August 2024 Numerology Horoscope- Secrets Of All Moolanks Revealed!

August 2024 Numerology Horoscope- Secrets Of All Moolanks Revealed!

As per Vedic astrology, the month of August, being the eighth month of the year, has the influence of Number ‘8’. The planet Saturn influences the month of August. Other than that, Ketu will have an influence in August 2024. Saturn and Ketu have varied effects on the lives of people as per the Moolank number. The month of August 2024 will be very notable for business & industry, public anger, and some court cases. Let us check how August 2024 will be for your Moolank.

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Moolank 1 

Moolank 1 belongs to the natives born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, or 28th of any month. The month of August 2024 has the influence of numbers like 1, 5, 7, and 8 respectively. But the number 8 has the most influence this month. But it doesn’t have a good relationship with Moolank 1. Their lives will be filled with multiple difficulties. If you have been facing troubles with your business & financial matters, then this month will be time for recovery. 

The natives may try something new this month. Before starting any new project or work, the natives should make necessary plans, considering the relationship between number 8 and Moolank 1. During this period, they need to take expert advice from experienced astrologers, especially elderly & experienced guys. The Moolank 1 natives can expect good results in their lives. If you’re facing heart-related troubles or have any work related to government administration, then it is necessary to make careful decisions related to it. 

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Remedy: Provide food to poor and needy people to get auspicious outcomes in your lives. 

Moolank 2 

Moolank 2 belongs to the natives born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th, or 29th of any month. The month of August 2024 has the influence of numbers like 1, 7, 8, and 9. The most influential number this month for the Moolank 2 natives is ‘9’. Also, the number ‘8’ provides different favors from time to time. In such a situation, they will get mixed results. They will get average support of luck and their hard work will yield relevant success. Firstly, try to complete the unfinished tasks that remained incomplete for a long period. 

This is the period to recollect the scattered things related to varied aspects of life. It means whether it is gathering of plans or any work, try to complete these tasks this month. This will make the Moolank 2 natives capable of new experiments or taking up new responsibilities in the future. The month is vital to keep unnecessary anger under check and also control the extra emotions. 

Remedy: Recite Hanuman Chalisa regularly to get auspicious results in your life. 

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Moolank 3 

Moolank 3 belongs to natives born on 3rd, 12th, 21st, or 30th of any month. As mentioned earlier, August 2024 has the influence of numbers like 1, 7, 8, and 9. The relationship of Number 1 which has the most influence this month over Moolank 3 will be average or slightly better than average. But, Jupiter supports the Sun and thus, the natives will be successful in government administration-related matters. The Moolank 3 students can set a big goal for themselves this month and can work towards it. The month will help natives get a new start in their personal & professional lives. 

The natives can obtain new results in the case of working on new schemes in a precise manner. With the support of elders & father-like figures, you can make some right decisions this month. With the father’s blessings & support, the natives will get relevant success and their social prestige also increases in this period. For Moolank 3 natives associated with government administration tasks, the month will prove very fruitful. 

Remedy: Offer some water mixed with Kumkum to the Sun God to get auspicious outcomes. 

Moolank 4

Moolank 4 belongs to the natives born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd, or 31st of any month. Also, August 2024 has the influence of numbers like 1, 7, 8, and 9. This month, you can get better-than-average results. In particular, it will prove fruitful to maintain the relationships. Thus, you will get the opportunity to amend the tense relationships of the last few days or months. If the relationship got weaker due to some misunderstanding, then this period will be helpful in fixing those mis-readings. 

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There are chances of a rise in ego levels or carelessness and also misunderstandings can increase a lot. They need to try to improve the relationship while remaining positive. In case of a weak relationship with your mother or any other woman, this month will prove very favorable to fix them. The month will be very fruitful for the love life of Moolank 4 natives. If you’re working in a partnership, then this month seems to provide favorable results. For persons involved in the creative field, the month will provide remarkable results. 

Remedy: Worship Lord Shiva to get auspicious results. 

Moolank 5

Moolank 5 belongs to the natives born on the 5th, 14th, or 23rd of any month. August 2024 has the influence of numbers like 1, 7, 8, and 9. Thus, natives may get more than average results. The month will provide some special results to people associated with intellectual fields. The natives involved in studies & teaching can get quite good results. Other than that, Moolank 5 natives associated with finance and management will get optimal results. 

The month will provide auspicious results for people associated with the media world, i.e. newspapers, magazines, advertisements, etc. It will be a fruitful month for carrying out social activities successfully. This month is meant for creative tasks and thus people can commit to similar activities. The month is also suitable for making new friends or maintaining an old friendship. August 2024 will provide suitable results in these matters and they will be dedicated to their tasks. The relationship between 3 and 5 indicates that your efforts will yield desired outcomes. Only then, they will get favorable results. 

Remedy: It will be auspicious to donate milk and saffron to the temple.

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Moolank 6

Moolank 6 belongs to the natives born on the 6th, 15th, or 24th of any month. Numbers like 1, 7, 8, and 9 influence August 2024 and bring various changes in the lives of Moolank 6. The month will provide mixed results to the natives and it will be advisable to operate factually in August 2024. They shouldn’t have more expectations this month. But, the natives need to become self-reliant in this period. They can expect assistance from colleagues & relatives. But, the level of expectations shouldn’t be high so that they become reliant on others. 

If you avoid such situations, then the results can be favorable. But, the month may ensure a lot of hard work for the Moolank 6 natives. They need to keep themselves disciplined during this period. If you take these right precautions, then natives can expect positive results this month. If the natives are careless during this period, then the month can provide weak results. Therefore, work hard sincerely to get suitable outcomes. 

Remedy: To get auspicious results, apply Saffron Tilak regularly. 

Moolank 7 

Moolank 7 belongs to the natives born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month. August 2024 is influenced by numbers like 1, 7, 8, and 9. The month will provide favorable results in the lives of natives. If you wish to make any change in your life, then this will be the month for suitable changes. It can be meaningful and positive. For the employed people, the month will be full of opportunities and there are high chances of getting a better job than before. They can expect the right job offers in this period. 

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August 2024 is very beneficial for the Moolank 7 natives in terms of new business experiments. The month will provide positive results to professionals traveling for work. They can also plan a trip this month with friends & family members. The period is very favorable for fun and entertainment in family life. It means that they can expand their scope in the future. The business person gets suitable opportunities to tackle tough situations. 

Remedy: Recite Ganpati Atharvashirsha regularly to get auspicious results. 

Moolank 8 

Moolank 8 belongs to the natives born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th of any month. August 2024 is influenced by numbers like 1, 7, 8, and 9. The month will provide good results, but the level of results may remain average. They can expect favorable outcomes in the household matters. If you wish to decorate your house, then this is the best month for it. If the Moolank 8 natives desire to buy valuable items for household matters, then this month will be very helpful. The month is also considered favorable for family life and August 2024 will remain pleasant for the married couple. 

For unmarried people, there are chances of marriage talks in August 2024. If you’ve reached the age of marriage or haven’t married yet, then the search can start from this month. It can provide favorable outcomes in the love life of Moolank 8 natives. In matters related to women, Moolank 8 natives can get remarkable results this month. But, if the natives are careless in such matters, then they can suffer losses. Talking about financial matters, Moolank 8 natives can expect the best outcomes related to women or things related to fields like cosmetics and entertainment. When the matters are handled correctly, then they can expect appropriate results and carelessness can lead to weak outcomes. Thus, persons associated with these fields can expect good results for their sincere efforts. 

Remedy: Worship girls and seek their blessings to get auspicious results. 

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Moolank 9 

Moolank 9 belongs to the natives born on the 9th, 18th, or 27th of any month. August 2024 is influenced by numbers like 1, 7, 8, and 9. The month can provide mixed results to the natives. Also, they need to proceed carefully and cautiously at the same time in some cases. The month will assist natives to face the truth of life. It means that this will be the month to check whether the trusted people can be really trusted or not. For matters related to religion, the month is very favorable. 

For people associated with the internet world, especially in the field of software development, this month will provide favorable outcomes. However, if you don’t have much knowledge about social media, the internet, net banking, etc., then avoid clicking on unknown or suspicious links in August 2024. Or else, the Moolank 9 natives can become victims of fraud in this period. That is, natives having good knowledge of these areas will get favorable results this month. But, people who don’t have proper knowledge of these fields, should avoid incorporation of risky steps. Their mind will be more inclined towards spirituality. The natives should take out time for religious activities. 

Remedy: On Thursday, donate gram pulses in the temple to get auspicious results. 


Q1. Which numbers belong to which planets?

Ans. Sun owns number 1, Moon owns number 2, Jupiter owns number 3, Rahu owns number 4, Mercury owns number 5, Venus owns number 6, Ketu owns number 7, Saturn owns number 8, and Mars owns number 9.

Q2. Which Moolank gets good results?

Ans. As per Numerology, Moolank 7 is considered quite lucky. 

Q3. What time will Moolank 5 face?

Ans. The Moolank 5 natives may get better than average results this month. 

Q4. What is Moolank in Numerology?

Ans. Moolank is numerology is the way to know about the personality and future of natives through numbers. 

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