Numerology Weekly Horoscope 4 September-10 September, 2022

How To Know Your Root Number (Moolank)? 

After converting the date you were born during any month into one unit, the number is your Root Number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9. For example, if you were born on the 11th of a month, your root number would be 1 + 1, i.e. 2. In this way, you can read your weekly numerology horoscope by knowing your Root Number.

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Know Your Weekly Horoscope Using Your Birth Date ( 4-10 September 2022)

Numerology has a massive impact on our lives because the numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As we have already cited above, a person’s Root Number is the addition of his/her birth date, and it comes under the administration of various planets.

The number 1 is ruled by the Sun, 2nd by the Moon, 3rd by Jupiter, 4th by Rahu, 5th by Mercury, 6th by Venus, 7th by Ketu, 8th by Saturn, and 9th by Mars. Many changes take place in one’s life because of the movement of these planets, and the numbers administered by them play a major role.

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Root Number 1

(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month)

Dear Root Number 1 natives, you will find average results this week in terms of your professional , personal, education and health profile. On every front, your abilities and diligence will be noticed, and at this time, you’ll be bursting with energy and enthusiasm. This will enable you to complete practically all of your tasks on time. This week will be favorable if you want to promote your side business or hobby-related projects through social media, internet, etc., as this will greatly increase your income.

Romantic Relations:

As long as you cooperate, some surprises are in store for your romantic life this week. You will have a vague idea of what is happening, but keep it to yourself. If you’re married, you might irritate your spouse in some way. Your love life seems to be in tune with the stars. There don’t seem to be any problems with the relationship you’re in right now. Spend more time with your partner if you’re married.


Gaining new knowledge in every way is crucial when long-term learning is taken into account. Make sure your foundation is strengthened before learning anything new if you’re interested. If you are a student who enjoys athletics or who plans to train at the national level, this week will work in your favor. Your life would benefit from the excellent coaching you would receive.

Professional life: 

Give yourself a high five for your wit. Your weekly work horoscope suggests that you could be able to help some people or groups who have been trying hard but failing in finding a solution to an issue. You may be able to achieve professional success this week and search for the improvements you have been seeking for a while. If you’re a businessman, you might land the deal you’ve been waiting for.


Your health is really essential and you need to take better care of it. You could use a regular regimen to become more health-conscious. People who experience pain frequently could face some issues. However, a balanced diet and some light exercise might prove beneficial. To maintain a positive and healthy attitude throughout the week, keep your attention on the bigger picture.


Offer water to the Sun (Surya Dev) everyday.

Root Number 2

(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month)

For the Root Number 2 natives, there will be some ambiguities and depressing notes this week. Those who are interested in the services will need to work hard to prove their abilities. Your perseverance and extra labor will help you survive at this time since your employer will acknowledge them. You can use a daily routine to increase your awareness of your health. People who experience pain could run into issues. However, a balanced diet and some light exercise might prove beneficial. To maintain a positive and healthy attitude throughout the week, keep your attention on the bigger picture.

Professional Life:  

The proprietors of the businesses will experience no problems during this time. Your stalled initiatives will be completed, which will make you feel incredibly satisfied and relaxed. 

Romantic Relations:

Your personal and professional lives are in balance. You might get the chance to spend time with your family and children. This week might be ideal for romantic relationships. There can be quick excursions and outings with your companion. This week, love will be on your side. So, enjoy your week!


There can be a lot of competition around you to start the week. Your wisdom, however, can provide you with an advantage, and you may decide on important actions that could assist you in overcoming persistent problems. Your elderly could appreciate your commitment. Your career may also go well for you.


Look out for your health this week. According to the stars, overthinking might lead to stress. Don’t use electronics right before bed. We encourage you to stay away from junk food. This week, focus on enhancing your diet. You can feel exhausted from the workload. Enroll in any health-related classes this week. Your health might be harmed by negative thinking and over analyzing.


Donate milk on Mondays and full moon nights.

Root Number 3

(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month)

The professional front will be a little hectic this week. If you are able to overcome all the obstacles, you will see some positive outcomes in the form of enormous prospects that will improve your current job profile. Personal front will also give you satisfying results. During this week, students need to work really hard. Overall, the natives have to take care of their health as well.


Interacting with powerful individuals and officials of high rank is likely. Your career graph will get fresh experience as a result of this. You can possibly receive some help from the boss or senior management in finishing your ongoing projects. This week will be beneficial for entrepreneurs because you’ll be successful in selling your products and discovering new markets for them. You must take precautions when interacting with your co-workers because they might find some of your choices offensive.

Romantic Relations: 

Going on long rides will allow those in romantic relationships to share some beautiful moments with their special someone. The married locals will also experience a happy week. All during the week, you’ll be in a happy mood and recall your fond memories from the past.


Students who are interested in Accounting, Mathematics, or Science will have a good week, and you will receive praise from your teachers. During this time, the regular students will make a few blunders. Things will go well in your family since your parents and siblings will make an effort to help you financially, emotionally, and physically during this time.


You should exercise some caution when it comes to your health this week because a previous disease of yours could recur.


Help the poor and needy by providing them food and water.

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Root Number 4

(If you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month)

For the Root Number 4 natives this week, the company owners under this number will have to deal with a fresh set of obstacles from their rivals. On the financial front, this next week may see a strong return on your previous investment. In terms of a personal component, you can experience misunderstandings with family members, particularly your younger ones. Your conversations might offend them, and they might then rebel. Because of your harsh statements, the family’s elders might reprimand you.

Professional life:

For you, this week will bring a variety of outcomes. Things will be resolved on the professional front, and you’ll be able to complete your projects on schedule. This week, you’ll receive several excellent employment offers that may prompt you to change careers. The changes you make in your professional life now will have a positive impact on your career in the long run. 

Romantic life:

Those who are involved in romantic relationships might have a particularly stressful week. This week, you can have some clashes over little matters and disagreements. To rekindle your relationship, it is essential that you comprehend your partner’s perspective. The married natives will have a good week because your spouse will show you small acts of kindness, and you will return the kind. There will be rapid expansion of your two-way love.


Students will have a terrific week since you’ll be given tasks and activities that interest you and use all of your ideas and creativity to finish them.


You must take care of your health this week because some of you do not eat a good, balanced diet, which can result in stomach problems and have a negative effect on your health.


Keep a piece of silver with you.

Root Number 5

(If you are born on the 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month)

For the Root Number 5 natives, there will be some happy notes this week. Those who are interested in the services required to work hard to demonstrate their skills and abilities. Your sharpness and good intellect will help you win at work and your employer will also acknowledge you during this time. . On the family front, things won’t go very smoothly, and you might have trouble getting the other houseguests to understand what you’re trying to say. Also, it is advised to take proper care of your health during this week and not to exert yourself unnecessarily.

Professional life:

Root Number 5 businesspeople will not experience major problems this week in their professional life and if you had some work that you couldn’t complete in the past, it will also be done successfully during this period. This will make you feel relaxed and satisfied. This week won’t bring many job opportunities for those looking for new positions, so they’ll have to wait a bit.

Romantic Relations:

The week will be supportive for romantic relationships; your partner will be sympathetic to your problems and make efforts to provide both financial and emotional support. Due to their busy work schedules or vacation plans, married natives may experience some distance from their spouse. It is advisable that you communicate with your lover excessively.


This week will be difficult for the students, you will be filled with questions, and organizing your thoughts in time for the exam will be difficult for you.


Since you won’t have a strong immune system, you’ll be more susceptible to the flu and other illnesses at this time.


Visit the temple on Wednesdays.

Root Number 6 

(If you are born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month)

Root Number 6 natives, you’ll have a good week with plenty of favorable prospects. Significant changes in your professional life could occur. During this week, you can get a promotion to the next level or be moved to a different department.

Professional Life:

This week will be a fantastic one for job seekers, with plenty of options. Additionally, if you intend to change jobs, the moment is right. The business partners should exercise a little caution because your rivals can try to hurt you. Additionally, you should exercise caution when speaking with your co-workers because this week some of the interactions they may be having with their co-workers could result in conflicts.

Romantic Life:

This week, a lot of pleasantness in your relationship. Your relationships with your friends, family, and acquaintances will also be happy, and you may arrange to get together this week to unwind. Married life will also be comfortable. The residents of the residence will also help you in your personal endeavors.


Students will have a good week since you’ll be more interested in giving a creative pursuit in their studies and use all of your talent to stand out in your studies.


The native are going to enjoy a healthy life this week will feel energetic and charged. still it is advised to exercise regularly and follow proper diet


Donate curd to the poor on Friday.

Speak To Our Renowned Astrologer Acharyaa Kriti & Know Your Future As Per Numerology!

Root Number 7 

(If you are born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month)

Root Number 7 natives, you’ll be undecided and perplexed this week. You can run across some challenging circumstances that call for your time and focus. You will be required to take the lead on a few initiatives at work that don’t fit your profile. Due to the excessively high level of your expenses, you will need to rigorously adhere to your budget plan. To meet the numerous expectations of the house members, you could need to spend a little bit more money.

Professional Life:

Learning new information and completing the task at hand will be challenging for you. You won’t be able to get assistance from your teammates or team to finish the assignments. You’ll feel a lot of pressure from this. 

 Romantic Life:

The week will be favorable for those who are interested in love relationships. Your spouse and you will become closer and create some future plans together. The inability to spend quality time with your spouse due to your hectic schedule may cause some aggravation in married people.


The projects and new homework will keep the students busy, so they will have a week full of pressure. In order to complete your practical tasks, you will need to draw on your specialties and additional abilities.


In addition to your busy work schedule, your household purchases and attending to the needs of other family members will keep you too physically busy. Given that you’ll be concerned and stressed out this week, you need to take care of your health. To keep your mind quiet and relaxed, try to meditate and do some exercises.


Feed white and black dogs.

Root Number 8 

(If you were born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month)

Root Number 8 natives, you will receive an average answer this week in terms of the professional level. Your coworkers and teammates will support you, which will enable you to complete your projects on schedule.

Professional Life: 

There is a chance that you will have to complete some extra work that is unrelated to your profile, and it will be a little taxing. To put them into action, you might want assistance from a professional. For the expansion and marketing of their company, the business owners might need to make certain trip arrangements. Even though they might not be particularly effective, these will provide you a sense of the newest market trends. While this is an excellent time to create new initiatives, you should hold off on putting them into action. The time is right for investing because the returns you will receive from them in the future will be profitable.

Romantic Life:

You and your loved ones will have a nice time. A member of the house may also have a little celebration in honor of their birthday or anniversary. Those who are in romantic partnerships will experience boredom this week since their partners won’t reciprocate their romantic suggestions and plans. This week will see some tensions among the married couples. Your spouse’s disrespectful or uncaring behavior may cause you to have an emotional setback.


The pressure of studying will be on top of the kids. Their lack of attention span and distractions from small gatherings with family or friends will make it difficult for them to focus. Things will be happy in the family environment, and family members will continue to understand one another well.


The natives who are ruled by number eight need to be careful about their health during this week as they may feel a lack of energy and laziness. To avoid that, exercise regularly throughout the week.


Visit Saturn Temple on Saturday.

Root Number 9

(If you are born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month)

Root Number 9 natives, this week, you’ll have some perplexing thoughts and attempt to examine and assess the world around you. 

Professional Life:

Those who work in the service industry may fall victim to office politics at this time. With your co-workers and subordinates, you can experience disputes and tense exchanges. During this time, there is a risk that your workplace, department, or job profile will change. This week won’t be the best for those who are involved in business.

Romantic Life:

This week will be difficult for those who are in romantic relationships. Your spouse will be a bit demanding, and you may find it difficult to relate to them or understand their needs.


This week, the students will find it challenging to concentrate as they will fight to keep their confidence. Furthermore, you won’t be able to complete your assignments and projects. The family will be supportive and helpful throughout this time, providing you a chance to communicate your requirements.


Your mental health will suffer as a result of the challenges you will confront in marketing and selling your product. Although this phase will be moderate and you will handle it strongly. Also, practice meditation in yoga throughout the week 


Recite Hanuman Chalisa daily.

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