Mercury Combust In Aquarius Soon: 7 Zodiacs Have Better Chances Of Success!

AstroSage endeavors to bring to you the latest and the most important astrological events with every new blog release to keep our readers up to date with the latest happenings of the arcane world of Astrology. Mercury becomes combust in the sign of Aquarius on 28th February, 2023 at 8:03 AM. Let’s find out what impact Mercury Combust In Aquarius will bring in for each zodiac.  

Mercury however, will not be alone there as Saturn is already posited in its own sign. We will see what the conjunction of these two friends will serve on our plates. As Mercury goes into combustion it will obviously not be a very fruitful time for any zodiac for sure. In this blog however we have still listed out 7 Zodiacs for whom Mercury is a functional benefic and will not trouble these zodiacs much as it goes into its combust state. 

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Mercury Combust In Aquarius: 7 Zodiacs To Attain Positive Outcomes


As Mercury becomes combust in your 10th house this is a time when your bosses will appreciate and notice your work but extra efforts from your end would be required to place yourself in your boss’s good books. You may lose your cool sometime and some hindrances in your work are possible as Mercury becomes combust but you will sail through this phase as Mercury is a functional benefic for your ascendant and rules two good houses, one is the 2nd house and the other is the 5th house. The people involved in business would find it hard to get new deals but you will be able to crack those deals after a bit of an extra effort from your side.

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Geminis, your ascendant lord is now combust in Aquarius in your 9th house. It is a good placement but Mercury being combust will lose some of its significance. People doing regular jobs could get international offers but may face certain delays in getting their legal documents finalized which would allow them to travel abroad. Students may get admissions for higher studies but face delays in the commencement of classes or any other minor hindrances may trouble you a little.  Businessmen could take their businesses to the international forum but  may face delays in receiving money, etc. Be cautious while dealing with new or unknown people.

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The lord of the 2nd and the 11th houses, Mercury is becoming combust in the 7th house. Your communication in business and the way you handle things becomes very important here. As the 2nd lord is also becoming combust here so you could face minor conflicts with family or your spouse and other business partners but things will soon sort out so nothing to worry there. There could be some miscommunication with  your business networks and minor misunderstandings but everything will sort out when Mercury rises in Aquarius and the period of combustion ends. 


Mercury becomes the lord of the 1st house and the 10th house and becomes combust in the 6th house. If you are stuck in some legal matters it may increase your tensions further but things will sort out soon. Your enemies or co-workers could create hurdles for you but things will not get out of hand if other planetary placements are supportive. As combustion of Mercury could affect your communication  negatively, it is advised to keep your words in check and think clearly about the implications your words can have on the other person to avoid any conflicts. People working as Lawyers or Counselors should definitely keep this in mind. 

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Mercury becomes the lord of the 9th and the 12th house. The 9th lord becomes combust in the 5th house. This is the time where people like scientists and researchers may face few delays and hurdles in completing or publishing their thesis or papers. Communicators and professors or preachers of history, philosophy, spirituality, etc may try and reach out to people to convey positive messages but may not be able to impact a large number of people. What we mean to say here is that because Mercury is a benefic planet for you it may not impact you very negatively during its combustion phase but may pose small hurdles in your work. 9th house signifies higher studies and 5th house is related to education so Mercury combustion may show more impact on researchers, teachers, etc.


Mercury is the 6th and the 9th house lord for you and becomes combust in your 2nd house of family and earnings. Mercury is a benefic planet for you Capricorns so do not worry as this combustion period may be a little difficult as you may experience fluctuations in your earnings or you may see less money coming in this month but things will not get too out of hand. Be careful while speaking to your father or other members of the family as your words may be misinterpreted and people may end up getting hurt or little conflicts may arise.


Mercury becomes the 5th and the 8th house lord for you Aquarius and this Mercury becomes combust in the Ascendant (1st house) itself. You could be working in large MNCs or someone related to Research and scholarly works as 8th house is also involved. This period may be a period when your ideas or intentions could be misinterpreted or miscommunicated. If you are trying your hands on some technological innovation then things may not work out too smoothly for you but things will definitely settle down soon, so do not stress much but this could be a stressful time as far as your professional life is concerned but as Mercury also happens to be your 5th house lord and is a benefic planet for you so things will not get too out of hand. 

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