Margashirsha Purnima Vrat 2021: Things To Keep In Mind On This Day!

This is the month for performing charity, religious activities and worshipping the deities. In Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, Lord Krishna himself has said, “I am the auspicious month of Margashirsha”. Bathing, charity and austerity (Tapasya) performed on this day is highly rewarding. This year, it is going to fall on December 19, 2021. 

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Rules for Margashirsha Purnima

During this Margashirsha Purnima, if a person observes fast and worships Gods and Goddesses, they are blessed with happiness and prosperity. Following are the Vrat rituals that one should perform while fasting on Margashirsha Purnima:

● On this day, it is the rule to worship Lord Narayana. Therefore, in the early morning of this Purnima, chant the name of God and go for the fast.

●  After bathing, wear white clothes and perform Achaman (a process of purification of a person before Puja). Then, sit down at a place and chant the name of Lord Vishnu.

  • Brahmins do Sandyavandanam after taking bath in the morning and this can also be followed by an individual and then Puja can be performed. 
  • Offer perfume and flowers to God.

●  Sleep near the idol of Lord Narayana in the night.

● On the following day, feed the needy or Brahmins and offer donations (Dan-Dakshina) to them.

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Religious Importance of Margashirsha Purnima

Margashirsha Purnima is the day when Bhagwan Dattatreya came into existence. The God with three faces is believed to have Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma’s combined powers. It was also the day when the Maa Parvati appeared.

Astrological Significance

This day is falling on December 19, 2021, under Mrigashirsha Nakshatra in Gemini. Here, Mrigashirsha Nakshatra is ruled by the planet of energy- Mars. 

Divine Yoga on Margashirsha Purnima

December 19, 2021-  Mars is going to be placed in the sign Scorpio along with Ketu.

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Signwise Tips to Please Lord Narayana


  • Worship Lord Narasimha.
  • Donate food to handicapped people.
  • Observe fast.


  • Chant “Om Namo Narayana” daily 6 times.
  • Recite Vishnu Suktam.
  • Offer green grass to white cows.


  • Observe fast on this day by taking saltless food.
  • Donate notebooks, pens, etc to children.
  • Perform Homa for Lord Vishnu.


  •  Observing fast is going to be beneficial for you.
  •  Chant “Om Namo Narayana” on this day for 11 times.
  •  Take blessings from your mother.


  •  Chant “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya” daily 11 times.
  •  Chant Aditya Hridayam Stotram on this day.
  •  Seek blessings from your mother.

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  •  Recite Bhagavatham.
  •  Donate green Gram to handicapped persons.
  •  Take a bath in the holy river.


  •  Recite Soundarya Lahari on this day.
  •  Worship Lord Narayana and Goddess Lakshmi.
  •  Chant “Om Namo Narayana” for 6 times.


  • Worship Lord Narasimha on this day in the temple.
  • Listen to religious discourse on Bhagavatam.
  • Offer food to beggars on Tuesdays.


  • Donate food to a Brahman on this day.
  • Worship Lord Narasimha.
  • Seek blessings from your father.
  • Observing fast on this day will be auspicious for you.


  • Worship Lord Vishnu on this day.
  • Chant “Om Namo Narayana” for 108 times.
  • Listen to Vishnu Sahasranamam on this day.


  • Offer food to the crow on the morning of this day.
  • Chant “Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya”
  • Donate food to diseased persons.


  •  Chant Sri Bhagavatham.
  •  Chant  Sri Vishnu Suktam.
  •  Donate copies of Bhagavad Gita to the poor.

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