Numerology Weekly Horoscope: 16 June, 2024 To 22 June, 2024

Numerology Weekly Horoscope: 16 June, 2024 To 22 June, 2024

How To Know Your Root Number (Moolank)? 

After converting the date you were born during any month into one unit number is your Root Number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9. For example, if you were born on the 11th of a month, your root number would be 1 + 1, i.e. 2. In this way, you can read your weekly numerology horoscope by knowing your Root Number.

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Know Your Weekly Horoscope Using Your Birth Date (16 June To 22 June 2024)

Numerology has a massive impact on our lives because the numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As we have already cited above, a person’s Root Number is the addition of his/her birth date, and it comes under the administration of various planets.

The number 1 is ruled by the Sun, 2nd by the Moon, 3rd by Jupiter, 4th by Rahu, 5th by Mercury, 6th by Venus, 7th by Ketu, 8th by Saturn, and 9th by Mars. Many changes take place in one’s life because of the movement of these planets, and the numbers administered by them play a major role.

Root Number 1

(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month)

Natives born in this number are generally more precise in their moves and stick to the same. They are more systematic in their approach and more quick in taking decisions. They may be more determined to achieve higher feats and make the same in their favor. These natives are straightforward in their approach and due to this, they may be in a position to achieve even tedious tasks with ease. They may get new chances that may shape up their life and doing it with more confidence will be their major aim.

Romantic Relation- You may be in a position to express lovable feelings with your life partner and set an example for good standards in a relationship. A more adjustable attitude may be maintained by you during this course of time and due to this, more love may be blossoming. You may be in a position to discuss important family matters with your life partner and if issues are found in the family, you may be able to solve the same in an amicable manner.

Professional- During this week, you may get exciting job chances and such chances may fulfill your wishes and dreams may come true. You may get more appreciation for the efforts that you are putting into the job from your superiors. Gaining more perks and additional income may also be possible for you. If you are in business, you may be able to secure more administration skills and these skills may guide you to uplift business to the upper position.

Education- You may be in a position to set higher quality and achieve higher feats in your studies. Some special qualities may be possible for you and you will be in high command and score high marks in studies like Physics, Medicine, and Biochemistry. You also will be working on small projects with respect to studies of your interest during this course of time. 

Health- During this time, you will be in good health and this may be possible due to the high level of immunity and energy present in you. This high level of immunity may in turn enhance your confidence levels and good confidence may guide you to stick to fine health. You may be having small health problems and no major health problems.

Remedy: Chant the ancient text Aditya Hridayam daily.

Root Number 2

(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month)

Natives born under this number are generally soft and emotional in character. Due to this emotional nature, these natives may not be in a position to make suitable decisions. Furthermore, decisions taken by these natives may not be so efficient and may act as a constraint while putting them on a backlog. On the positive side, these natives may be possessing more sense of humor and carry on this as a special skill with more efficiency.

Romantic Relation- Your relationship with your life partner could be growing stronger as a result of your deep understanding and genuine sincerity. This progress could be attributed to your open-mindedness and direct communication style with your partner. Throughout this week, you might engage in positive discussions about family matters, leading to favorable outcomes. Additionally, auspicious events within your family may take place during this period, providing you and your life partner the cherished moments.

Professional- During this week, you may be going on long travel with respect to your job, and such travel may be on an assignment basis. You can be rewarded for your hard work with respect to the assignment that you are going to do. You could be given targets with respect to your job and orders by your superiors to complete them within a week or so. This may annoy you. But, you may be able to achieve such targets with more ease. If you are in business, you may be able to shine in businesses like dairy products on a large scale. You may be in a position to pose a fitting competition to your competitors and thereby try to emerge on top of them. You may also be in a position to start further new business which may open up gates for higher prosperity and thereby earn more profits.

Education- During this week, you may be in a position to do well in subjects like Chemistry, and Marine Engineering, Biomedicine and you may take it to more professional heights. You may also go on travel with respect to your studies and you may pursue advanced professional courses like Doctor etc. You could be working on several projects with respect to your studies during this course of time and such things may enhance your quality and all-round skills.

Health- High level of energy may be possible for you during this course of time and due to this you may be in a position to be in good health.  A good diet pattern may also guide you to maintain stability and restore yourself to the path of fitness. Furthermore, you may be in a good position to stick to enthusiasm and this may further guide you to restore to top condition. 

Remedy: Chant Durga Chalisa daily.

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Root Number 3

(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month)

Natives born under this number may be more straightforward and more principled in approach. These people may be possessing broad mindedness and carry this quality in undertaking major decisions.  Egoistic nature may spoil the proceedings for these natives and this may act as constraint on these natives. These natives may be showing more interest towards learning multiple languages 

Romantic Relation- You may be in a position to show your straightforward approach to your life partner. There can be more lovable conversations that you may be having with your partner and such conversations may also be healthier and logical. Due to such conversations, you may be moving closer with your life partner and more love may be developing with your partner. However, you may need to avoid egoism which may be present in you during this week.

Education- You may be able to specialize in professional studies like Management, Business Administration, etc, and create a special impact for yourself. You may be in a position to possess more retention skills with a higher degree of accuracy and precision. With such skills, you may be in a position to score high grades and you may be achieving this with more brilliance. Furthermore, you may be securing good chances to do higher studies abroad and such good things may be happening for you during this course of time. 

Professional- If you are in a job, you may be able to do wonders with respect to your work. You may get into the mainstream action of achieving good results in your job and meet with promotion/incentives etc. You may go to the top post which may come as a surprise to you. If you are in business, then you may enter into a multi-level business and earn more profits. There may also be good chances for you to specialize in a multi-level networking business and serve as potential competitors to your competitors.

Health- During this time, you may be having only minor health problems and not major problems. Problems like colds, coughs, and headaches may be possible. Doing meditation and yoga will do good for you. It may be better for you to avoid eating fatty foods during this time.

Remedy- Chant “Om Brihaspataye Namah” daily 21 times.

Root Number 4

(If you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month)

Natives born in this number could exhibit a high passion for certain things. These individuals could display a strong interest in long-distance travel, akin to a hobby. Furthermore, their inclination towards religious and spiritual matters might be limited. Spontaneous decision-making tends to define their character, yet this trait could lead them to significant difficulties over the course of this week. Their physical well-being might not be optimal, given the considerable stress they typically undergo.

Romantic Relation- During this week, you may need to adjust more to the situations prevailing in your family as there may be some long-standing disputes in your family, and due to this, your approach towards your life partner may get torrid during this course of time. You may lose your coolness in maintaining a good rapport with your life partner. In this area, you may need to work out to make this week more pleasant in order to maintain harmony.

Education- Extreme concentration needs to be pursued by you in studies and this is very much required if it is missing, then errors may be committed on your part during this time and this in turn may cause more severe repercussions and may leave you behind. You may need to stick to a high level of commitment in focusing and concentration which is most required by you in meeting with good success.

Professional- If you’re employed, the current period might put you in intense work pressure, making it difficult for you to meet your targets promptly. Unfortunately, this pressure could lead to the completion of tasks with a higher frequency of errors, subsequently raising doubts about your professional reliability. Given these circumstances, it becomes crucial for you to concentrate and strive for success in your work endeavors. 

If you are in business, significant challenges lie ahead, as mounting competition poses a serious threat that may not be easily mitigated. As a result, it’s imperative to elevate your focus on your business operations and make a concerted effort to outshine your competitors and achieve success.

Health- You may be having more skin-related issues due to allergies which may be pinching you during this course of time. Such things may be possible due to the consumption of unhealthy food with more oily items during this time.

Remedy-  Recite “Om Durgaya Namaha” daily 22 times.

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Root Number 5

(If you are born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month)

Natives belonging to this number are generally self-sufficient in tuning up their intellect and they may work accordingly in this context. These people may possess more interest in pursuing business with respect to share trading and try to earn from them. They may think that they are wise business people and due to this, they may venture into several multi-level businesses which in turn may bring good profits.

Romantic Relation-  During this week, you will be in a position to show a sense of humor with your partner and exhibit the same in a much more romantic manner. You will be become \perfect with each other. The romantic feelings that you may be having may pave the way for good mutual rapport and better understanding with your life partner. At tough times, you may be in a position to convince your life partner with your best knowledge.

Education- This week will be better for you to prove your abilities in studies and most important in a professional stream of studies like Financial Accounting and Management. Most important is proving your abilities in finance and making it in a simple way. You will gain more wisdom and make it in such a way that you will be setting good standards in your studies. You may be more proficient in studies such as Financial Accounting, Management, etc, and you may be able to score high marks during this course of time. You may be in a position to set goals for yourself with respect to these study areas and do very well.

Professional- You will benefit irrespective of whether you are doing profession or business and success ultimately may be in your hands. You will be in a position to carve a niche. If you are working as a consultant then you will be in a position to create success stories. If you are in a job, you may be in a situation of choosing various new job openings that may be possible during this course of time and such openings may give you delight and surprise. If you are in business, then profitable dealings may be possible for you by means of your sheer intelligence. You may be able to derive new logic in business and such logic may guide you to do well in earning good profits.

Health- You may be physically fit during this week as your level of enthusiasm may be on top due to energy levels. You may not be possessing health problems. But you will need to take care of your diet pattern. It may be further essential for you to adopt meditation/Yoga to keep your health fit.

Remedy-  Chant the ancient text Vishnu Sahasranamam daily.

Root Number 6 

(If you are born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number are generally more artistic and creative in nature and in turn, they may adapt themselves into the current situation. These natives may get involved in Media and other creative pursuits which in turn may be enhancing their benefits. More long-distance travel may be possible for them and such travel may be with respect to their career. They may possess a keen interest to enhance their language, communication skills and focus more on the same.

Romantic Relation- This week, you may be stuck in maintaining an effective relationship with your life partner as you may lose your coolness. Due to this, you may need to be more soft and mature in approach with your life partner  during this time as pleasant understanding may be possible. This approach may also corner out any further small differences with your life partner and thereby enable you to maintain harmony.

Education- You could lose more marks in studies during this week as you might not be able to focus much harder and there could be a shortfall in retention power which is quite important for you. Studies such as Visual Communication, Fashion Design may not help you out. There may be a nagging gap that may leave you behind and might prevent you from scoring higher marks.

Professional- You will need to be careful in your work as there may be chances for errors that could be committed by you due to more work pressure during this course of time. So to overcome this, you may need to stick to different new strategies and methods that may enable you to come out with success. If you are in business, then you may meet losses due to the high competition from your competitors during this course of time. Competitors may adopt a unique strategy for their business and thereby secure more profits during this course of time. So, it may be essential for you to change your present strategy in business and stick to the new business trends to keep yourself successful and alive.

Health- During this time, you may succumb to skin allergies, rough colds, and tumors which may be giving you more botheration. These things may be possible due to more oily items or fatty foods that you may be consuming and all these things may cast the spell on you in terms of these health issues that you are facing. Also, it may be essential for you to focus on your immunity levels and how your immunity gets stronger. 

Remedy-  Chant “Om Shukraya Namah” daily 33 times.

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Root Number 7  

(If you are born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be possessing a high level of all round skills and develop these skills further. Furthermore, these people will be more spiritual in nature and god-fearing. With the all round skills, they will be able to show their expertise and capitalize on the same. These natives could be possessing mystical skills which can guide them to be successful. More interest in occult studies may be possible for these natives and they may try to do research and stick on to this. These people may carry out these occult studies as a passion.

Romantic Relation- During this week, you might not be in a position to enjoy much love with your life partner as there could be issues in family that could prevent you from maintaining happiness ahead. Instead of engaging yourself in worries, it is advisable for you this week to consult elders to sort out issues in the family and thereby mutual understanding and love is prevailing with your life partner.

Education- This week might not be beneficial for you who are engaged in studies like Mystics, Philosophy, and Sociology. You may find it a little difficult to cope up with your studies and score high marks due to less retention. However,  this week,  you will be able to retain your hidden skills and due to less time you might not be able to show full progress. Furthermore, it will be better for you to engage in Yoga to show your performance in studies.

Professional- You may develop extra skills this week and may be able to get appreciation with respect to your work. But at the same time, you will be facing job pressure which could be unmanageable. If you are into business, then you may meet with chances of loss and it will be essential for you to have anticipation and monitor your business. Also during this week, it is advisable for you to avoid venturing into any partnership or any new dealings.

Health- During this week, you could be having skin irritations due to allergies, and also digestion related problems. So, it is essential for you to take food on time to keep yourself in better health. Also, you need to avoid eating oily items as this could dampen your health and your spirit. 

Remedy-  Chant “Om Ganeshaya Namaha” daily 41 times.

Root Number 8 

(If you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number could be losing patience during this week and they might lag behind in attaining success. During this week, natives might lose some valuables and costly items during travel and this could cause worries for them. It is essential for them to stick to more anticipation and adopt a systematic plan to keep them on shore. Also, it will be essential for these natives to avoid pursuing major decisions like new investments which may bring loss.

Romantic Relation- During this week, you might get worried over ongoing issues in the family due to property related matters. You could also face some troubles from your friends in maintaining a good relationship with your life partner or your beloved. Due to the above, you might face a lack of bonding with your partner and you will find it a little tough in maintaining closeness with them. 

Education- You will be taking a back seat with respect to studies this week as despite your efforts, you may need to push off extra hard to get on top of it. You are advised to remain patient and show more determination and thereby it can guide you to score high marks. If you are engaged in studies with respect to Mechanical Engineering or Automobile Engineering, then it will be essential for you to concentrate more to perform well.

Professional-  If you are a working professional, you might fail to get the required recognition for the work that you are doing and this might bother you. If you are in business, then it could be difficult for you to maintain better standards and reasonable profit dealings. 

Health- You might experience pain in your legs and joints due to stress and it might take a toll on you. This might be possible due to the imbalanced diet that you are following. You may need to do meditation and exercises which may keep your health in fine condition.

Remedy-  Chant Hanuman Chalisa daily.

Root Number 9

(If you are born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month)

Natives belonging to this number may be more brave and systematic in their approach. They may be more determined to achieve bigger tasks with more ease. They may be more punctual also. People belonging to this number are more particular to achieve bigger tasks with ease.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Romantic Relation- You may be in a position to maintain a more principled attitude with your life partner and build up high values. Due to this, good understanding between you and your life partner may develop, and you may create a love story with your beloved. There could be casual outings with your life partner and such outings will bring enjoyment and rejoice, and enhance rapport with your life partner.

Education-  You may be determined to do well during this week with respect to studies in disciplines like Management, Electrical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering etc. You will be fast in retaining what you are studying and may be able to deliver excellent results with the exams that you are taking. 

Professional- You may be in a position to do very well in work and gain recognition in the form of promotion. If you are in business then there will be good chances for you to back up and maintain high profits and thereby sustain a reputation among your fellow competitors. You will be in a position to develop new strategies for your life of business.

Health- You may be in a position to maintain good health during this week and this will be due to your enthusiasm. You will not face major health issues this week. There will be a sense of happiness that will enable you to maintain a high level of energy.

Remedy-  Perform Yagya-Havan for planet Mars on Tuesday.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ques1. How do you check your Moolank?

Ans. Write your birth date in numbers and then add them all together until you get a single digit.

Ques2. Which life path number is considered lucky?

Ans. According to numerology, life path number 7 is considered quite fortunate.

Ques3. How will the time be for life path number 4?

Ans. This month, you may need to put in a lot of effort to achieve favorable results.