Mercury In Virgo Takes The World On A Logical Detour!

AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Mercury will Transit in the sign of Virgo on the 1st of October, 2023. Let’s find out what impact Mercury Transit in Virgo will have on different zodiac signs. 

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Mercury is the smallest planet in Vedic astrology and the closest to the Sun. Due to being closer to the ball of fire Sun, Mercury transit in one zodiac sign typically lasts for about 23-28 days. Within this timeline usually Mercury transits to another sign. Virgo is Mercury’s own sign and its sign of exaltation too. Mercury is all set to transit in Virgo soon.

This time around, Mercury will transit into Virgo on 01st October, 2023. Let us now see what impacts it would have on the world and our nation. Please note that the zodiac wise predictions are based on the ascendant sign. To know your ascendant or the rising sign click on the link. 

Mercury Transit In Virgo: Timing

Mercury transit in one zodiac sign typically lasts for about 23-28 days. Within this timeline usually Mercury transits to another sign. This time around Mercury is transiting to its own zodiac sign of Virgo which also happens to be its sign of exaltation on 01st October, 2023 at 20:29 Hrs. Let us now see what impacts it would have on the world and our nation and on the zodiac signs.

Mercury Transit In Virgo: Characteristics

Mercury in Virgo is at its comfortable best. Not only is Virgo one of Mercury’s two home signs, meaning its energy works very well here, but Mercury is also exalted in Virgo, meaning it is at its best when in Virgo. Mercury governs the way we think. It rules our ideas, the way we process information, and how we communicate with others. Virgo is a sign of the mind that prizes precision and practicality, so when Mercury enters Virgo, it points towards productivity and efficiency. 

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Mercury is like the prince of the royal planetary family. In Roman times, Mercury was worshiped as the god of communication and commerce. In English, the word “mercurial” refers to someone who is spontaneous and unpredictable. This accurately sums up Mercury’s personality. The Sanskrit name for Mercury is Budha, meaning one who is clever or intelligent and very rightly so, Mercury rules over our intellect, communication, speech, logical and reasoning ability, etc. Mercury in Virgo bestows all these qualities in a person and makes her/him detail oriented. Mercury is the strongest when it is placed in the zodiac sign of Virgo. 

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Mercury Transit In Virgo: Worldwide Impacts

Media & Journalism

  • Fields such as  media & journalism would experience a rise in popularity and opportunities in India and other major parts of the world.
  • Media, Journalism, PR, etc all these profiles will be seen gaining momentum and people in these profiles would benefit largely during this period. 

Banking & Finance

  • Fields demanding communication and intellectual expressions, calculations, etc such as banking and finance would be on the rise and in demand
  • People engaged in these fields would benefit
  • The banking sector may see some improvements during this transit and would benefit greatly.
  • Mathematicians and researchers may benefit from this transit as well. 

Also Read: October Horoscope

Astrology & Research 

  • People engaged in the fields of occult studies such as astrology, tarot, numerology, etc would benefit immensely from this transit. 
  • Researchers and scientists across the globe will benefit and they may get a lot of benefits and help in making new inventions and doing new research.

Mercury Transit In Virgo: Stock Market Report

Mercury rules over the stock market as it is a planet related to trading, shares and finances and Mercury transit is always an important factor in how well the stock market performs. Let us now see how the Mercury transit in Virgo will impact the Stock Market from 1st October, 2023 onwards. You can also refer to the Stock Market Report for a full read. 

  • In the month of October, the industries operating in the Pharma Sector, Public Sector, Banking & Finance Sector, Vegetable Oil Industries, Dairy Products,etc would benefit largely from Mercury Transit in Virgo.
  • Whereas, on the other hand industries in sectors such as the ONGC, OCI, Leather Industries, Coal Industries, Ullen Mills, Reliance Industries, Tata Power, Perfume & Cosmetic Industry etc would experience a slowdown as compared to other months.
  • Industries such as shipping corporations, computer software, information technology, etc would finally benefit from this Mercury transit in Virgo. 

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