksha, and grant us blessings of happiness and comfort.

In this blog by AstroSage, we will discuss when Pitru Paksha 2024 begins, its significance, and the appropriate day for performing Shraadh for your ancestors.

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Pitru Paksha 2024 – Dates & Time

Pitru Paksha 2024 begins with the full moon day of the Bhadrapad month and extends until the new moon day. This year, the period starts on September 17, 2024, and ends on October 2, 2024. During this time, there will be 16 significant dates:

  • September 17, 2024, Tuesday – Full Moon Shraadh
  • September 18, 2024, Wednesday – Pratipada Shraadh
  • September 19, 2024, Thursday – Dwitiya Shraadh
  • September 20, 2024, Friday – Tritiya Shraadh
  • September 21, 2024, Saturday – Chaturthi Shraadh
  • September 21, 2024, Saturday – Maha Bharani Shraadh
  • September 22, 2024, Sunday – Panchami Shraadh
  • September 23, 2024, Monday – Shashthi Shraadh
  • September 23, 2024, Monday – Saptami Shraadh
  • September 24, 2024, Tuesday – Ashtami Shraadh
  • September 25, 2024, Wednesday – Navami Shraadh
  • September 26, 2024, Thursday – Dashami Shraadh
  • September 27, 2024, Friday – Ekadashi Shraadh
  • September 29, 2024, Sunday – Dwadashi Shraadh
  • September 29, 2024, Sunday – Magh Shraadh
  • September 30, 2024, Monday – Trayodashi Shraadh
  • October 1, 2024, Tuesday – Chaturdashi Shraadh
  • October 2, 2024, Wednesday – Sarva Pitru Amavasya

When & How To Perform Shraadh Rituals

Religious traditions suggest that worship of deities should be conducted in the morning and evening, while the afternoon is reserved for honoring ancestors. Therefore, it is considered most auspicious to perform Shraadh rituals after 12:00 PM, which is believed to bring the most favorable results. Kautup and Rohini Muhurats are also highly regarded as auspicious times for these rituals.

On the day of Shraadh, begin by taking a bath after waking up. Next, perform Tarpan for your ancestors. It is essential to offer food to crows, ants, cows, deities, dogs, and Panchbali during the ritual. Conclude the Shraadh ceremony by feeding a Brahmin.

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Unique Traditions Associated With Pitru Paksha 2024 & Their Significance

During Shraadh rituals, water is offered to ancestors using the thumb. According to the Mahabharata and the Agni Purana, this practice is believed to bring peace to the souls of ancestors. The scriptures state that the area of the palm where the thumb is located is called Pitru Tirtha. Offering water with the thumb ensures it directly reaches the Pindas, thereby fulfilling the ancestors’ needs.

In Hinduism, Kusha grass is considered highly sacred and is used in various rituals. A tradition involves holding Kusha grass on the ring finger during these rituals. It is believed that Brahma resides at the tip of the Kusha grass, Vishnu in the middle, and Lord Shiva at the root. Wearing a ring made of Kusha grass during Shraadh rituals purifies the individual and enhances the efficacy of Shraadh and Pind Daan offerings.

Something worth knowing: The Mahabharata mentions that when Garuda brought the nectar pot from heaven, he briefly placed it on Kusha grass, which led to its revered status.

Another significant tradition of Shraadh involves feeding a Brahmin. It is widely believed that Shraadh rituals are complete with this act. Religious texts suggest that ancestors partake in the food offered to Brahmins in the form of Vayu (air). Thus, feeding Brahmins is thought to ensure the food reaches the ancestors. By honoring Brahmins with respect and devotion, one ensures the ancestors’ satisfaction and receives their blessings of prosperity and well-being.

It is also important to note that after feeding Brahmins, they should be respectfully seen off, as it is believed that the ancestors depart with them.

Crows hold a special significance on this day, as they are considered symbols of the ancestors. Therefore, a portion of the Shraadh offering is given to them. Feeding crows is believed to please the ancestral deities and secure their blessings for the person performing the Shraadh.

Additionally, a portion of the Shraadh food is given to cows. Cows are revered as carriers of divine blessings and are said in religious texts to help one cross the Vaitarani River. Since cows are believed to house all deities, feeding them ensures that the deities are satisfied, making it an essential part of the Shraadh ritual.

Moreover, dogs are considered the vehicle of Yama (the god of death). Thus, offering a portion of the Shraadh food to dogs is thought to please Yama.

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How To Perform Shraadh At Home

Perform Shraadh between sunrise and 12:24 PM on the designated day.

  • Start by bathing, cleaning the house, and sprinkling Gangajal and cow urine throughout the home.
  • Sit facing south, bend your left leg, and place your left knee on the ground.
  • In a wide copper vessel, combine black sesame seeds, raw cow’s milk, and Gangajal.
  • Fill both hands with this mixture and pour it back into the vessel using your right thumb. Repeat this process 11 times as an offering to your ancestors.
  • Decorate your home with a rangoli.
  • Women should prepare food for their ancestors while maintaining purity.
  • Invite a reputable Brahmin to your home, feed them, and wash their feet. The wife should be positioned to the right during this process.
  • Offer kheer made from cow’s milk into the fire as an offering for the ancestors.
  • Before serving the Brahmin, provide food for Panchbali, which includes a cow, dog, crow, deity, and ant.
  • Facing south, take Kusha grass, barley, sesame seeds, rice, and water, make a vow, and then feed one or three Brahmins.
  • After the meal, donate items such as land, sesame seeds, gold, ghee, cloth, grains, jaggery, silver, or salt to the Brahmins.
  • Seek the Brahmins’ blessings.
  • Use white flowers exclusively for the Shraadh ritual.
  • Essential items for Shraadh include milk, Gangajal, honey, white cloth, Abhijit Muhurat, and sesame seeds.

Did You Know? According to tradition, failing to perform Tarpan for your ancestors during Pitru Paksha can lead to complex issues such as Pitru Dosha. This dosha is often present in people’s lives but may be overlooked due to a lack of awareness, resulting in its worsening effects. To determine if Pitru Dosha is present in your horoscope, consult experienced astrologers. During Pitru Paksha 2024, on the anniversary of your ancestors’ passing, make sure to offer food to Brahmins in their name, according to your means, and perform Tarpan.

What Is Tarpan?

Tarpan is the ritual of offering water to ancestors, much like how one drinks water after a meal. While many people travel to sacred sites such as Gaya, Pushkar, Prayagraj, or Haridwar to perform this ritual, it can also be done near any holy river or pond in your village or city. If such locations are not accessible, you can perform the Tarpan ritual at home as well.

How To Perform Tarpan?

To perform Tarpan, follow these steps:

  • Take a brass or steel vessel and fill it with clean water. Add a few black sesame seeds and some milk to it.
  • Place this vessel in front of you and keep another empty container nearby.
  • Take a small bunch of Durva (Kusha grass) and hold it between the thumb and index finger of both hands to form an offering.
  • Fill this offering with water and pour it into the empty container.
  • As you pour the water into the empty container, perform the Tarpan ritual for each of your ancestors at least three times.

This method enables you to perform Tarpan at home.

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How Did Pitru Paksha Begin?

The tradition of Shraadh during Pitru Paksha is believed to have originated in the Mahabharata era. Bhishma Pitamah explained the practice and significance of Shraadh to Yudhishthira. According to the Garuda Purana, Bhishma Pitamah provided Yudhishthira with detailed insights about Pitru Paksha and the importance of Shraadh. He mentioned that Sage Atri was the first to share knowledge about Shraadh with Maharishi Nimi.

In his grief over the sudden death of his son, Sage Nimi began invoking his ancestors. The ancestors appeared and told him, “Nimi, your son has already found a place among the Pitru Devas because you have performed the rituals to nourish and honor his soul. This act is comparable to a Pitru Yajna.” From that time onward, Shraadh became a significant Hindu ritual.

Maharishi Nimi initiated the practice of Shraadh, and gradually, all sages and rishis adopted this ritual. According to some beliefs, Yudhishthira also performed Shraadh for the soldiers who died in the battle between the Kauravas and Pandavas.

Did you know? There is also a connection between Pitru Paksha 2024 and Agni Dev. When the sages and rishis, having offered food to the deities and ancestors, continued to consume more food, they became indigent. They sought help from Brahma Ji, who advised them to enlist the assistance of Agni Dev. Agni Dev agreed to join them in the meal during Shraadh, resolving their issue. As a result, it is customary to offer a portion of the Shraadh food to crows and Agni Dev.

The Story Related To Lord Indra

According to another belief, it is said that the generous Karna, known for his donations, reached heaven after his death. There, his soul was served gold to eat. Karna then asked Indra, the king of the gods, why he was being given gold to eat. He was informed that since he had only donated gold and silver during his lifetime, he was receiving the same in return. Realizing his mistake, Karna was sent back to Earth to correct his error. During the 16 days of Pitru Paksha, Karna performed Shraadh and Tarpan for his ancestors. After this, his ancestors were pleased, and he returned to heaven.

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Why Is Shraadh Performed & The Consequences Of Not Performing It

After death, unfulfilled ancestors return to the earthly realm for three main reasons. First, they come to check on the well-being of their descendants and the state of their lineage. Second, they observe whether they are receiving the necessary offerings of food and water. Third, they assess whether any rituals are being performed to aid in their liberation.

The Gita teaches that the physical body is nourished by food, while the subtle body, or soul, is sustained by food offered into the fire (Agni). These offerings satisfy the soul and nourish all the birds in the sky. Through Tarpan, Pind Daan, and the offering of incense, the soul finds peace, preventing it from wandering as a restless spirit.

Performing Shraadh is considered a sacred duty that should not be neglected. Those who fail to perform Shraadh for their ancestors are believed to suffer from Pitru Dosha.

How Does Pitru Dosha Occur When Shraadh Is Not Performed?

According to beliefs, Pitru Dosha occurs when the souls of ancestors are not satisfied. This dosha can manifest in two ways: through actions in the current life or from deeds carried out in previous lives. The effects of past life actions are often reflected in the birth chart. For instance, if Jupiter is positioned in the tenth house of the birth chart, it is considered a full Pitru Dosha, while its presence in the seventh house indicates a partial Pitru Dosha. To check for Pitru Dosha, it is advisable to consult knowledgeable astrologers.

Pitru Dosha can be caused by various actions, such as mistreating grandparents or parents during their lifetime, neglecting Shraadh rituals, failing to honor ancestral duties, causing harm to children, cutting down Peepal trees, harming or killing cows, and opposing religious practices.

The symptoms of Pitru Dosha may include difficulty in getting married, frequent conflicts between husband and wife, trouble conceiving, miscarriages, premature births, the birth of disabled children, persistent poverty, and chronic illnesses. These are all potential signs that Pitru Dosha might be present.

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Remedies To Prevent Pitru Dosha

If Pitru Dosha is present in your birth chart, place a photograph of your ancestors on the southern wall of your home. Regularly offer garlands and perform rituals to honor them, as their blessings can help mitigate Pitru Dosha.

On the death anniversary (Punyatithi) of your departed loved ones, donate items to the poor and offer food to Brahmins. Make sure to include dishes that were favored by the deceased.

At noon, offer water, flowers, rice, milk, Ganga water, and black sesame seeds to a Peepal tree while remembering your ancestors.

During Pitru Paksha 2024, ensure that you perform Shraadh rituals for your ancestors on their respective death anniversaries.

For families where members often pass away at a young age, and where the person performing the Shraadh is at a higher risk of getting involved in conflicts, it is recommended to perform Shraadh only for those who died untimely deaths. An untimely death refers to deaths caused by murder, suicide, accidents, and similar events. Perform Shraadh for them on Chaturdashi Tithi (the fourteenth day). For those who passed away naturally, the most appropriate day to perform Shraadh is Sarva Pitru Moksha Amavasya.

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Appropriate Dates for Performing Shraadh

Understanding the correct day for performing Shraadh rituals for your deceased loved ones is crucial. Ideally, Shraadh should be conducted on the corresponding date during Pitru Paksha 2024 which matches the date of their death in any month. However, specific days are also designated for performing Shraadh for those who passed away under certain circumstances.

For example:

  • The Shraadh for a woman whose husband is still alive, known as a “Saubhagyavati” woman, should be performed on Navami Tithi (the ninth day).
  • If the exact date of a woman’s death is unknown, her Shraadh can be performed on Matri Navami.
  • Shraadh for Vaishnav Sannyasis (renunciants) should be conducted on Ekadashi (the eleventh day).
  • For those who died due to weapons, suicide, poison, accidents, or similar causes, Shraadh should be performed on Chaturdashi (the fourteenth day).
  • For individuals who died from snake bites, a Brahmin’s curse, lightning strikes, fire injuries, animal attacks, hanging, pandemics such as COVID-19, tuberculosis, cholera, other epidemics, or were killed by robbers, their Shraadh should be performed on Chaturdashi or Amavasya (the new moon) during Pitru Paksha. 
  • Additionally, if proper funeral rites were not conducted for someone after their death, their Shraadh should also be performed on Amavasya.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. When does Pitru Paksha 2024 start?

This year, Pitru Paksha 2024 begins on September 17, 2024, and will continue until October 2, 2024.

2. What does Shraadh mean?

During Pitru Paksha, the ancestors of the household are remembered, and this ritual is known as Shraadh.

3. What does Pind Daan mean?

Pind Daan means offering food to our ancestors.

4. What does Tarpan mean?

Tarpan involves offering water to our ancestors using a blade of grass called Kusha, symbolizing that we are providing water to them.