Hubli Tigers Vs Bellary Tuskers 7th Match Prediction

The match of KPL 2018 is starting with a bang, and two former teams Hubli Tigers Vs Bellary Tuskers are logging heads against each other. The 7thd match of KPL 2018 will commence on 22th Aug 2018 in Hubli, KSCA Hubli Cricket Ground around 2:00 PM and see a major crowd pouring in to witness a historic match.

The cards for Hubli Tigers came as “VII of Wands”, “VI of Swords” and “VII of Cups”. These cards show that Hubli Tigers will be seen putting lot of efforts for setting a good target and will try to overcome their weakness, their fielding would be disappointing and they will not be able to achieve it.

While the cards for Bellary Tuskers came as “VIII of Cups”, “VII of Swords” and “Page of Pentacles”. These cards shows that Bellary Tuskers will start playing safely. They will not take much risks. With the speed of tortoise they will slow and constantly in order to win the match.

Winner: Bellary Tuskers will come out as the winner of the match.

Acharyaa Heena Ajmera (The Tarot Cards Reader)
Acharyaa Heena Ajmera is a renowned astrologer, popular for Tarot cards reading, Vedic astrology and Vastu shastra. She made astrology as her profession at a very young age of 22 years only and successfully earned a very good name in the field tarot cards reading in the last four years. She is famous for her sports predictions and married life problems.