Moon, Mars, Venus Conjunction: Opposite Energies Testing The Waters For The Zodiacal Sphere!

Moon-Mars- Venus Conjunction 2023: Moon Mars and Venus will conjunct together in the sign of Leo on the 20th of July, 2023. All these energies are completely different from each other and still compliment each other but can be a little volatile on an emotional level. Mars is our courage, action, passion, aggression, etc. Venus as we all know and are well aware of is the planet of love, arts, romance, beauty, luxury,etc. Moon on the other hand is our emotions, meaning that it governs over the emotions and psychology of a person. The Moon and Venus’s element is water and Mars has the element fire. The conjunction of these 3 planets in the fiery sign of Leo will be interesting to feel and watch. Let us further see what impacts it would have on different zodiac signs but first we will decipher the timing when this conjunction will come together. Please note that the zodiac wise predictions are based on the ascendant sign. To know your ascendant or the rising sign click on the link. 

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Moon-Mars-Venus Conjunction: Timing

Mars and Venus will be conjunct together in the sign of Leo on the 7th of July and Moon will join these two planets in the same sign on 20th of July, 2023. The moment the Moon enters the zodiac sign of Leo the conjunction of these fiery and watery planets will form at 10:55 AM. Now let us read which zodiac signs will be most affected positively or negatively by this conjunction. 

Moon-Mars-Venus Conjunction: These Zodiac Signs Will Be Most Impacted


Aries natives will have this conjunction in the 5th house of Leo. Having planets like Moon and Venus along with Mars will definitely cook up something interestingly volatile and spicy in the house of love and romance. The 5th house is known for love and romance for sure but it can also show gains through investments and stock market. So, people engaged in the stock market or the ones looking to start investing in the stock market. People who are employed or conducting business will have the opportunity to succeed and reach some of their goals. There must be some consideration in a husband-wife relationship, or there may be conflict.

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For Taurus natives, this conjunction will be in the fourth house. There won’t be any physical health issues, but mental health could be disturbed if the moon is afflicted in an individual’s horoscope. You’ll need to indulge more enthusiastically about pranayama and yoga. Will need to proceed with caution in financial affairs. The ability to make money may be hampered. Will need to work carefully to protect the property. People who are working or conducting business will need to work hard if you want to succeed. This is a fantastic period for relationships, whether you’re married or just in a relationship as of now. This is the perfect time to make a romantic proposal. During this time you will come across lots of opportunities and proposals or situations where people may find you extremely attractive. You could be spending some amazing, quality time with your partner. 

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This conjunction of Moon-Mars and Venus will be in the 12th house for Virgo individuals. You can be experiencing health issues related to the lower abdomen, etc. You must proceed with financial things with caution because a large expense could appear out of nowhere. It’s advised for these individuals to not engage in short-term investing or getting into speculative business. When it comes to their jobs or businesses, people are earning enough money that they profit from sources outside of their town or neighborhood. Understanding one another’s sentiments is necessary during this period in a marriage or a relationship to avoid conflicts, arguments or breakups as Venus the ‘karaka’ of marriage goes into the 12th house, the house of losses and loneliness.


This conjunction of these totally opposite planets for Libra natives would prove to be extremely advantageous as it takes place in the 11th house. Any health-related issues would be healed and you will walk the path of recovery. You will succeed in your investments thanks to this conjunction in the eleventh house. For those conducting business or employment, this combination will be advantageous. You may be given a new project or opportunity in terms of career that may prove to be the milestone in your road to success. Between husband and wife or in any other relationship with this alliance, there will be good coordination in speech. 

Also Read: July Horoscope

Moon-Mars-Venus Conjunction: Impactful Remedies

  • Worship lord Ganesha for full benefits of this conjunction.
  • Worship lord Shiva
  • Perform rudrabhishek daily
  • Recite the Hanuman Chalisa
  • Visit a Hanuman temple.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Which planet rules over our emotions?

Ans. The Moon

Is Venus an earthy planet?

Ans. No, Venus’s element is water.

Is Mars a malefic planet?

Ans. No, Mars is an aggressive planet but not malefic necessarily.

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