How To Know Your Root Number (Moolank)?
After converting the date you were born during any month into one unit number, it is your Root Number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9. For example, if you were born on the 11th of a month, your root number would be 1 + 1, i.e. 2. In this way, you can read your Numerology Weekly Horoscope 2024 by knowing your Root Number.

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Know Your Weekly Horoscope Using Your Birth Date 12 January 2025- 18 January 2025
Numerology has a huge impact on our lives because the numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As previously stated, a person’s Root Number is the sum of his/her birth date, and it is ruled by numerous planets.
The Sun rules number 1, the Moon rules number 2, Jupiter rules number 3, Rahu rules number 4, Mercury rules number 5, Venus rules number 6, Ketu rules the number 7, Saturn rules number 8 and Mars rules number 9. Because of the movement of these planets, many changes occur in one’s life, and the numbers provided by them play an important part.
Root Number 1
(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month)
The natives of root number 1 are very time-conscious and strive to stick to their schedules. They are goal-oriented people who are committed to attaining their objectives.
Romantic Relation- During this time, you are likely to adopt a clear and positive approach in your interactions with your life partner.
Education- You may be able to shine well in professional studies this week. Studies such as Marine Engineering, Chemical Engineering may do wonders. You may be able to possess a mastery over these subjects.
Professional- If you are working, you may carry more principles in executing the work and do it with flair. If you are in business, you may gain more profits and also partnership could be favorable.
Health- There is a possibility that you will be in fine health due to high level of energy and enthusiasm. Additionally, doing Yoga and meditation may be favorable for you.
Remedy- Chant “Om Bhaskaraya Namah” daily 19 times.
Root Number 2
(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month)
Natives belonging to this number may be keen on doing research and devote their mind towards the same along with traveling and enjoying the same.
Romantic Relation- You may be more happy in expressing your emotions during this week and due to this, you may be able to move freely with your life partner and maintain coordination.
Education- During this week, you may be able to excel in professional studies such as Chemical Engineering and Marine Engineering etc. You may be able to achieve this with a strong presence of mind.
Professional- If you are working, you may receive more perks and incentives for your dedication and professionalism during this week. If you are doing business, you may be able to compete well with your competitors.
Health- Due to strong immunity, you may be in good health. This may also be possible with fine enthusiasm and boldness. You may also be able to achieve this with meditation and yoga.
Remedy- Perform Pooja for Planet Moon on Mondays.
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Root Number 3
(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month)
Natives born and belonging to this number could be more spiritual and devote their mind towards the same. These people may be more broad minded and think big with whatever they do.
Romantic Relation- You may be more sincere in approach with your life partner and thereby enhance your love feelings. With good love feelings, you may be able to share more happiness.
Education- Professional studies such as Business Management, Advanced Statistics may do wonders for you. You may be able to score more marks and thereby prove your skills.
Professional- If in a job, you may go abroad and such opportunities may enable you to reach peaks. Business wise, you may get full support of your business partners and through them, you may get more new business opportunities and earn more profits.
Health- You may stick to good health and this can be possible due to strong immune levels present within you. Additionally, sheer confidence may do wonders for you.
Remedy- Chant “Om Gurave Namaha” daily 21 times.
Root Number 4
(If you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month)
Natives belonging to this number may be more passionate and obsessed with their approach and pursue decisions based on that. These natives may be more conscious in their moves.
Romantic Relation- You may not be able to see joyous moments with your life partner during this week and this may be due to lack of adjustment that you may be having. Also, you might enter into heated arguments which could reduce the cordiality.
Education- You might have distraction with studies and due to this, you may not be able to score higher marks. Lack of concentration could also make you lag behind.
Professional- If in a job, you might be carried away by more work pressure which could put you behind. Due to this, you might not be in a position to excel and gain a good position. If you are in business, then you might be overtaken by competitors which could reduce your scope.
Health- You might lack energy and this could be due to lack of boldness which might have an impact on your health. Due to lack of vital power, you might be prone to high stress.
Remedy- Recite “Om Durgaya Namaha” daily 22 times.
Root Number 5
(If you are born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month)
Natives belonging to this number focus more on utilising their intelligence for taking effective decisions to their capacity. These people may have a sense of humor which helps them.
Romantic Relation- This week might not be favorable for you to maintain a good relationship with your life partner and retain the bonding. You may distance yourself from her and this could have a bad impact on your relationship with your life partner.
Education- You might not find this week to be pleasing with respect to studies and positive results might not come to you easily for the efforts that you are putting on the same. You might lose concentration.
Professional- If you are working, you could face some issues with superiors and this might disturb you. You could be doing more hard work, but you may not get the recognition. If you are doing business, you might not be able to fetch the required profits and problems with business partners might arise.
Health- You might be prone to nervous problems during this week which could arise due to lack of immune levels. Sometimes digestion problems could also occur.
Remedy- Chant “Om Namo Narayana” daily 41 times.
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Root Number 6
(If you are born on the 6th, 15th, 24th of any month)
Natives born in this number may have more interest in humor, creative pursuits and other things. These people may have more keenness for travel and other leisure.
Romantic Relation- You might not be happy in a relationship with your life partner and this could be due to lack of adjustment on your part this week. Furthermore, you need to be patient in dealing with your life partner.
Education- You might not be able to focus properly on studies this week as you could be having a lack of deviation in mind and this thing might arise due to lack of concentration.
Professional- If you are working, then you might not be able to capitalize on seeing positive results with respect to your job. This could cause worries for you. If you are doing business, then you might face more losses during this week.
Health- You might be facing skin problems due to lack of immunity. Including this, you could also suffer with itching problems during this time.
Remedy- Chant “Om Shukraya Namaha” daily 33 times.
Root Number 7
(If you are born on the 7th, 16th, 25th of any month)
Natives born in this number may be philosophical in their approach. These people might lose patience sometimes and this could be a constraint on their development.
Romantic Relation- You might not be happy and true in a relationship with your life partner this week as there could be chances for lack of harmony this week. Due to this, a distance might arise.
Education- If you are a student, you could lose focus and struggle to accomplish considerable achievement in obtaining higher grades. It is important to commit more time and effort to your study.
Professional- If you are in a job, you might meet with the displeasure in work and you could also face the wrath of your superiors. If you are in business, then you could suffer more losses and there could be less scope for you to earn more profits.
Health- You might be facing digestion related problems this week due to lack of immunity which could be a constraint on you. So, you need to take more medicines.
Remedy- Chant “Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha” daily 43 times.
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Root Number 8
(If you were born on the 8th, 17th, 26th of any month)
Natives born in this number may be more task oriented and focus more on the same. These people may generally be more committed in their approach and carry out their routine activities via planning and scheduling.
Romantic Relation- You might always show more happiness in approaching your life partner and your way of doing the same may be more positive.
Education- If you are doing professional studies then you may need to work hard, focus more and have a clear mind to excel, then only you may succeed. However, you are likely to succeed because you have an innate flair for it.
Professional- If you are working then you may get new job opportunities and due to this, your confidence will grow and at the same time, such opportunities might be challenging. If in business, you may get moderate profits which might not serve your purpose.
Health- You might be prone to pain in legs, shoulders and thighs during this week and such problems could happen due to lack of resistance.
Remedy- Chant “Om Hanumate Namaha” daily 11 times.
Root Number 9
(If you are born on the 9th, 18th, 27th of any month)
Natives belonging to this number may be fast in their approach and execute tasks with more flair. These people may sometimes grow moody and due to this, they could lose many good chances.
Romantic Relation- You may be more straight forward in approach with your life partner. Also, you may show pleasure in sharing with your life partner which in turn may enable you to maintain good bonding.
Education- If you are studying, then you may be more professional in pursuing studies with much more flair. You may study well with commitment.
Professional- If you are in a job, you may stick to time in executing work on time and this approach of yours may please others. If you are in business, then you may show leadership qualities and possess a command over your business operations.
Health- Due to boldness and strong immunity, you may stick to good health which may arise due to the high level of energy present within you.
Remedy- Chant “Om Bhoumaya Namaha” daily 27 times.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Ans. Write your birth date in numbers and then add them all together until you get a single digit.
Ans. According to numerology, life path number 7 is considered quite fortunate.
Ans. This month, you may need to put in a lot of effort to achieve favorable results.