Narada Jayanti 2024 In Shiva Yoga: Get All Exciting Details Now!

Narada Jayanti 2024 In Shiva Yoga: Get All Exciting Details Now!

Narada Jayanti 2024  is one of the most popular and important festivals in India which has been celebrated in the Hindu religion for a long time. Narada Jayanti is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Narada who is the biggest devotee of Lord Vishnu. This special AstroSage blog is going to give you complete information on the Narada Jayanti 2024. Also, we are going to tell you the significance of this day. Exciting, isn’t it? So, without further ado, let’s start with the blog quickly and know it all. 

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Narada Jayanti 2024: Date And Pooja Muhurat

According to the Hindu almanac, the Pratipada Tithi of Krishna Paksha of Vaishaka month is celebrated as Narada Jyanti 2024 every year. On the other hand, according to the Gregorian calendar, this date generally comes during May or June. In the year 2024, Narada Jayanti 2024 is going to be celebrated on 24th May 2024, Friday. Come, let’s move ahead and find out the Pooja Muhurat for this year’s Jayanti. 

Auspicious Muhurat Of Narada Jayanti 

Date: 24 May 2024, Friday 

Beginning Of Pratipada Jayanti: 23rd May 2024, evening 07: 24 pm.

Ending Of Pratipada Jayanti: 24th May 2024, evening 07:24 pm. 

Shiva Yoga On Narada Jayanti 2024 

Shiva yoga is going to form on Narada Jayanti 2024 which is an auspicious yoga in Vedic Astrology. The association of Shiva yoga is with Lord Shiva and that’s why worshiping Lord Shiva on this day will honor the devotees with favorable outcomes and they get all kinds of success in their life. Along with this, all the works done during this yoga are accomplished without any hindrance. Shiva yoga will last till 24th May 2024 at 11:20 am. 

Before moving ahead, it would be best to know about Narad Muni. 

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Who Is Narad Muni? 

According to Hindu mythology, Narad Muni is also considered to be the son of Lord Brahma, the creator of the world. On the contrary, in the Hindu Puranas, Narad Muni is considered the son of Rishi Kashyap. Also, some beliefs call him the avatar of great saints like Tyagraja and Purandara Das. Narad Muni has the status of the supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu, the sustainer of the world. Narad Muni roams around in the universe carrying a veena chanting the name of the Lord, “Narayan Narayan.” He is said to be a Dev Rishi who leads the departed souls towards attaining salvation. They have such powers with the help of which they can travel anywhere in the three worlds or can travel anywhere in the world; be it sky, underworld, or earth. 

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Significance Of Narada Jayanti 2024

Before telling you about the importance or significance of Narada Jayanti, we would first like you to know the meaning of the name “Narad.” This word originated from two terms wherein “Nar” means human and “ad” means Diya or lamp. In mythology, it is mentioned that Narad means a god who was created by Lord Brahma through his creativity or creating power. 

As we have mentioned above, Narad ji is the supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu and he always keeps Lord Vishnu in his mind while he is traveling across the universe. Apart from being intelligent, he is also known for his naughty behavior and keeping the situation light. He is famous for exchanging any news or information on what is happening in the world with the Gods and demons. Hence, Narad Muni was called the first journalist of the Earth and this is the reason why Narad Jaynati is also celebrated with great enthusiasm across the country as “Journalist Day.”

How Is Narada Jayanti Celebrated? 

Narada Jayanti is celebrated with great pomp and enthusiasm across our nation. On this day, a lot of seminars and educational sessions take place in the Northern region of India. A lot of popular temples of Narada Muni are situated in Karnataka and many festivals are performed in these temples. 

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How To Please Narada Muni On Narada Jayanti 2024? 

All the Poojas in Hinduism need to be performed religiously so that the natives get the auspicious outcome. That’s why, we are going to list down the ways through which you can perform the Pooja of Narada ji on Narada Jayanti 2024. 

  • On this day, the devotees should wake up early in the morning, perform their morning routine, and then get ready to perform the Pooja on Lord Narada. 
  • Also, Lord Vishnu’s Pooja should be done on Narada Jayanti 2024 because Narada ji was the supreme devotee of Lord Vishnu. 
  • Offer Tulsi leaves, Dhoop, and fruits to Lord Vishnu. 
  • Along with this, light a lamp of Ghee and an incense stick in front of the great Lord. Later, perform the aarti of Lord Vishnu. 
  • If possible, offer food to Brahmins according to your ability. 

It is believed that visiting the temples of Kashi Vishwanath on Narada Jayanti and worshiping with true heart increases happiness, peace and prosperity in life.

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Fasting Rules For Narada Jayanti 2024 

  • The devotees who keep the fast of Narada Jayanti should stay away from eating pulses and food grains. 
  • You should enjoy foods made with milk and fruits. 
  • Organize a Jagaran on the night of Narada Jayanti 2024. Chanting the mantras of Lord Vishnu and reciting Vishnu Sahsasranama by the devotee is also extremely favorable. 
  • The donation made by the devotees on the eve of Narada Jayanti proves auspicious. 

Must Perform Remedies On Narada Jayanti 2024 

  • On the date of Narada Jayanti 2024, it is considered auspicious to offer flute to the temple of Lord Krishna, one of the incarnations of Lord Vishnu. By doing this, the devotees get wisdom and good fortune. 
  • Reciting Vishnu Sahasranama and Shrimad Bhagwat Gita on this day gives auspicious results. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is Narada Jayanti? 

Narada Jayanti is a Hindu festival celebrated to honor the birth anniversary of Narada Muni.

What is Vahana of Narada?

The Vahana (vehicle) of Narada is often depicted as a celestial bird called “Tumburu,” symbolizing freedom and the ability to travel swiftly between realms.

Who is Lord Narada wife? 

Lord Narada is traditionally depicted as unmarried or having no wife in Hindu mythology.

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