Mercury Transit In Cancer In Retrograde Motion & Brings The World At Halt!

Mercury Transit In Cancer In Retrograde Motion & Brings The World At Halt!

Mercury Transit 2024: AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. In this blog we will read about Mercury transit In Cancer which is set to take place on the 22nd August, 2024 at 6:47 hrs and how it would impact the zodiac signs, world events and the stock market. It is to be noted that Mercury will transit in Cancer in a retrograde state.

According to Vedic Astrology, the planet Mercury is considered to be prince, who can almost be considered as a young boy with intelligence, reasoning ability and good communication skills according to sage Parasara’s description. It is the smallest and fastest moving planet. It is also very sensitive like the Moon. It is the significator of intelligence, learning ability, speech, reflexes, communication, banking, education, communication writing, books, humor and all modes of media. Out of the twelve zodiac signs, the planet also has a lordship of two zodiac signs, Gemini and Virgo and has three nakshatras to call its own, Jyeshtha, Ashlesha and Revati.

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Mercury In Cancer: Characteristics

Mercury in Cancer creates both positive and negative effects depending on how you channel the energy. If you focus on your emotions, you will perform well in respect to self-introspection and self-realization. The malefic and benefic influence depends on the placement, especially that of Moon.

Mercury in Cancer blesses an individual with intuition, psychic abilities, and a depth of emotions. Mercury is your ability to focus and when placed in Cancer, it makes you unable to step out of your emotions and may cause depression, anxiety, frustration, extreme possessiveness, and other psychological and mental problems. It also gives healing abilities, if placed well. It also makes you perform well in the field of medicine, astrology, ayurveda, spirituality, teaching, and mass communication. 

Mercury Transit In Cancer: These Zodiacs Will Be Negatively Impacted


For Aries natives, Mercury occupies the 3rd and 6th houses and transits through the 4th house. As this Mercury will enter On the career front, this Mercury Transit In Cancer may prove problematic for you as this will stall your progress at work and you may not be able to save money as you would want to. 

With retrograde Mercury transit in Cancer, you’ll have to make more efforts to maintain peace and harmony in your domestic life. At the same time, one has to give in 100% so as to attain desired results. Some problems may arise in the beginning of construction of a new house or building. Even buying a new property at this point may not be easy. Do not take any decision without thinking otherwise you may have to repent.


Mercury becomes the lord of the 1st house and the 4th house for Gemini natives and will now enter the 2nd house of speech, family and earnings in a retrograde state. There will be a lack of humility in your language and behavior. You may have to make more efforts to win the hearts of others with your speaking skills. 

Your courage will increase but you will have to work very hard to complete any task. In terms of career, during this Retrograde Mercury Transit In Cancer, you may not encounter new opportunities and will also experience an increased travel with no benefit at all. In business, you may notice a dull period. Engage in spiritual practices such as meditation to lighten mental pressure. Financially, you might experience substantial gains, with the potential for considerable savings.


Mercury is in retrograde motion in Cancer and will transit to the 1st house. Mercury rules the 3rd and the 12th house for Cancer natives, so this time may be a little challenging for you. People suffering from mental illnesses may need special care. There is a possibility of some challenges occurring in personal and professional life. Benefits from foreign relations might get affected. In this period, you will gain comfort and luxurious amenities. 

This may not be a very good time for your career. You may encounter increased challenges in your job. In business, you might face profit losses due to poor anticipation and concentration. Therefore, it is essential to stay focused. Financially, this period could be expensive, particularly due to potential monetary losses during travel. 

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Mercury transit in Cancer in the retrograde state will impact you negatively Leo natives. Mercury becomes the lord of the 2nd and the 11th house and will transit to the 12th house. During Mercury retrograde, it is likely that your spendings and expenditure might increase. 

A member of the household might possibly go abroad. There may be disputes over some matter in this period, so try to avoid such situations. If married, your child will be supportive of you. You’ll gain money and honor. You may have to go on a long distance journey due to your work. 


Mercury becomes the ruler of the 6th and the 9th house for Capricorn natives and will now transit to the 7th house in a retrograde state. Do not take any decision in matters related to property, otherwise disputes may arise. In terms of health, Mercury retrograde might increase stress, so take special care of your health. 

Natives working professionally might face delay in attaining success in their working domain. Avoid discussions or disputes with anyone in the meantime or there may be a negative impact on your image. Avoid arguments with your spouse about anything. Your married life may be under stress and any small matter could escalate into a serious fight. Do take precaution against losing your temper. 


Dear Aquarius, Mercury becomes the lord of the 5th house and the 8th house and will now transit to the 6th house of litigation, enemies and debt. Money matters may cause stress in this period.

There is a possibility of an increase in your expenses. If there is a case in court, there might be a delay in its decision. Your health might get worse, so take special care. Students will have to make more efforts to succeed in competitive examinations. Try to control your anger during this period. 

Mercury Transit In Cancer: Impactful Remedies

  • Worship Lord Ganesha and offer Durva grass to him and Desi Ghee Ladoos. 
  • Perform Havan for the planet Mercury
  • Donate clothes and green bangles to the females of your family. 
  • Take blessings of Eunuchs
  • Donate food to the poor kids
  • Feed the birds especially pigeons and parrots with soaked green grams

Mercury Transit In Cancer: Worldwide Impacts

Government & Politics

  • Loopholes in government schemes supporting the underdeveloped sections of the society might come to the surface.

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  • The Government leaders in India and other parts of the world may try to lure people using emotional manipulation or emotionally clever speeches, but will fail to do so as Mercury transit in Cancer in retrograde state takes place.

Spirituality, Teaching, Counseling & Medicine

  • Mercury Transit In Cancer retrograde will help spiritual leaders, astrologers, counselors, ect reach more people.
  • This transit will help bring the ayurvedic medical sector to the forefront.
  • Stock markets and speculative markets may continue to be unstable during this transit.
  • People may engage in spiritual and religious practices more worldwide.
  • People working in the fields of communication, media, etc may perform average during this period.
  • This retrograde transit of Mercury may even lead to an increase in fraudulent practices in the name of spirituality. 
  • People working in the private sector will be seen worrying about losing their jobs or be uncertain about their career progress. 

Mercury Transit In Cancer: Impact On Stock Market

Mercury transits have a great impact on the stock market with each transit and affect the profitability of shares of different companies. Mercury will transit to the zodiac sign of Cancer but in a retrograde state. This phenomenon is sure to bring a negative impact on the stock market 2024. AstroSage also has a Stock Market Predictions report ready for your reference. Let us now see what impacts this Mercury Transit In Cancer will have on the stock market.

  • The Pharma sector, the public sector, and the IT industries all will go through a rough patch with this Mercury transit in Cancer.
  • However, Banking and information technology, computer software technology, steel industry, printing and paper industry, and leather industry are all expected to increase.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What effects does Mercury retrograde have on an individual?

Mercury retrograde might affect and mostly negatively affect our speech, logical reasoning, decision making and our profession.

2. Which planets are friendly with Mercury?

Saturn and Venus

3. Which planet is said to be an arch enemy of Mercury?

Planet Mars and Mercury are said to be arch enemies and are considered malefic for each other’s Lagnas.

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