Sharad Navratri Day Two: Worship Maa Brahmacharini to Earn Blessings!

The second day of Navratri, falling on October 18, 2020 (Sunday), is dedicated to Maa Brahmacharini. AstroSage, world’s number 1 online astrology portal, has brought to you “Big Astro Festival” to make this Navratri even more special. Find huge deals, offers and bumper discounts on quality astrology products and services. Click on the button below for more information!

Among all the nine incarnations of Maa Durga, Maa Brahmacharini is the second incarnation and is in the form of Jyotirmaya. She is also known by names like Tapashcharini, Aparna and Uma. Those who worship Maa Brahmacharini are blessed with the fulfilment of all desires. Also, all the hindrances vanish and one leads to success. Besides this, all the problems fade away with the blessings of Maa Brahmacharini. Devotees of Maa Brahmacharini are blessed with high virtues of sacrifice, detachment and self-control etc. Let us know how one is blessed with worshipping Maa Brahmacharini on the second day of this great festival.

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Why Has The Goddess Been named Maa Brahmacharini?

Maa Durga was born to Himalaya, the king of mountains, as his daughter named Maa Parvati and performed deep meditation to win over Lord Shiva as her husband on the advice of Maharshi Narad. During this deep meditation, she spent several years without consuming water or eating anything, owing to which, she was named Tapashcharini i.e. Brahmacharini.  Brahma means meditation (Tapasya) and Charini means meditator.  

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Maa Brahmacharini, the Holy Incarnation of Maa Durga

Maa Brahmacharini is the second incarnation of Maa Durga and it is in the form of Jyotirmaya. She remains drowned in mediation by detaching from all worldly sorrows and pleasures. Because of deep meditation, her face reflects a wonderful glow and aura. She has a garland in one hand and Kamandal on the other. She is considered to be an incarnation of Brahma and represents the true picture of meditation (Tapasya). One attains Siddhi from venerating Maa Brahmacharini.  

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Recite this Mantra While Venerating Maa Brahmacharini

Recite this Mantra during the worship of Maa Brahmacharini to be blessed with special fruits.

मंत्र: “ दधाना करपद्माभ्याम्, अक्षमालाकमण्डलू।

देवी प्रसीदतु मयि, ब्रह्मचारिण्यनुत्तमा।।”  /   

Mantra: “dadhānā karapadmābhyām, akṣamālākamaṇḍalū।

devī prasīdatu mayi, brahmacāriṇyanuttamā।।” 

Meaning – Maa Brahmacharini, who holds the Akshamala in one hand and Kamandal in the other, showers your blessings on me.

Worship Maa Brahmacharini by Wearing Yellow Clothes

People who worship Maa Brahmacharini must wear yellow clothes during the worship on the second day of Navratri. Maa Brahmacharini is considered to be an incarnation of Maa Saraswati. In addition to this, it is mentioned in scriptures that Maa Parvati incarnated herself as Maa Brahmacharini to win over Mahadev and at that time, she was wearing yellow coloured clothes.

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Rituals While Worshipping Maa Brahmacharini

  • Wake up early in the morning and take a bath on Dwitiya i.e. the second day of Navratri. Wear white or yellow clothes to worship Maa Brahmacharini.
  • Then, worship Maa Brahmacharini with absolute peace and true heart. 
  • The idol of Maa Brahmacharini must be bathed with milk, curd, honey, perfume etc.
  • After this, offer fruits, flowers, Akshat, Kumkum, Sindoor, sandalwood, Paan, Elaichi etc. to Maa Brahmacharini.
  • Maa Brahmacharini likes milk and sweets made up of milk and therefore, these things must be offered as Bhog. Also, offer items of white things like Misri, sugar or Panchamrit. 
  • Recite “ॐ ऐं नमः” / “oṃ aiṃ namaḥ” or Mantra cited above by keeping the red flowers in hand.
  • Perform Aarti of Maa Brahmacharini.
  • Remember, If you remain on a fast for all nine days, then take fruits only once after the worship.

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Blessings By Venerating Maa Brahmacharini

The worshipping rituals of Maa Brahmacharini are performed on the second day of Navratri. With blessings, people attain Siddhi and always succeed in their lives. Will power and self-confidence is enhanced if Maa Brahmacharini is venerated with a true heart. She also bestows the courage to devotees to face any serious problems in life and shows the path of success in all walks of life. As per astrology, Maa Brahmacharini controls Lord Mars and therefore, whosoever is suffering from the ill effects of Mars, must worship Maa Brahmacharini to overcome the same.  

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Pious Legend of Maa Brahmacharini

Maa Brahmacharini was born to Himalaya, the king of mountains. She expressed her desire to marry Lord Shiva but her parents started discouraging her and said that she had to drown herself in deep meditation to please Lord Shiva. She took the advice from Narad Ji and as per his advice, she drowned herself in deep meditation to get Lord Shiva as her husband. Her meditation was so deep-rooted and for this very reason, she was named as Maa Brahmacharini.

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According to Puranas, Maa Brahmacharini survived only on fruits for thousand years and spent a hundred years by lying on the ground. She observed several difficult fasts and bore intense weather changes. She was worshipping Lord Shankar while having broken Billav Patra. She performed deep meditation for thousands of years without consuming water and eating food.

Owing to this deep meditation, she became extremely weak. Deities and sages admired the meditation performed by Maa Brahmacharini and said that nobody meditated the way she did till that time and therefore, she would be blessed with her wish and get Lord Shiva as her husband. After being pleased by the deep meditation of Maa Brahmacharini, Lord Shiva accepted and married her.

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Hope you would like the information cited above on Shardiya Navratri (Second Day) . Thank you for connecting with AstroSage!
