Numerology Horoscope 2024: Dreams Coming True For These Root Numbers

Numerology Horoscope 2024: Dreams Coming True For These Root Numbers

Numerology Horoscope 2024: Like the planets impact our lives, in the similar manner, numbers also leave an influence on our past, present and future and are included in the astrological calculation. This calculation based on numbers is widely popular known as Numerology. A lot of different numbers impact our lives, be it negatively or positively.

In this another blog of AstroSage, we are going to talk about the horoscope based on root numbers and will also figure out which numbers are going to be proven as great ones for the different Moolank natives. So, without further ado,  let’s get down to some business. 

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Auspicious Root Numbers’ People 

Root Number 1 Natives Should Control Their Temper 

Due to the impact of the Sun, you might reflect arrogance in your behavior, because the Sun symbolizes arrogance and ego. As a result, you will turn furious and irritable. Your behavior may even become the reason for people getting disappointed, which is why it is best to control your temper and be nice to people around you. On the contrary,  the root number 1 individuals have an amazing career awaiting for them. You will perform the best in your career and will move forward with experience and will be able to fulfill your dreams and goals with hard work and effort. 

Talking about your personal life,  then you will be seen spending good time with your family and friends. You might also plan a trip with your loved ones to enjoy your life and will get respect and honor from them as well.  Wherever you will go, you will impact people positively. Though, you won’t be able to express your love for your loved ones but will love them more than enough. It basically means that you will sacrifice anything for them but will be hesitant in expressing your love to them.  You are a highly disciplined person and it will become the reason for your success which means that your disciplined routine will help you move towards success in life. 

In the year 2024, the root numbers 9, 8, 2, and 4 will affect you the most which will help you in accomplishing all your incomplete tasks. But the negative impacts of all of these will raise the feeling of arrogance in the natives and a lot of your work will get stopped midway.  And mentioning your financial situation then it is going to portray favorable results to some extent. If we talk about the vehicles and property then this year is extremely auspicious for you. You need to act intelligently in the matters of children.  And in the matters of love, you need to be polite in your behavior and there are mixed results in your married life. If you maintain your anger and doubt and stay away from these emotions, then you will be able to enjoy your personal life this way. 

Remedy : You should maintain your relationship with your friends and family. Also offer Lal Chola to Hanuman ji on every tuesday and recite Sunderkand with your family. 

Root Number 2 Will Get Great Opportunities

The natives of root number 2 will be creative and artistic because of the impact of Moon on the natives and if we talk about the behavior of natives with root number 2, then they will be ever ready to help the people in need and we hope that those people will also help you in your low times. You will be kind and will easily listen to others. Your ability to understand and listen will be strong and that’s why you will do everything strategically and which is why will be able to fulfill all your tasks. 

In the year 2024, 1, 8, 2, 4 are the numbers that are going to affect your life the most and will bring favorable results for you. You will get respected and praised a lot at your workplace and your skills will keep on winning the hearts of the people at your work.  You will get the support of your seniors and the people in authority. The strategy you wanted to bring in action will be successful with the support of seniors and well-wishers. There are also chances that you will get promoted or get an increment in your salary, which will leave you happy and satisfied. 

There are great results for you in your financial matters and you will earn money fast. You will also make good savings. You may also spend money on your friends and family to fulfill all of their wishes. However, at times you may feel that some people are taking your emotions for granted but you are still going to help them. If you are trying to buy a new vehicle or property then this year has brought great results for you. All your wishes are going to get granted. In relation to your children and academics also, this year is great for you. In your personal life, especially in love and marriage, you should keep your arrogance aside, otherwise you will have to face challenges. The natives of root number 2 will get chances to do something new and special, they will also be filled with energy and passion. 

Remedy: You should take blessings from your father or fatherlike figures around you. Alongside, you should offer the water mixed with Kumkum to Lord Sun. 

Familial Uncertainties For Root Number 3 Natives  

The natives with root number 3 will find themselves immersed in the spiritual activities and in the religious activities because the Lord of the Gods, Jupiter will impact you. Apart from this, you will have the blessings and guidance of the seniors, olderlies, Gurus and religious people around. In the year 2024, the numbers 2, 8 and 4 will affect you the most which will showcase great results for you this year. 

If we talk about your career, then you will see rapid progress in it. You will get respect and honor at your workplace. There are chances that you may have to work hard for a promotion and it will leave you happy and satisfied. You will find a newfound passion to create something new and you will be able to find the balance between your work and life. There are also great results waiting for you in your financial life and you won’t have to worry about facing financial problems during this period. You will be seen doing well in financial situations as well. 

If you are in a business operation then you can expect profit from there and can expand your business as well. Besides, if you have invested your money somewhere, then you can expect great returns from there and you may also find a new way to invest your money. The year end can bring great results for you if you are involved in the share market.  However, there are speculations of riskiness in your family. Your mother may have to go through a bad health condition or she may get upset with you, but you are seen forgetting everything and doing good things. Alongside, you can become a bit emotional related to the problems of your family but you each effort done to eradicate the problem in the family will be worth it. 

If you want to buy a new vehicle or property for yourself, then this year is pretty favorable for you in a lot of ways. If you are living far away from your birthplace and want to buy a land or house there then this year can be helpful in that.  You will do good in your personal life as well, whether it is the matter of love and marriage. 

Remedy: Recite Shiv Chalisa in Lord Shiva’s temple and if possible, get Rudrabhishek done every month. 

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Impact Of Rahu On Root Number 4 Natives 

Due to the impact of Rahu on root number 4, the natives may witness average results in all the aspects of their life. In the year 2024, the numbers 3, 8, 1, 2, and 4 will have an important effect on the root number 4, which in result may showcase average results at your workplace. You may strategize in the best way but there is no guarantee that those may work out. You can also get trapped in a misunderstanding. It will be best for you that you express whatever is in your heart and be clear with your feelings and words. In terms of work, you may lack a bit and feel dissatisfied due to the same as well. You are advised to seek guidance and support from our seniors, this will help you in fighting against the problems at your workplace. 

You should also avoid investing money or taking risk just by being misled by someone or under any misunderstanding, otherwise you may have to suffer loss and that’s why, you should think a lot before making the decision of investing somewhere. However, if you have a bigger investment coming up this year, then you should wait a bit and postpone this plan for the future. This year is going to be known as “the year of introspection” for you. 

In the matters of finances as well, you need to be careful while taking the risks. For the natives involved in business, this year is bringing mixed results for them as well. Perhaps if you want to buy a vehicle or property then you need to think a lot. You should investigate a lot before investing well in a vehicle or property then there would be fruitful results for you. In the matters of your children, you need to stay away from misunderstandings. Try to understand each other in any situation. And likewise, you should understand your partners in your love life to maintain the trust in the two of you and support each other.  You should also be careful in your married life as well. 

Remedy: Apply Kesar Tilak (Saffron Tilak) on your forehead regularly. 

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Problems In Love life Of Root Number 5 Natives

For the root number 5 natives, the year is filled with mixed results. You may need to work a lot harder for your career to flourish and take your work seriously.  There are also chances of misunderstandings between the colleagues at the workplace. That’s why you need to express yourself without any hesitation. You are advised to not get tricked into the sweet talks of people and take a decision otherwise you may have to suffer from problems later. You may have to take a midway to accomplish your tasks. There would be certain people who would try to meddle in your work and create obstacles for you. You are advised to stay away from these kinds of people. And if you are patient with your work then you are highly likely to achieve in your life. You should avoid doing anything in a hurry or without experience.

The natives should stay away from taking big risks in their financial matters and this period is also unfavorable for buying land, house, vehicle and more. You should postpone this idea. You might face some issues with your children and that’s why you need to be careful with your kids. There may be uncertainties in the matters of life and due to misunderstandings, there can be problems between the two of you. The tiniest of the issues can turn into a major problem so, you are advised to talk nicely with your partners. 

Remedy:  You should worship Mother Saraswati and Lord Shiva and donate to the poor and needy. 

Root Number 6 Natives Should Be Careful Of Things 

The root number 6 natives are going to be filled with attraction due to the impact of Venus and they will be able to make friends this year. You will be infused with the knowledge and intelligence of art and literature and due to your knowledge, you will be honored and respected in the society. Nobody would be able to demean or dominate you as you will create a name and identity for yourself. However, a lot of times your voice would also have a sternness and arrogance in it.  You are keen to make a strategy of everything you work upon however there may be times when you may get misled and cause harm to yourself. And that’s why you need to be careful of all of it. During this period, you may spend money on your material desires and due to which, you may not be able to make savings. 

In the year 2024, you will have a special impact on numbers 5, 8, 1, 2, and 4 which in result may create basic and average results for you; however, the year is great for the natives of the root number 6. You will find your strength in many of the subjects and will perform really well. 

Now, let’s talk about the financial matters. This year is filled with a lot of average results but at the same time, this year is great for your love life. And, if you are single, then there are chances that your “special someone” can knock on your doors and you can also plan a love marriage with them. There are blessings of love and prosperity for you throughout the year. On the other hand, there are mixed results in your married life.  If you are looking to buy land, property or a vehicle, then this year has not brought special signs for you. So, you should rethink it. 

Remedy: You should worship Lord Ganesh with rituals. Recite Ganpati  Atharvashirsha and worship the girls seeking their blessings. 

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Natives With Root Number 7 Are Going To Get Promoted 

The root number 7 natives will have an impact of Rahu over them and as a result, you will be filled with humor but  a lot of times people may get disappointed with whatever you say. Due to which you are being advised to keep your humor in  control otherwise you may ruin your relationship with people around you. You may get transferred due to your work and there are chances that if you go away from your birthplace, success will be yours to enjoy. Learning new things and going to new places is going to be beneficial for you. This year is good for my career and future.  In the year 2024, the numbers 6, 8, 1, 5, 2 and 4 are going to impact root number 7. In this situation, this year will be fruitful for you and your hard work will be successful. The bond with your seniors will flourish well and they will support you in your projects.  You will get good feedback from your boss and there are chances of promotion as well or an increase in your increment. In conclusion, this year is a great one for your career. 

In terms of finances, this year is filled with mixed results. The earnings and the expenses will go hand in hand. You are being advised to keep an eye on your expenses. Talking about your personal life, due to misunderstanding and little disagreement, there can be tension between you and your family members which may also ruin your relations with them. Under these circumstances, you should maintain a distance from misunderstandings and keep close to love in your life. Now, if you are thinking about buying a house, property or a vehicle then there is success in this thought as well and you will be able to fulfill your dreams. This year is in your favor for buying luxurious things, still you should think more about it or get advice from an expert. 

There are mixed results in your academics but if you are a student of art and literature then there are great results awaiting for you on this journey. For the matters of love as well, this year is great. There would be extra sweetness in your relationship and you will come closer to your partner. Besides there are chances of spending great times with each other and for the natives who are married, this year is great for them as well and you will understand your responsibilities in the best manner. 

Remedy: It would be good for you to worship Maa Durga. 

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Root Number 8 Natives Should Think Before Making A Decision

The natives of root number 8 are advised to make decisions wisely because there would be the impact of Saturn on them and it will bless you with patience. You will experience achievements through your hard work and will be on the road to success. Nevertheless, as you are under the influence of Lord Saturn, you should make wise decisions in different aspects of your life. Otherwise, you may have to  bear certain negative consequences of the same, so it’s best to be more careful than before.  In the year 2024,  the numbers 7, 8, 1, 6, 2 and 4 will get you great results but you should not meddle in other people’s business and don’t become a busybody.  If you focus on your business, then you will be able to achieve success. There are chances of material happiness this year but you have to go through emotional pains as well. 

Now, if we mention your workplace then no matter how strong your relations are with your seniors or boss but if you show slight carelessness in your work, then you may have to bear consequences for the same. You are recommended to stay away from the office gossip or politics and be focused on your work. Also if you are hoping for a transfer then you will have to work slightly harder than ever before. From the financial point of view, the year is normal and usual but you are advised to not invest your money anywhere or take any risk. There are speculations of disagreements and arguments with your relatives and to purchase a land, property or house, this year can be proven as great too. You are advised to not get over emotional and intervene unnecessarily in the matters of love.  From the academics point of view, the beginning of the year may get a little bit challenging but the latter half of the year are showcasing better results comparatively. 

Remedy: It will be considered auspicious to recite Ganpati Atharvashirsha regularly, if possible, every month, otherwise performing Rudrabhishek at least once in every 3rd month can be proven extremely auspicious as well. 

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Root Number 9 Natives Should Focus On Their Health 

The people with root number 9 will get influenced by the Moon which in result will prepare for all the obstacles coming up this year. You will be able to face all kinds of challenges thrown towards you. There might be times that you will notice haste in your behavior for which you may have to bear loss as well. There are also chances of anguish or rage in your behavior, and due to all of these reasons, you may end up creating more enemies in life.  During this period, you will also be more inclined towards spiritual activities and religious too. You will be ever ready to help your brother and sisters but there are also chances of disputes with them as well, however even after the fights, you will be attached to your siblings. 

The numbers 8, 1, 7, 2 and 4 will be highly impactful on you in the year 2024 and in the result, you will witness sluggishness in your work. It is important that you trust yourself the most during this period because there would be times that you would go through self-doubt and in these situations, you may face a lot of problems in completing the given task. In the same year 2024, you may get to work on new projects but you may have to work a bit hard for the same as well. However, if you leave the task undone mid way feeling disappointed, your money and time may get wasted. If you are working in the private sector then you may witness your dream of working abroad getting fulfilled this year, on  the contrary if some of you are associated with the government sector then you may have to go through a bit of problems at your workplace but the other half of the year can be better which can also be a promotion or an increase in your salary. 

Regarding marriage, this year is great but when you look at it from a health perspective, there are uncertainties there. You should incorporate yoga, exercise and healthy eating in your routine otherwise your immunity will weaken which in result can surround you with diseases. 

Remedy: You should wake up before the sunrise and after taking a shower,  offer water with Kumkum mixed to Lord Sun. 

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