Jupiter Transit 2024: Check Out If This Transit Is A Boon Or Bane For Zodiacs

The term “transit” refers to the movement of planets. The transit of planets is accorded significant prominence in astrology. It is believed that whenever a planet changes, whether its zodiac, constellation, or speed, it has both fortunate and negative impacts on the lives of humans.

The transit periods of all planets are stated differently in Vedic astrology. Although the movement of all planets is significant, the transit of Jupiter is given greater weight. There are numerous explanations for this.  Actually, Jupiter has been given the status of Guru, and it is a lucky planet. It is believed that whenever Jupiter transits, a person’s chances of receiving favorable results such as nectar improve in the houses where Jupiter’s sight falls.

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Aside from Saturn, Jupiter is the only other planet that moves very slowly. Transiting from one zodiac sign to another takes about 13 months. Jupiter’s transit last year, in the year 2023, occurred on April 22nd, when it left its own sign, Pisces, and entered Aries. 

Jupiter will transit in Jupiter’s zodiac sign, Taurus, on May 1, 2024. In such situations, it is natural that Jupiter’s transit will be noteworthy, significant, and memorable for many months. Today, through this special blog, we will try to determine what type of impact Jupiter’s transit will have on all 12 zodiac signs and whether you may convert the transit’s bad outcomes into fortunate results by taking some precautions.

Jupiter Transit 2024: Time And Date 

Before learning the outcome of the transit, it is necessary to first determine when and where the Jupiter transit will occur. In this case, if we talk about the date, it will be May 1, 2024, and if we talk about the hour, it will be at 2:29 pm, when Jupiter will leave Aries and enter Taurus.

Jupiter’s changes will also be significant: Not only that, but Jupiter will set at 22:08 PM just two days following this transit, on May 3rd. Jupiter will rise at 3.21 a.m. one month later, on June 3rd.

It is essential to understand that in Sanatan Dharma, when the Jupiter sets, no auspicious or auspicious work, such as marriage, is performed during this period. When Jupiter rises on June 3, the auspicious works can resume. 

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After that, on October 9, 2024, at 10:01 a.m., Jupiter will go retrograde, which will last until 13:46 a.m. the following year, on February 4, 2025.

In such a case, not only will the transit of Jupiter occur, but many changes to Jupiter will occur in the year 2024, which will undoubtedly effect human life. Jupiter, also known as Guru in Vedic astrology, is regarded fortunate and the planet responsible for progress. So, let us go and see what kind of effects Jupiter transit 2024 will bring for your zodiac sign.

Jupiter Transit 2024: Horoscope And Remedies 


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This transit of Jupiter in Taurus will occur in the eleventh house from your Cancer. Jupiter is very crucial planet for you. Aside from….read more


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The Jupiter Transit 2024 will take place in the ninth house of the Virgo Zodiac Sign. It will transit in your ninth house as the lord of ….read more


Jupiter will make a transit in Taurus in the eighth house of your Libra zodiac sign. It is the lord of the third and sixth houses in your zodiac, and it is not considered particularly beneficial…read more


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Jupiter becomes the lord of the third and twelfth houses and the factor planet for Capricorn zodiac sign. He will enter your fifth house during this …read more


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