Mercury Combust In Aquarius: Discover Impacts For All 12 Zodiacs!

Mercury Combust in Aquarius 2023: The planet Mercury occupies a special place among all the planets as its effects are extremely beneficial for the natives. However, the planet of intellect and speech, Mercury will transit in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, on 27th February 2023, and on the next day it will combust. This astrological event is bound to have significant effects on all the 12 zodiac signs of the zodiac cycle. So, in this blog we will discover all the noteworthy details regarding Mercury Combust in Aquarius. We will also get to know what a combustion of a planet means in astrology, and what are the effects it exudes during that? 

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What Does Astrology Have to Say About Mercury?

Gemini and Virgo are the two signs of the zodiac cycle that fall under Mercury’s rule. When the planet Mercury is strengthened in one’s horoscope, then those natives receive blessings from it and have a magnificent ardor in communication and reasoning abilities. Mercury’s friends are the Sun and Venus, and its enemies are the Moon and Mars. The color green represents the planet of language, that is Mercury, and the day which is dedicated to Mercury is Wednesday. If we talk about gems, then Emerald is the gem which is considered to be the most auspicious for Mercury. 

Also Read: Horoscope 2023! 

What Does A Combustion Of A Planet Mean? 

According to Vedic astrology, planets can be present in 10 different positions in a horoscope. These 10 positions are known as Svasth, Mudit, Shakt, Shaant, Vikal, Khal, Deept, Deen, Bheet, Peedit. When a planet combusts, it is also addressed as Vikal. In simpler terms, a state of combustion can be addressed as being a King without power. A King who does not possess any real power, and one who cannot do anything. 

Mercury Combust In Aquarius: Date & Time

Mercury will combust in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, on 28th February 2023, at 8:03 am. However, the planet Mercury transited in the same zodiac sign, the day before, which would be 27th February 2023. This Mercury combust in Aquarius will inevitably bring many significant changes in various aspects of all the natives. So, let’s read about them as well!

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Mercury Combust In Aquarius: Forecast And Remedies For All Zodiac Signs


For the natives of Aries, the planet Mercury holds the lordship of the third and sixth houses; and it will combust in your eleventh……….Read More!


The planet Mercury is the ruling lord of your second and fifth houses, and will combust in your tenth house. Mercury combust……….Read More!


The ruling lord of the Gemini natives is planet Mercury only, so it rules over your first and fourth house, and its combustion will……….Read More!


For Cancer natives, Mercury is the ruling lord of the third and twelfth houses, and with it will combust in your eighth house. Unexpected……….Read More!


The planet Mercury is the ruling lord of the second and eleventh houses, for the Leo natives, and it will combust in your seventh house……….Read More!


For the natives of Virgo, the planet Mercury is their ruling lord, and hence rules their first and tenth houses. During this period……….Read More!


For the natives of Libra, Mercury will combust in their fifth house; and it rules their ninth and twelfth houses. With this Mercury combust……….Read More!


Mercury is the ruling lord of your eighth and eleventh houses; and it will combust in your fourth house. With this Mercury combust in……….Read More!


For the natives of Sagittarius, Mercury will combust in their third house, and is the ruling lord of your seventh and tenth houses. With this……….Read More!


For the natives of Capricorn, Mercury will combust in their second house, which is your house of luck. Mercury is the ruling lord of……….Read More!


The planet Mercury will combust in your first house, and is the ruling lord of your fifth and eighth houses. With this Mercury combust in……….Read More!


The planet Mercury will combust in your twelfth house, and it is the ruling lord of your fourth and seventh houses. With this Mercury combust……….Read More!

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We wish you prosperity in all your spheres with Mercury combust in Aquarius; our sincere thanks for visiting AstroSage!