Astrology Predicts The Fate Of John Abraham Starrer Pagalpanti

pagalpanti movie reviewpagalpanti movie review

Pagalpanti: Pointers As Per Astrology

  • Date of Release – 22 November 2019
  • Time of Release – 9:00 AM
  • Place – Mumbai (Mumbai is the base of Bollywood)

Pagalpanti reviewPagalpanti review

Prashan Kundli for Pagalpanti Movie

Note – This prediction is the combined result of Vedic Jyotish and Ank Jyotish (Numerology)

  1. As per the Name Numerology, the movie “Pagalpanti” has Destiny number 8. The number 8 is ruled by Saturn in numerology. In Vedic Astrology, this number comes under the zodiac sign Scorpio, which is ruled by Mars.
  2. Scorpio is the 12th house of the above prashan kundli, where the Sun is weakly posited. Sun is posited in the Maran Sthan (the house of death) if it is in the 12th house in the Scorpio sign. This planetary position acts as a negative point in regards to the movie’s success.
  3. Mars, the lord of Scorpio sign, is placed in a benefic 11th house (Monetary gain), but sign-wise it is not favorably placed, due to which Mars here will not affect the growth in either way.
  4. Saturn, the lord of destiny number 8, is placed in the lagan, which is good, but here it is with enemy planet Ketu as well.
  5. Ketu is the planet which doesn’t prove to be favourable in regards to materialistic gains and success in life. Hence, it will restrict the support of Saturn to the movie.
  6. Jupiter, the lord of Lagan (1st house) and placed in the 1st house supports Saturn. This will averagely increase the strength of Saturn.
  7. Special Note: Saturn (Destiny Ruler) is posited in the 1st house aspecting the 7th house, where Strong Rahu is posited. This shows that the movie will be over-hyped on the internet but in reality, it will be quite below to the pretense. 
  8. For Astro Lovers – Pagalpanti means “messing up or being crazy” and the destiny number lord of this movie i.e “Saturn” is placed in the 1st house with 3 other planets, which creates a messy situation. This shows that makers may have taken the help of astrology when making the movie.
  9. In a nutshell, the movie will do an above-average collection. You can count it as a one-time watch movie. There will be no actor dominance for the movie, and all will be optimum in their acting parts.

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We wish the cast and crew of the movie “Pagalpanti” All The Best.
