Astro-Reveal: Will Panipat Exceed Box Office Expectations?

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Panipat: Pointers As Per Astrology

  • Date of Release – 06 December 2019
  • Time of Release – 9:00 AM
  • Place – Mumbai (Mumbai is the base of Bollywood)

panipat predictionpanipat prediction

Prashan Kundli for Panipat Movie

Note – This prediction is the combined result of Vedic Jyotish and Ank Jyotish (Numerology)

  • As per the Name Numerology, the movie Panipat has Destiny number 1.
  • This 1 number is ruled by Sun in numerology. In Vedic Jyotish, it is the number of Aries sign ruled by Mars. This means Sun, Mars and Aries sign will act as the crucial factor in determining the success of this movie.
  • Aries is in the 5th house of the above prashan kundli, where Jupiter and Mars are giving their aspects. Jupiter is a big planet and its aspect gives massive result in life, whereas Mars’ (warrior planet) aspect results in aggression, conflicts or war like situations. This movie is based upon the massive fight between the Marathas (warrior clan) and the Afghan Army (warrior). So, this date seems good for the movie.
  • Mars, the ruler of this Aries sign, is posited in the 11th house of monetary gains. Here in 11th house, Mars is in Libra sign, which is an unfavorable situation. This makes Mars weak here. Hence, this will definitely impact the post-release collection of the movie. 
  • Sun, the destiny lord, is placed in the 12th house, which is also an unfavorable position for Sun. In Jyotish, the 12th house is the Maran Sthan for Sun and due to this rule, the Sun will not do good for the movie and may create some problems with overseas business as well as the 12th house is a foreign land. 
  • In the above prashan kundli, the saving factor is the strong position of Mighty “Jupiter” in the 1st house (Lagan). 
  • Special Note: One main thing to note is the presence of Digbali Moon in the 4th house of the kundli. Moon depicts emotions, likes, heart feelings, flamboyance and happiness in the 4th house. Therefore this movie will definitely touch the emotions or hearts of the viewers. Plus, the audience will love the flamboyance created in the movie.
  • For Astro LoversSun (Destiny Lord) and Aries is the sign ruled by Mars. These two planets are the only fiery planet in Jyotish and Sun-Mars combination is the giver of Wars, conflicts, Aggression, and Conspiracy. This means the date of release is correct as per the genre of the movie. Sun & Mars are cruel planets, this means that Sanjay Dutt, who plays the Main villain Abdali, will be the dominating entity in the entire movie and praised for his actions and reactions.
  • In a nutshell, the movie will not be a super-duper hit but a one-time watch.

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We wish the cast and crew of the movie “ Panipat” All The Best
