Kamika Ekadashi 2023: Get Rid Of All The Sins In Sawan 2023!

Kamika Ekadashi 2023: In the vast tapestry of Hindu traditions, Ekadashi stands as a revered day of spiritual significance. As per the Hindu calendar, Ekadashi occurs twice in a Hindu month, falling on the eleventh day of both the Shukla Paksha and the Krishna Paksha. This sacred observance holds immense importance for devout Hindus, who embark on a journey of fasting and devotion to seek spiritual enlightenment. The Ekadashi celebrated on the eleventh day of Krishna Paksha of the month of Shravan is known as the Kamika Ekadashi 2023.


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The Kamika Ekadashi 2023 occurring during the month of Sawan possesses numerous distinctive qualities. It is commonly believed that individuals who engage in worship and rituals devoted to Lord Vishnu on this particular Ekadashi are bestowed with blessings and positivity. This blog by AstroSage will take you on a journey explaining what Kamika Ekadashi 2023 is, its date, time, Puja Vidhi, and significance, along with some remedies to perform on this day. 

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Kamika Ekadashi 2023: Date And Time

As per the Hindu Panchang, the Kamika Ekadashi 2023 fast is observed annually on the eleventh day (Ekadashi Tithi) during the Krishna Paksha in the month of Sawan 2023. This year, Kamika Ekadashi 2023 will occur on July 13th, 2023. The commencement of this date will be at 6:01 PM on July 12th, 2023, and it will conclude at 6:26 PM on July 13th, 2023.

Fasting Parana Muhurta

Kamika Ekadashi 2023 Parana Muhurta: From 5:32 am till 8:18 am on July 14th, 2023.

Duration: 2 hours 45 minutes.

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Significance Of Kamika Ekadashi 2023

According to the beliefs surrounding Kamika Ekadashi, it is believed that devotees who actively observe this fast with proper rituals and worship Lord Vishnu on this day experience relief from all the obstacles they encounter in life. Additionally, performing the Puja of Kamika Ekadashi brings blessings from ancestors. 

This day holds great significance for engaging in acts of charity and accumulating merit, as it grants liberation from all sins and facilitates the attainment of salvation. Observing the fast of Kamika Ekadashi allows devotees to witness the alleviation of all hardships they face in life. Religious scriptures state that Lord Krishna Himself narrated the story of Kamika Ekadashi to Dharmaraj Yudhishthir, and Sage Vashishtha narrated it to King Dilip.

Kamika Ekadashi 2023: Puja Vidhi

  • Begin the day by rising before sunrise, taking a shower, and subsequently illuminating a lamp before Lord Vishnu while taking a vow to observe the fast.
  • Following this, arrange a small Altar, purify it using Ganga Jal, and adorn it with a yellow cloth upon which the idol or image of Lord Vishnu is placed.
  • Next, perform Abhishek of Lord Vishnu with the Ganga Jal.
  • To honor Lord Vishnu, present him with offerings of bananas, mangoes, yellow flowers, and Panchamrit. Remember to include a sacred leaf of Tulsi, as it holds a special place in Lord Vishnu’s heart.
  • Following the offering, read the tale of Kamika Ekadashi 2023 and conclude the ritual by performing the Aarti, a devotional ceremony, in honor of Lord Vishnu.
  • On the day of the fast, engage in devotional singing and chanting of Bhajans or hymns dedicated to Lord Vishnu throughout the night.
  • The day following Ekadashi, prepare a meal for a Brahmin, offer Dakshina, bid farewell, and then partake in your own meal during the Parana Muhurta.

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Kamika Ekadashi 2023: Fasting Story

As per the mythological stories, a village was home to a nobleman known for his benevolent and kind heart and nature, yet plagued by a short fuse. Minor incidents would trigger his anger, leading to frequent quarrels, disputes, and even instances of violence. One day, his short temperedness led him to engage in a confrontation with a Brahmin, resulting in a tragic accident where the nobleman unintentionally caused the Brahmin’s demise. This fateful event burdened the nobleman with the grave sin of Brahminicide.

Upon realizing his mistake, the nobleman desired to make amends by participating in the Brahmin’s funeral rites. Unfortunately, the priests rejected his request, declaring him responsible for the act of Brahminicide. Consequently, he faced banishment from engaging in religious and social affairs as a consequence of his actions.

Disturbed by these circumstances, the nobleman sought guidance from the Brahmins, seeking a solution to free himself from the burden of his sin. It was then that the Brahmins revealed to him the remedy of observing the fast of Kamika Ekadashi. The nobleman faithfully observed the Kamika Ekadashi fast during the month of Sawan, meticulously following all the prescribed rituals and traditions. 

One fateful day, while the nobleman was asleep, he experienced a divine vision of Lord Hari Vishnu. Lord Vishnu himself appeared and conveyed to the nobleman that he had been absolved of his wrongdoing. Since that transformative event, the observance of Kamika Ekadashi 2023 fast gained widespread popularity and acceptance.

Importance Of Kamika Ekadashi 2023 Fasting Story

Observing the Kamika Ekadashi 2023 fast holds special significance in the worship of Kamika Ekadashi 2023, and the recitation of the Kamika Ekadashi Vrat Katha holds great importance. Devotees believe that the Puja remains incomplete without reciting the story, and the desired fruits cannot be attained. It is said that reciting the Kamika Ekadashi Vrat Katha yields rewards equivalent to those obtained from performing the Vajapeya Yajna.

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Remedies To Perform On Kamika Ekadashi 2023

To Resolve Family Issues

In case of conflicts within the family, during the observance of Kamika Ekadashi, it is recommended to fill a Dakshinavarti Shankh with water and present it as an offering to Lord Vishnu while worshipping. Following the puja, distribute the water as prasad among all the family members.

To Get Rid Of Financial Problems

In order to find relief from financial difficulties, it is recommended to light a lamp filled with Ghee in front of the Tulsi plant on this day. Additionally, recite the mantra “Om Namo Bhagavate Narayanaya” eleven times.

To Get Rid Of Debts

In the evening, offer water to the Peepal tree and light a Ghee lamp. It is believed that Lord Vishnu resides within the Peepal tree and further, by engaging in this practice of offering water and lighting a lamp on this particular day, individuals can liberate themselves from various financial obligations, including debts and loans.

To Please Goddess Lakshmi

In order to please Goddess Lakshmi, it is essential to worship Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi together on this particular day. Create a pouch using a yellow cloth and carefully put two turmeric knots, a silver coin (or a one-rupee coin if silver is unavailable), and a yellow cowrie shell inside it. Securely tie the pouch. Seek the blessings of the deities by presenting them with this pouch and then storing it in a secure place such as a safe or a treasure box.

To Fulfil All Your Wishes

To fulfill all your desires, on the occasion of Kamika Ekadashi, blend saffron with milk and conduct an abhishek of Lord Vishnu. Furthermore, recite the mantra “Om Namo Vasudevaya Namah” 108 times, using a Tulsi bead mala. By following these practices, Lord Vishnu will be pleased expeditiously and will grant the fulfillment of all your desires.

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