Mercury is considered to be the significator of intelligence in astrology. It is said to be the smallest planet in the solar system and therefore has the status of a prince. Very soon, the planet Mercury will transit from earthy sign Libra to water sign Scorpio. Let’s know why and how this transit of Mercury is special.

Mercury is a neutral planet, so the planet with which it sits in the horoscope behaves like that planet. If it is seated with a malefic planet, its effects will be the same as the malefic planet, while its results will also be auspicious while in conjunction with the benefic planet. Let us now look at the aspect and importance of Mercury transit.
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Astrological Aspect of Mercury
In astrology, Mercury is considered to be the lord of the third and sixth zodiac signs, namely Gemini and Virgo. It is said to be exalted in Virgo, while debilitated in Pisces. Of all the 27 Nakshatras, it is the lord planet of Ashlesha, Jyestha and Revathi. It is a planet related to the element earth and represents metal.
The gem of Mercury is Emerald. This planet also provides Vedic teachings and the native whose horoscope has a beneficially placed Mercury is also proficient in disciplines like astrology. In astrology, it is considered to be an auspicious planet. Mercury is friendly with Sun and Venus, it is the enemy of Moon and its relation with all the other planets is neutral.
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Importance of Mercury Transit
Since Mercury is considered to be a significator of speech, intelligence and communication, its transit is also very important in many ways. The natives for whom it sits in an auspicious state in transit those natives will have intellectual development, sharpness in speech and increased communication ability. Mercury transit in any zodiac for about a month and after that transits in the next zodiac. This planet also rules mathematics, research, logic, business and education, so its transit becomes very important for students. Mercury is considered as Karaka of speech hence, your speech is affected by the transit of Mercury, if it sits in a favourable position , then you are distinguished in society by your speech.
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Mercury to Transit in the Scorpio Sign Soon!
Scorpio zodiac sign is owned by planet Mars. The relationship between Mars and Mercury is neutral. Mercury represents the earth element while Mars is the planet of the fire element, although Scorpio is related to the water element. The transit of Mercury in Scorpio can bring a lot of changes in people’s lives. During this transit, you will be firm about your decisions and prefer to do everything in peace. You will be a little reluctant to change. You will be more interested in doing research work in this period. People may also be very hasty about certain tasks, due to which the work may get hampered, avoid doing so. Although the energy level of people may increase during this time, concentration is also likely to increase. On 28 November 2020, the transit of Mercury in Scorpio will bring auspicious results for the Natives of Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra and Aquarius Zodiac signs.
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Transit Dates for Mercury in the coming months
Let’s now take a look at the dates of Mercury transit in the coming months-
From Zodiac | In Zodiac | Date | Day |
Scorpio | Sagittarius | 17 December 2020 | Thursday |
Sagittarius | Capricorn | 5 January 2021 | Tuesday |
Capricorn | Aquarius | 25 January 2021 | Monday |
Aquarius | Capricorn (Retrograde) | 4 February 2021 | Thursday |
Capricorn | Aquarius (Direct) | 11 March 2021 | Thursday |
Aquarius | Pisces | 1 April 2021 | Thursday |
Mercury transit is considered very important in astrology. Mercury transit in Scorpio will be on November 28, 2020, which will affect all zodiac signs. Read the complete article of Mercury transit in Scorpio zodiac in detail to know what changes will be caused by this transit in the ongoing corona period.
Also Read : Detailed Analysis of Mercury transit in Scorpio zodiac
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