Penumbral Lunar Eclipse on June 05 : Second Lunar Eclipse Of The Year 2020

Although the Lunar Eclipse is an astronomical event, due to its impact in the lives of natives, this becomes a significant occurrence. Both astronomy and astrology consider the occurrence of Lunar Eclipse an important event. It brings positive as well as negative changes in our lives, as any movement of the Navagrahas may register multi folded results. If you have any such astrological queries, then you can go ahead and Ask Question to our expert astrologers.

A total of four Lunar Eclipses will occur in the year 2020, out of which the first Lunar Eclipse has already occurred on 10-11 January, 2020. Now, the second Lunar Eclipse will be seen taking place on 5 – 6 June 2020. Considering the fact that we are in the midst of a pandemic outbreak, this Eclipse will be given more importance. The effects of this Eclipse with regards to the country and its people will be discussed later in this blog. 

This eclipse will occur on Friday/Saturday. One of the special features of this eclipse is that it’s neither a Full or Partial Lunar Eclipse but a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The eclipse will begin at 11:16 PM at night, reach its maximum at 12:55 AM (June 6) and then end at 2:34 AM.

Also, if you want to know about the upcoming eclipses, then you can get all the necessary information by clicking here!! 

Visibility of Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in June 2020

As per the Hindu Panchang or Calendar, this Penumbral Lunar Eclipse will occur in Scorpio zodiac sign and Jyeshta Nakshatra on Jyeshtha Shukla Purnima Tithi. Along with India, this eclipse will be visible in most parts of Europe, Africa, Australia, Asia, South America (which includes Eastern Brazil, Uruguay and Eastern Argentina) and Pacific and Indian Ocean.

Four Lunar Eclipses in The Year 2020

This year has been and is also going to be quite different, which all of us guessed by now. Also, a total of four occurrences of Lunar Eclipse will be seen throughout 2020. The first Lunar Eclipse has already occurred on 10-11 January this year. After that, the second Lunar Eclipse will be visible on 5-6 June, third on 5 July and the last Lunar Eclipse on 30 November. Lunar eclipses in the month of June, July and November will be Penumbral.

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What Is A Penumbral Lunar Eclipse?

It often occurs when we think about what exactly is a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and what makes it different from others. Apart from a Full or Partial Lunar Eclipse, a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse occurs when the planet Moon moves through the Earth’s Penumbra without touching its Umbra, thus fading the Moon’s surface and creating a fragmented image due to the Sun’s rays. This phenomenon is blurred and can be hardly seen with naked eyes. Since no major part of the Moon is affected, it is not categorized as a major eclipse as per several religious scriptures as well.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and Sutak Kaal

Since the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse is not counted as a major eclipse, its Sutak Kaal period isn’t either considered valid or observed. Hence on this day, fasts, donations etc, related to Purnima can be carried out on this day. These are the basic remedies for the betterment of one’s life. If you wish to know some detailed solutions and enjoy a personalized experience, then AstroSage  Brihat Horoscope  is the one for you. 

On the contrary, some people have started to believe that Sutak Kaal is effective during this period of Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. In such a situation, we leave it up to you what you believe. We have made you aware of the actual situation. In case you want to observe the Sutak period, then you will have to keep the following things in mind:

Do’s During Sutak Kaal For Lunar Eclipse

  • Worship your Ishta Devta during the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. Invoke him/her and recite the related mantras.
  • Recite the Chandra Beej Mantra ‘ॐ श्रां श्रीं श्रौं सः चंद्रमसे नमः/oṃ śrāṃ śrīṃ śrauṃ saḥ caṃdramase namaḥ’ or Chandra Mantraॐ चं चंद्रमसे नमः/oṃ caṃ caṃdramase namaḥ’ to reduce the effects of the eclipse.
  • If you wish, you can perform charitable acts and make donations or even fast on the day of eclipse.

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Don’ts During Sutak Kaal 

  • Avoid preparing or consuming food in case you are observing the Sutak Kaal.
  • Put Tulsi leaves in the milk or water so that they can be used after the eclipse ends.
  • Sleeping or initiating any sensual act is prohibited during the Sutak Period.
  • Eulogize the Lords and keep the doors of Temples closed.

Planetary Placements During Lunar Eclipse

The position of planets contributes majorly towards the occurrence of any event. Looking at the planets on the day of the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, five planets will be seen  in retrograde motion. Rahu and Ketu always remain in retrograde position, and along with them, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn will too remain in retrograde motion. It is believed that so many planets in retrograde indicate a major natural disaster. Huge fluctuations in economy will be seen, and new taxes may be levied by the government

But looking at the brighter side, the people of the country will become aware, and anti-social elements of the society will be tackled well during this time. The nation will have to remain strategically vigilant, and new steps will be taken towards the development of the public and fulfilling their needs. In addition, the health of the residents of the country may decline. Hence, all of us should remain aware and contribute fully into fighting any problem.

Further, if you need any astrological assistance and solutions, then you can get Astrology products, Services and consultations Now. Vist the AstroSage Online Store!

What Makes This Penumbral Lunar Eclipse Special?

Although the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse isn’t that impactful, several changes can be witnessed according to the time and circumstances of the country. This is the first eclipse occurring in the month of June when a global pandemic like Coronavirus is majorly dominating the world. This makes this eclipse highly significant because according to some astrologers, after the last Solar Eclipse that occured in the month of December 2019, the dominance of Coronavirus infection increased.

Two significant eclipses taking place in the same month of June is an important situation. Anyway, the planet Moon is related to the mind and Kapha element, and its inflicted state in this duration can leave a huge impact. However, we believe that the influence of this Penumbral Lunar Eclipse will be positive, therefore helping the country find a way to get out from the clutches of Coronavirus. Also, efforts will be intensified to save the masses from heavy damage.

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Through the occurrence of this Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, we have to understand that it is only by following a balanced lifestyle and maintaining all the precautions that we can stay protected from diseases and infections like Coronavirus to a great extent. Try to strengthen your immunity power and stay disease-free.

To know more, Click Here and  keep watching this video on the upcoming Lunar Eclipse.

Thank You so much for connecting with us. Stay safe and stay healthy!!!
