Tarot Monthly Horoscope (March 2023): Let Tarot Unleash The Hidden Secrets!

Tarot Cards as a Tool of Divination

Tarot cards are an ancient deck of cards and a form of divination that has been used by numerous mystics and tarot readers across cultures to access and deepen their intuition. The usage of the cards for greater spiritual development and self-understanding dates back to ancient times. Entering the arcane world of Tarot is a daunting experience if an individual comes in to seek answers to important and life changing questions with faith and humility. Tarot reading is definitely not some spooky session meant to entertain you and your friends, as thought to be by many. The 78 cards Deck with its intricate and mysterious illustrations has the power to let out the darkest secrets and your deepest fears which are hidden from the rest of the world. 

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Before we dive deep into what Tarot has in store for us for the month of March let us understand where this potent magical tool comes from. The origin of Tarot dates back to the 1400’s and the very first mentions of it are known to come from Italy and its nearby areas. It was initially treated as a mere game of cards and Noble families and Royalties would instruct artists to create lavish illustrations to entertain their friends and guests who’d come over for parties. The cards were actually put to divinatory use only around the 16th century, when mystics around Europe started to practice and learn; as to how the deck was to spread out systematically and used their intuitive powers to decipher the hidden truths behind those intricate drawings and from then on Tarot was no more just a deck of cards. During medieval times, Tarot however was associated with witchcraft and bore the backlash of superstition and was shunned from the mainstream world of fortune telling for decades to come. 

It has now once again found fame recently a few decades ago when Tarot was reintroduced into the mainstream arcane world and is definitely basking in this new found glory. It is once more being used as a main tool for divination in India and across the globe and definitely deserves the fame and respect it has garnered. Now, without further ado let’s dive into the world of Tarot and know what it has in store for all 12 zodiac signs for the month of March, 2023. 

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March Tarot Monthly Horoscope 2023: Zodiac-Wise Predictions


Love:  The Hierophant

Finance: The Hermit

Career: King of Swords

Health: Nine of Cups

Aries, you feel a deep sense of attachment towards your partner. If you are in a committed relationship you may plan to take it forward this month and make it official. For singles, you may now be taking the love aspect more seriously and looking to approach it the traditional way.

You are too focused on accumulating finances and stabilizing your financial citation, so much so that you have cut yourself from the rest of the world and are only focusing on financial security and ways to earn more money. You could be under debt or some other financial burden.

You are dealing with a boss who may come across as being overly strict, rude or pushy and could also be mean sometimes but he/she will help you on your way up the ladder of success. Just hang in there and try to give your best shot.

Your health this month will be quite good and you will feel good with how things are going. In case you are overcoming an injury the recovery process will be smooth and quick. Have a happy month Aries!

Lucky Number- 1 & 8


Love:  Ace of Cups

Finance: Eight of Pentacles

Career: Six of Wands

Health: Page of Wands

It’s a cosmic sign Taurus, you should let your heart lead the way this month. It suggests new found feelings in love. It suggests a new beginning and if you’re single then it definitely means you can soon expect an offer coming your way. 

You’re sincerely working your way towards building a solid financial foundation. You have put in your blood and sweat into earning and achieving financial stability and saved every penny to reach the place you are at today. Your hardwork will soon pay off and you will achieve your financial goal this month.

Success, celebration and confidence will be the most significant aspect in your career this month. It could be that you are celebrating a promotion at work, a new job opportunity or a new business development. This month will definitely bring happy news on the career front. 

Page of Wands indicates overall good health. Things look bright as far as your health is concerned this month. In case you have been dealing with ill health things will soon improve and brighter days are ahead.  

Lucky Number- 3 & 7


Love:  Queen of Cups 

Finance: The Tower (Reversed)

Career: King of Wands

Health: The High Priestess

Hello Geminis! This month you will be getting full support of your partner and they will extend a helping hand whenever you feel lost or need their support in any way. This is a good month for love. For singles, this is a month when you may meet your special someone. Goodluck!

The Tower (Reversed) is good news! It means you are finally coming out of financial trouble, debts or bankruptcy. Your finances are slowly building and you will soon be stable and achieve financial security. It is like the breaking of dawn after a dark night. 

On the work front with the King of Wands there is success coming in or you idolize someone authoritative at work and wish to become like them and scale new heights in your career. You have a stable livelihood.

The High Priestess signals that it’s high time you pay attention to your health. Do not ignore the warning signals your body is giving you. You must visit a doctor for a regular checkup because as they say ‘Precaution is better than cure’.  

Lucky Number- 2 & 5

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Love: Three of Wands

Finance: Two of Pentacles

Career: Page of Wands

Health: Four of Pentacles

You are thinking of taking the next step in your relationship. You and your partner are wanting to see your future together and are already planning it. For singles, you feel ready to welcome love in your life now. 

You’re working hard towards building a financially secure future. This could also mean you are juggling multiple jobs or multiple responsibilities to make ends meet. Soon you will be able to achieve stability and security.

Page of Wands suggests you’re still in the early phase of your career and exploring your options. You are in no hurry and are assessing your skills and opportunities. Basically finding your calling!

If you’re sick or feeling sick then it is time for you to break the unhealthy patterns of lifestyle you’re following. It is high time you make healthy changes in your lifestyle and nurse yourself back to good health. 

Lucky Number- 9 & 7


Love:  Ten of Swords

Finance: Justice

Career: Judgment

Health: Two of Swords

It seems like you’ve just come out of a toxic relationship or trying to get out of one. You must be in a dark phase right now but remember there’s morning after each night. Good days are just on the horizon. You will be just fine!

Justice is a reminder to Leo’s that you should be respectful towards your money and finances this March and spend in small quantities and only as and when required. 

Judgment in Career, suggests that you may be awaiting a promotion of appraisal in March and you will get it as desired and it will be a well deserved reward. Things on the career front will go well during this month. 

Two of Swords, on the health front, are signaling towards some mental stress issues. You must pay attention to your mental health and get treatment as soon as possible. 

Lucky Number- 3 & 6


Love: Queen of Swords

Finance: Six of Swords

Career: The Fool

Health: The Hermit

If you pull the Queen of Swords card in a reading about love or a relationship, it’s asking you to confront your partner bluntly if you feel something is not right. It is better to speak your heart out rather than pretend to be someone you’re not or shove important issues under the carpet.

The Six of Swords states that you’re going free from financial difficulties as you put your past behind. You might feel less pressured and your financial position might get better. Learn from your past mistakes and keep an eye on your savings. 

The Fool shows that you are ready to take the leap of faith Virgos. You have a new job opportunity or new offers in hand and you are excited to explore them and take on this new journey. 

The Hermit is a warning that if you don’t take rest and take care of your health and body you may suffer from over exertion and repent later. It is better to take time off now rather than pay hefty hospital bills later.

Lucky Number- 4 & 7


Love: Ten of Cups

Finance: Queen of Wands

Career: The Star

Health: Death

Ten of Cups in love suggests that you are content and at peace. Your partner is your safe place and you’re probably married to them or are soon going to get married. You’re willing to start a family with them and are seriously committed.

You are someone who manages finances well and knows how to take care of it. You have a unique talent to attract money and invest it well. You are in command of your finances. This month of March will be financially rewarding.

The Star tells us that you have reached new heights in your career and the future looks bright at this point. You have recently gotten promoted to an important position. If you’re a business owner, your new venture is doing very well or will pick up in the near future. 

Now don’t be scared Libras, Death card rarely represents physical death. It is basically asking you to make bigger changes in your lifestyle and make that much needed lifestyle shift to get your health back on track. Be careful of what you consume this month.

Lucky Number- 6 & 8

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Love: Three of Cups

Finance: Temperance

Career: Six of Swords

Health: Three of Swords

Three of Cups shows that Scorpios, your social life this month will be very happening this month. You will be a social butterfly, partying and enjoying with friends. On the love front you may casually date someone amongst your circles. 

Temperance shows that you will be stable financially and in a very very sound position this month. Your finances are flowing in from all directions if you’re into business, for people involved in a regular job, you are sure to get a good appraisal.

Six of Swords means that from now on you may have to leave your comfort zone and move away from family or travel long distances for work. This card also indicates you may have to settle abroad soon. Growth will come in once you move out of your comfort zone.

Three of Swords in health is a warning sign that in the quest to achieve great heights and all that you desire you shouldn’t ignore your health or take things for granted and remember that health is wealth. Start taking care of yourself too.

Lucky Number- 1 & 5 


Love: Five of Cups (Reversed) 

Finance: The Chariot

Career: King of Pentacles

Health: Seven of Cups

It’s Five of Cups reversed, which says that this is a new awakening for you. You have had your fair share of breakups and dark phases in love in the past but now you’re at last over your past griefs and pains and looking at the love prospects surrounding you. A new phase is about to start.

You have or may find the inspiration, determination and self-control to pull yourself out of any financially challenging situations this month. Ultimately things will ease out for you and you will be able to sail through this month with ease. Just a little practice is what you need.

King of Pentacles in a Career reading suggests that you have a stable career and a good position. Your business is flourishing and you are determined to make the best of whatever you have on the career front. You are well respected in your organization.

You’re too busy taking the high road in all aspects of your life, thus ignoring your health. Seven of Cups points towards multiple health issues you could face as a result of not providing your body what it needs in order to function well. Caution is advised.

Lucky Number- 4 & 9


Love: Ten of Wands

Finance: The Hierophant

Career: Six of Pentacles

Health: Page of Cups

Your relationship has lost the spark and is now bearing the brunt of time and responsibilities. Those happy memories and good times are a thing of the past and all you do now is bickering and blaming each other or just don’t find the time to spend with each other. Make some time for love and prioritize your relationship too. 

The Hierophant in a financial reading shows that this month you will be quite traditional in your approach towards finances. You would prefer to save your money in banks, etc and not go for any risky investments. Your source of earning should also be clean and you are advised to stay away from unethical practices. 

Six of Pentacles is a very balanced card to draw in a career reading. It shows that everything on the work front is going on just fine and that you would not encounter many hurdles in the month of March. You’re sure to reach your desired goal. 

Page of Cups is an excellent card to draw in a health reading. Page of cups signifies that for most part of the month you will be in the best of your health with a few hiccups here and there but nothing major to worry about. 

Lucky Number- 4 & 8


Love: Knight of Wands

Finance: The World

Career: Six of Wands

Health: Five of Pentacles (Reversed)

Knight of Wands in a love reading suggests that probably Aquarius you are looking for casual dating or hookups and nothing too serious. You want to enjoy life and if you do come across a partner with whom you do feel the vibe, who knows! You may even settle down. 

You are doing very well financially and this March things will only improve further for you on the financial front. If you’re a business owner your business will gain huge profits and all work related travel will prove beneficial. It is a great time to buy assets as well. 

Six of Wands is a card of success and celebration and shows that you are excelling in your career at this point and will continue doing so. Six of Wands suggests that this month of March will be beneficial for you and will bring you accolades and recognition at work. 

If you were suffering from ill health or some kind of injury you will now recover. You were stressing about your ill health but things will now improve and you will be back to good health in no time.

Lucky Number- 6 & 9


Love: Two of Cups

Finance: The Devil

Career: Nine of Pentacles

Health: Knight of Swords

Two of Cups is the soulmate card and signifies that you are content and totally invested in your relationship. This month you will be able to make a lot of good memories with your partner and some of you may even make the relationship official. 

The Devil warns you against bad habits and addictions. You may get addicted to wrong things in life which can make you lose all your finances. It also shows that you may find yourself spending your hard earned money on unnecessary things. It’s time to get serious about your finances and start planning. 

Nine of Pentacles is a wish fulfillment card Pisces. So anything that you wish to achieve within this month as far as your career is concerned you will achieve it for sure. If you’re wishing for a better opportunity in work, increment, promotion, you name it and you will have it for sure.

Have you been down with fever, injury or any other illness? It’s good news coming your way for sure as now you will be recovering at full speed and get back to being fit as ever in no time. If you’re doing fine, then you should be wary of any of the above mentioned things happening to you so caution is advised. 

Lucky Number- 1 & 3

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