How to know your Root Number (Moolank)?
Numerology plays a vital role in your life. The date on which you are born during any month and after converting it into one unit number is your Root Number. The Root Number can be anything from 1 to 9, for example – if you were born on the 10th of a month, your root number would be 1 + 0 i.e 1. In this way, you can read your weekly numerology horoscope by knowing your root number.
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Know Your Weekly Horoscope With Your Birth Date (3 July to 9 July 2022)
Numerology has a massive impact on our lives as the numbers have everything to do with our birth dates. As we have already cited above, a person’s root number happens to be the addition of his or her birth date, and it comes under the administration of various planets.
The number 1 is ruled by the Sun, 2nd by the Moon, 3rd by Jupiter, 4th by Rahu, 5th by Mercury, 6th by Venus, 7th by Ketu, and 8th by Saturn, and 9th by Mars. Many changes take place in one’s life because of the movement of these planets and the numbers administered by them have a major role.
Root Number 1
(If you were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month)
If you are born under this number then this week may not be a smooth ride to witness phenomenal progress. Be it your job, finances, and relationship for that matter. You may need to pay more attention to your relationship and to develop more harmony with respect to the same. Regarding career, you may be getting good recognition and at the same time challenges may exist. When it comes to finances, it may be a situation of both gains and expenses. In the relationship, there may be disputes with your life partner and it may be essential for you to adjust to witness bonds in a relationship. It is advisable for you to make yourself devoted to spirituality so that you may be able to gain ultimate happiness. Health-wise, you may be prone to headache and digestion related problems. During this week, you may be in a position to portray your unique identity.
Remedy-Do Homa for planet Sun on Sunday.
Root Number 2
(If you were born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th of any month)
If you are born under this number, then this week may give you some emotional disturbances. Due to this, you may not be able to make flexible decisions, which may prevent you from moving forward. During this week, you may need to spend money for the health of your mother. There may be more expenses prevailing for you during this course of time and for this you may need to plan to witness smooth results. Job pressure may be increasing for you during this course of time and for this, you will need to plan accordingly.
Remedy-Chant ‘Om Chandraya Namaha’ daily 20 times.
Root Number 3
(If you are born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th of any month)
If you are born under this number, then this week may give you more development and opportunities in your career. New chances to explore in your career may be present at this point of time, which in turn will give you promotion chances and to prove yourself. During this week, you may also get chances to travel abroad on assignment basis with respect to your career. Money flow will be on increasing side and scope to save may also be fine. This week may be the time for you to make major decisions. You may develop high interest in spiritual matters and you will be working constantly on the same.
Remedy-Chant ‘Om Guravae Namah’ daily 21 times.
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Root Number 4
(If you are born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of any month)
If you are born under this number, you may find this week to be a high success with new opportunities blessing you in terms of good job chances. Due to the above good openings, you may be feeling more confident and prove your skills and thereby carve a special niche. There are good chances for you to earn money from unexpected sources like inheritance. You may be able to enjoy this week via casual travel. On a personal front, there may be auspicious functions that you will be witnessing in your family and such occasions may cheer you up. You will be able to maintain fine health.
Remedy – Do Durga Homa on Tuesday.
Root Number 5
(If you are born on the 5th, 14th, and 23rd of any month)
During this week, it may be a good time for you to enhance your wisdom by reading books, which may increase your chances for prosperity. You may enter into trading this week and thereby you may be in a position to gain good profits. There will also be good luck running for you during this week and this may enable you to maintain fine happiness. You may be able to witness gains if you are onto business. This week may also be the time for you to venture into multiple businesses. More harmony may be present in family and thereby understanding will mature with your close kith and kin. You may also go on a casual outing with your family members this week.
Remedy- Chant ‘Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya’ daily 41 times.
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Root Number 6
(If you are born on the 6th, 15th, 24th of any month)
If you are born in this number, you may find this week to be a little hectic as taking major decisions may not be effective for you. You may be carried away by work pressure. There may be a lack of recognition for the hard work that you are doing from your superiors. If you are into business, then your efforts for getting new projects may get postponed. Fluctuations in money is be possible during this week and you may not be in a position to save. Relationships may hit a low profile during this week. If you are expecting any luck in your endeavors, then this week may not be an ideal time for you to witness such good things. Only hard work will be helpful for you.
Remedy- Chant “Om Shukraya Namaha” daily 33 times.
Root Number 7
(If you are born on the 7th, 16th, 25th of any month)
During this week, it may be essential for you to maintain patience to get on with success. On the career front, you may be facing ups and downs with more job pressure. For the work that you do, you may not get the required recognition and this may cause you worries. There may also be a change in job that you may be meeting during this week and such change may not be a rewarding one. If you are into business, then you may be facing problems with your competitors and your strategy in business may go outdated. You may need to adjust in a relationship and make it a splendid one. You may be prone to digestion related problems.
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Remedy- Chant ‘Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha’ daily 16 times.
Root Number 8
(If you were born on the 8th, 17th, 26th of any month)
This week, you may need to face challenges in the efforts that you are pursuing and most importantly with respect to your career, you may be facing obstacles with your colleagues at work. Your colleagues may try to take advantage and try to malign your reputation. There may be chances that you may commit errors at work due to the situation existing. Further if you are into business, your competitors may try to take advantage of you and gain upper hand. Health care is vital on your side this week as you may be prone to pain in legs and digestion problems. You may feel sometimes insecure during this course of time and for this, pursuing yoga/meditation may be advisable for you. There is also a need for you to maintain a friendly approach in the relationship with your life partner.
Remedy- Engage in donations to the handicapped on Saturdays.
Root Number 9
(If you are born on the 9th, 18th, 27th of any month)
If you are born in this number, then this week may enhance benefits for you in terms of job satisfaction and finances. You may get scope for new job chances that may multiply your skills. You may also be in a position to discover new skills present in you. Money flow may be on an increasing side and due to this, you may plan for undertaking major decisions. Romance will be on air with your beloved and thereby bondedness may be increasing. Your physical fitness may be good during this week.
Remedy-Chant Hanuman chalisa on Tuesdays.
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