Mercury-Saturn Conjunction Forms With Mercury Transit: Know Global Impact!

Mercury Transit in Aquarius: AstroSage endeavors to deliver interesting and informative content with each blog that we release. We want to give our readers a sneak peak into the world of mysticism and occult and give some important facts as a take away which may help them increase their knowledge and leave them wanting for more. This blog is dedicated to the worldwide impact of Mercury transit in Aquarius. Mercury transit is going to be a little more impactful this time round as Saturn, the lord of Aquarius is already posited in Aquarius and Saturn has returned in Aquarius after 30 long years! 

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Mercury’s Significance in Astrology

Mercury holds great significance and importance in Astrology. Mercury has been regarded to rule over the intellect, communication, speech, and logical thinking of a person. Mercury also governs a person’s inner qualities and flaws. The decision making ability and the ability to differentiate right from wrong is given to us by Mercury and how well it is placed in an individual’s natal chart. Our skin, tongue, face, arms, nervous system, gallbladder, etc. are some body parts and organs this planet governs.

Mercury also has a direct relation to mental disorders and ear problems. Mercury amongst planets is friendly with Venus and Saturn and shares an inimical relationship with Mars. It is neutral with all other planets such as Jupiter, Sun and Moon. Mercury rules over two zodiac signs Gemini and Virgo and governs three nakshatras namely Ashlesha, Jyeshtha and Revati. Mercury holds major importance in the horoscope of a business owner as Mercury rules business, stock market, transport such as railways, ships, aircrafts, etc. Mercury also has direct relation with Astrology and other occult related professions too. 

Also read:  Mercury Transit In Aquarius: Zodiac-Wise Impacts

Mercury Transit in Aquarius: Timing

Mercury will transit in Aquarius on February 27 2023 at 16:33. Aquarius is an intelligent and an airy sign and Mercury will be at ease here. Mercury will be conjunct with its friend Saturn in Aquarius, so Saturn’s presence will also have a deep impact on the kind of results Mercury is going to give while its transit in Aquarius lasts. Let us now see how this Mercury transit in Aquarius will impact the world as a whole. 

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Mercury Transit In Aquarius: Worldwide Impact

  • Mercury and Saturn conjunct together in the 11th house of the Kaal Purusha kundli will definitely give a boost to people dealing in leather goods or manufacturers of leather goods.
  • Professions like web designing, teaching, online counseling, publishing, journalism will see a rise, or people may start noticing these professions and take interest in them world over.
  • New innovations in technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, and Metaverse, etc are possible on a higher level as Saturn supports technological innovation.
  • Transport sectors such as Railways, Waterways and Airways may experience a boost in sales and the number of people traveling may suddenly see a rise worldwide.
  • The stock market too may see some boost after experiencing a dull phase for a while. 
  • India will be direct, straight forward yet professional in its ways of communicating on different matters with its neighboring countries and the rest of the world. 
  • Politicians and renowned business persons may now be careful in their communication and will be seen making responsible comments and targeting  matters of importance.
  • Networking business and professions where ideas are conveyed in the form of communication such as writers, poets, counselors, etc may see a rise in popularity world wide.
  • The Commerce and Finance sectors within our country may be seen coming back on track to a certain extent.

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Mercury Transit In Aquarius: Impact on Individuals

  • Individuals engaged in the banking sector may benefit from it.
  • Individuals engaged with leather tanneries, dealers of leather goods and leather goods manufacturers may see a rise in business.
  • Counselors, bankers, stock market brokers, etc. may benefit.
  • People involved with the judiciary may also be benefited. 

Remedies For Beneficial Impact Of Mercury & Saturn:

  • Seek blessings of Eunuchs.
  • Perform Havan for the planet Mercury on Wednesdays.
  • Donate cows in temples and other religious places
  • Chant the Beej Mantra of Budh to appease planet Mercury.
  • Chant the Beej Mantra of Shani to appease Saturn.
  • Donate shoes to poor people.

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