One of the most significant festivities in the Hindu religion is Makar Sankranti. The auspicious day of Makar Sankranti 2023 is celebrated in the month of Paush on the Dwadashi Tithi of Shukla Paksha. This day is celebrated worldwide among many communities and is also known under different names such as Lohri, Uttarayan, Khichdi, Tehri, Pongal, etc. Every year when the father planet Sun transits into the zodiac sign of Capricorn, it is known as the Makar Sankranti of the Sun. From this day onwards, the effects given by the planets Sun and Jupiter pick up tempo. It is believed that Gods also descend on Earth on the pious day of Makar Sankranti. The emancipation of the soul can also be received during such a magnificent time. On the very same day, the period of Kharmas comes to an end and all the Muhurta of auspicious works like marriage, engagements, Mundan rites, and housewarming can take place.
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According to religious beliefs, on the day of Makar Sankranti Sun excludes the animal, the donkey, from his chariot and starts traveling in all four directions with the help of his seven horses. By doing this, the brightness of the Sun increases and it shines brighter. The festival of Makar Sankranti is dedicated to the Sun. On this day, people, according to tradition, consume Sesame seeds, take baths, and donate. So, through this blog, we’ll understand the importance, worship methods, and rituals of Makar Sankranti, with this, we’ll also know which zodiac sign is in for which ride!
When Is Makar Sankranti & Lohri 2023?
People are confused regarding the dates for these two celebrations, but because you are here, you don’t have to worry about that! AstroSage is here with the correct information!
Makar Sankranti 2023: Tithi And Muhurat
Makar Sankranti Tithi: 15th January, 2023, Sunday.
Punya Kaal Muhurat: From 07:15 am to 12:30 pm.
Duration: 5 hours, 14 minutes.
Maha Punya Kaal Muhurat: From 07:15 am to 09:15 am.
Duration: 2 hours.
Lohri 2023: Date & Muhurat
Lohri 2023 Tithi: 14th January 2023, Saturday.
Lohri Sankranti Muhurat: 14th January, at 08:57 pm.
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Significance Of Makar Sankranti 2023
It is believed that on the exalted day of Makar Sankranti Lord Sun goes to visit his son Saturn in his home. Sun is the ruling lord of the zodiac sign of Capricorn, and the effects of Jupiter get diminished when the Sun transits into Capricorn, his home sign. In front of the Sun’s brilliant brightness, the negativity of any type cannot endure. Another popular belief is that one can gain relief from Shani Dosh by performing worship of the Sun on the day of Makar Sankranti and making ritualistic donations. On this day, according to tradition, the Bhog must be performed with Kichidi in order to impress and please the Sun and to be freed from the Dosh of various planets.
The Black gram split is astrologically connected to the Sun out of all the pulses. By consuming and donating Khichdi made from black gram split on the day of Makar Sankranti, the worshiper enjoys enormous benefits from both Sun and Saturn. The worshiper is constantly blessed by them. Additionally, it’s better to know that, Rice is associated with the Moon, Salt with Venus, Turmeric with Jupiter, and all green vegetables are associated with Mercury. Mars, on the other hand, is associated with heat. The position of planets in one’s horoscope significantly improves by eating Khichdi on the day of Makar Sankranti.
Through These Remedies One Can Impress The Sun
- On the day of Makar Sankranti, take a bath and wear clean clothes before the Sun rises.
- Place a sheet of Kush while facing the Sun, and while standing on it take a Copper Patra (Tamba Patra) filled with water. Then in the water add Mishri (Sugar Candy). Sun gets elated by this ritual.
- To get exceptional blessings from the Sun, one can also add Roli, Sandalwood, Red Flower, Jaggery, Rice, etc. in the copper Patra, and then offer water to the Sun.
- When the first rays of the Sun begin to appear, then you can offer water. Hold the copper Patra with both hands and then offer water, and make sure that while offering the water doesn’t touch your feet.
- Recite these Mantras while offering water:
1. Om aihi sūryadeva sahastrāṃśo tejo rāśi jagatpate।
2. anukampaya māṃ bhaktyā gṛhaṇārdhya divākara:।।
3. Om sūryāya nama:, om ādityāya nama:, om namo bhāskarāya nama: । arghya samarpayāmi।
- After offering water to the Sun, circumambulate the same place three times (from where you offered the water).
- Pick up the Kush and respectfully bow at the same place.
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Acquire Remarkable Blessings From Sun and Saturn With These Donations!
- Makar Sankranti is also known as Til Sankranti, and on this day donating sesame is considered to be highly auspicious. All the problems get diminished when one donates black sesame on this pious day.
- To obtain virtues, one must donate Khichdi made from black gram split. Sun is impressed by black gram split and one receives emancipation from all the Doshas.
- Donating jaggery is also considered supreme. Eating things that have jaggery and donating them holds high value and one obtains special blessings. By this donation, one accrues the blessings of Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun.
- To get rid of illnesses, donate quilts, and warm clothes to needy people on this day.
- Donating Desi Ghee on this day also holds high value and by doing so your social status will get elevated.
Know How Makar Sankranti Is Celebrated Among Different Communities!
The festival of Makar Sankranti is celebrated as the new season commences and the time for new crops arrives. On this day, the festivities are being held across the states of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Tamil Nadu, etc. In some states harvesting of new crops takes place as well. The festival of Makar Sankranti is beautifully celebrated with unique rituals among multiple communities!
The folk festival of Lohri commences a day before Makar Sankranti. In the northern states the day is celebrated with great fervor and spirit. The exchange of sweets and gifts takes place among family and friends. This festival is celebrated by lighting a huge bonfire and singing and dancing to folk songs. People put groundnuts, sesame, and gajak (a type of sweet) in the holy bonfire while doing its circumambulations.
Pongal is one of the major festivals of South India, and is majorly celebrated in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh. It is mostly celebrated by farmers and goes on for three days. Worship of the Sun and Lord Indra is done on this day. Through the Pongal festival, farmers thank Gods for good harvest and do worship as well.
This festival is celebrated majorly in Gujarat, on the day of Makar Sankranti people in Gujarat follow the tradition of flying kites. People also celebrate the festival of Uttarayan as a Kite festival as well. Some people also observe fast on this day, and make sweets like chakki using sesame and groundnuts. These sweets are then distributed among relatives and friends.
The festival of Bihu is celebrated on the first day of Sankranti in the month of Magh. This festival is majorly celebrated as the day of crop harvesting and is considered a distinguished and spirited festival of Assam. Multiple cuisines are cooked in homes, and on this day people do the Bhog ritual with food which is made up of sesame and coconut. They offer these items to the holy fire.
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Monetary Gains For The Natives Of These Zodiac Signs!
For the natives of Gemini this transit of the Sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn (also known as the day of Makar Sankranti) might prove to be quite beneficial and auspicious. Those agile natives who have careers related to research might come across success and in terms of health this time may be prosperous as well. The native might get rid of old illnesses and in investments, profitable returns can be expected.
During this time, financial prosperity might knock at your door, and there are Yogas being made that you might receive material pleasures as well. This time might be great and immensely beneficial for people who work in property and real estate related careers. During this time, the charming natives could also buy some luxurious items or a vehicle.
This transit of the Sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn might be favorable for the natives of fish, as there are Yogas being created for financial gain. Luck will be on your side, and all your halted works will be effectively completed. During this time, your arrested payments may come back, and if the natives want to invest somewhere, then they can do that in this particular period. The sensitive yet creative fish natives will also be able to save their expenses during this time.
The crab natives will receive prosperity with this Sun transit, and those natives who are working in import-export related careers could make mammoth profits. The Yogas for marriage is also being created, so, this time might prove to be pious for the natives who are looking to get married.
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